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Why Carrie Prejean lost her earthly crown

Thursday, June 11, 2009, 5:43 pm |

First, a homosexual activist “judge” kept Carrie Prejean from winning the Miss USA contest.

Next, the homosexual “marriage” activists who led the California pageant tried to get Carrie fired, but Donald Trump said no.

Finally, the homosexual activist director of the Miss California Pageant persisted and got rid of Carrie.

Keith Lewis, the director of the Miss California USA Pageant, is an open homosexual and obviously very insecure. After Carrie said on national TV on April 19 that marriage is only for a man and a woman, Lewis said he was personally offended. For weeks, he campaigned unprofessionally, publicly and continually attacking Carrie and aggressively lobbied Donald Trump to fire her.

Lewis’ anti-natural-marriage campaign showed its venom on May 11. That’s when Lewis and then-co-director Shanna Moakler (who strongly believes in homosexual “marriage” and was a Playboy centerfold) held a Beverly Hills news conference blasting Carrie for “unauthorized” speaking engagements at her church and at a traditional marriage news conference, as well as Carrie’s lingerie and swimsuit photos, and called for her to be fired.

The next day, May 12, pageant owner Donald Trump directed everyone to “make nice” and said Carrie would keep her crown. But what does oil have in common with water or light in common with dark? The 12-page contract Carrie signed is horrible and gave Keith Lewis so much power over her.

The day after the “unity event” in New York, Moakler and Lewis came back to California. That same day, Moakler resigned from her pageant post to protest Carrie keeping her crown. And Lewis began “keeping a file” on Carrie in an effort to eventually fire her himself.

That takes us to now.

There’s every indication that Lewis had daggers in his eyes for Carrie ever since she said she doesn’t believe in homosexual “marriage” like he does.

And there is evidence that Lewis tried to muzzle Carrie from speaking at events of her choosing. Email transcripts between Carrie and Lewis suggest he had a problem with her speaking at the Special Olympics, while, at the same time, suggesting she pose for Playboy and appear on grungy “reality TV” shows.

On Thursday, I listened to Carrie on the Sean Hannity radio show, who now has the help of pro-family attorney Chuck LiMandri, who’s issued a statement accusing Keith Lewis of fabricating his claims.

On the show, Carrie said Lewis wanted her to attend a documentary promoting gay “marriage” at the Sundance Film Festival and she refused. “If I’m in breach of contract because I didn’t go to a gay event, so be it,” she said.

As for the Playboy magazine offer, Carrie says this “shows their hidden agenda…they wanted me to break to the contract [prohibiting nude and semi-nude photos]…they wanted me out from day one….I have the email to prove it.”

“This is happening to me because of my stance on gay marriage,” Carrie said. “It’s not because of the contract…It’s really taught me how intolerant some people can be…It’s not right and it’s just plain wrong what’s happened to me.”

I agree. The big picture here is the blatant intolerance of the homosexual agenda, which PUNISHES anyone who disagrees with them.

If Carrie were my sister, I would have encouraged her to quit a few weeks ago. She had “appealed” the bad conduct of her boss Keith Lewis to a higher judge, Donald Trump, the owner of the pageant. But Lewis kept his job and kept targeting Carrie. Apparently, the animosity of a homosexual activist against those who disagree will never agree to peace. 

Quitting would have put Carrie in the driver’s seat. She could have told America how she stood on principle about her public appearances and had to quit rather than give up her principles. Why agree to have your free speech controlled by a homosexual activist who hates you and targets you for your stand on marriage?

But look what’s happened. Keith Lewis and Carrie’s detractors aggressively rode the media circuit the first 24 hours of this story. While Carrie was hiding from the media that day and turning down interview requests, she was publicly labeled a contract-breaker. By not anticipating the firing and not doing media, Carrie was called the bad guy and the homosexual activists cheered. Twenty-two-year-old Carrie needs better public relations advisors!

To many, this is a case of “he said, she said.” America clearly witnessed and understood the first intolerant homosexual attack from Perez Hilton upon Carrie during the Miss USA Pageant. But now that another homosexual activist, Pageant Director Keith Lewis, has attacked Carrie on a technicality, which involves details about public appearances that are cloudy or at least unclear. America can’t correctly judge this.

Through it all, Carrie has been given an incredible platform and opportunity to speak for God’s truth. My hope is that Carrie will seek God’s biblical wisdom for her next step. Personally, I would like to see her reject fleshy beauty pageants and the lusty photos she’s posed in, which, so far, she’s defended. It would be helpful to America for her to write a book that honors what God created – the natural family and moral standards for sexuality – and championing the American ethic of free speech.

But most of all, I hope Carrie will take some time to grow deeper in her faith and in everything seek to be a holy example for girls and young women. I don’t want teen girls to dream about strutting on stage for a beauty contest or taking risqué photos or getting breast implants like Carrie did. God created women to be much better than that.

Get a healthy perspective on the topic of outer beauty versus inner beauty. Listen to the SaveAmerica.com Radio Show with former model Jennifer Strickland. This is a very stimulating discussion to help women develop a true identity and give up their false identities. (Men, you need to hear this too, to understand the women and girls in your family.)

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30 NIV

Call Sacramento to demand “No new taxes, cut the waste!”

Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 11:26 pm |

Sacramento has a long legacy of defying reality, but now the latest senselessness of the California Legislature is getting downright scary.

Some Democrats and at least one Republican in Sacramento want to raise taxes or say they’re open to raising taxes. This, after California voters sounded rejected an extension of taxes (Prop. 1A) in last month’s special election.

You must email and call in your demands to Sacramento so that no Republicans will cave like before.

And you must call and email the Democrats so they realize their days of taxing and spending are threatened by fed-up California voters.



Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
(916) 445-2841 (Mon-Fri 9-5 p.m.) | His six other offices

Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth of Murietta (916) 651-4036
Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee of San Luis Obispo (916) 319-2033

The six current Republicans who raised taxes in February:

Senator Abel Maldonado of Santa Maria (916) 651-4015
(Maldonado says he’s open to new taxes, fees and borrowing)
Senator Dave Cogdill of Modesto (916) 651-4014
Senator Roy Ashburn of Bakersfield (916) 651-4018
Assemblyman Mike Villines of Clovis (916) 319-2029
Assemblyman Anthony Adams of Hesperia (916) 319-2059
Assemblyman Roger Niello of Sacramento (916) 319-2005

The leading Democrats who are still pushing for, or are open, to tax increases, fee hikes and borrowing:

Budget Conference Committee Chair Noreen Evans of Santa Rosa (916) 319-2007
Assembly Speaker Karen Bass of Los Angeles (916) 319-2047
Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento (916) 651-4006

Tell them you demand that they “Cut tens of billions of dollars in waste — no new taxes, fees or borrowing!”

Find your state legislators by entering your zip code

3. WHEN YOU’RE DONE CALLING, EMAIL THEM TOO: Send your pre-written “cut the waste” email message to Governor Schwarzenegger, your own California state senator and your own California state assemblymember. (Yes, you can send this “cut the waste” message more than once.)

Why Californians may have more money than they thought

Friday, June 5, 2009, 1:30 pm |

I thought you’d like to know that California’s big tax hike has been virtually erased by Barack Obama’s federal tax credit.

In February, California’s foolish government increased the sales tax, income tax, car tax and child tax by around $900 to $1,000 per family. Retirees or those with no dependent children will pay much less.

Calculate your increased California taxes here.

The important thing to remember is that each tax increase will last only two years. See this chart.

This two-year time limit is important to your overall tax picture. When you and other California voters defeated Prop. 1A on the May 19 ballot, you limited the tax increases. The defeat of Prop. 1A ensures that the 0.25% income tax hike and the reduction of the child dependency tax credit (costing parents $210 per child) will end on December 31, 2010. Defeating Prop. 1A also guaranteed that the 1% hike in the state sales tax and the nearly-50% higher car tax will expire on June 30, 2011.

Now let’s look at what the federal government has done. Despite the foolishness of the “stimulus” plan and the historic national debt President Obama has created, the cash-flow reality is that most U.S. taxpayers will receive the “Making Work Pay Tax Credit”:

  • $400 per individual with a modified adjusted gross income of less than $75,000
  • $800 per married couple with a modified adjusted gross income of less than $150,000

 Just as California’s tax hikes last two years, the federal tax credit will be provided for two years, though 2010.

Now, before you do the math combining federal and state, I want to tell you how I’m avoiding paying California’s sales tax increase. 

I’ve responded to California’s 1% sales tax hike by using a credit card which “covers” the tax hike whenever I use it. Each month, the cash-back card from Chase rebates me 1% of all my purchases. I’m using it as much as possible and plan to receive $250-300 annually. Another good cash-back card I’m using is the American Express Costco card. Both cards also rebate me 3% on gasoline.

Personal transportation is another area in which Californians are saving.  One cost-saving method for many families is to repair their cars and trucks rather than buying new.

However, if you decide to buy a new car this year, the federal government permits you to deduct the sales tax and even more if you buy certain hybrids.

And think about this. If you’ve been concerned about plummeting retirement fund values, realize that you can avoid higher taxes by converting from a conventional IRA to a Roth IRA. Read how.

So what’s the bottom line? Here’s a calculation for the average California family:

   $900 average tax hike on a California family with two cars and two children
 – $800 federal tax credit
= $100 overall tax burden
 – $200 at least from a cash-back credit card
= Wipes out California’s two-year tax increase and you gain $100 per year, every year

Remember, retirees and those with no dependent children will pay even less.

In summary, when you consider tax hikes and tax credits and tax deductions, for the next two years, most Californians will NOT pay more in overall taxes. Many will pay less, resulting in more money from tax credits.

This will hold true unless the California Legislature and Governor raise taxes and fees this year or next.

And smart buyers will pay even less by using cash-back credit cards, shopping tax-free online, changing their lifestyles, and by making purchases that receive a helpful tax credit or substantial tax deduction.

I hope this information has encouraged you. If you’ve realized that you have a healthier net cash flow, please consider supporting good causes such as the pro-family, moral-values mission of SaveCalifornia.com. For none of us can afford to ignore the life-or-death battle for our culture and the next generation.

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
Mark 12:41-44 NIV