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Podcast: Q&A on the mixed-up Prop. 8 ruling

Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 2:58 pm |

You asked, we answered.

In response to the pro-family Californians who sent in questions about the mixed-up Prop. 8 ruling, I’ve recorded a special podcast that addresses the “who, what, when, where, why and how” of it all.

Please listen to the SaveCalifornia.com Radio Show for answers to these and other important questions affecting our children and grandchildren:

  • How could we vote for Prop. 8 and the judges still validate gay “marriages?”
  • Can the ruling be appealed? When do we vote on the judges?
  • What does the California Constitution and the Bible say judges should do?
  • What about “equal protection” and “due process”?
  • Will homosexual “marriage” be on an upcoming California ballot?
  • How do I respond to questions such as, “How does gay marriage hurt you?”

Get a grasp of why the Prop. 8 ruling went the way it did, what’s next, and what you and your friends can do to strengthen marriage and voter rights in California. Listen now to the SaveCalifornia.com Radio Show.

Act now to end California government’s spending addiction

Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 8:45 am |

Read Governor Schwarzenegger’s address to California legislators Tuesday morning

The state’s budget deficit is monstrous and growing. This mess, of course, is due to foolish government overspending, largely at the behest of gluttonous government employee unions. Without drastic action, by this time next year, California state government will be $24 billion in the hole. That’s nearly half of what state government spent to operate 20 years ago.

A chronic addiction to runaway, extravagant spending has tripled the state’s budget from $51.4 billion in 1990 to $144.5 billion in 2008. Remember, all this time, Democrats have been the majority party in the California Legislature, except for one year, 1996, when Republicans briefly controlled the State Assembly.

Despite these uncharted waters, SaveCalifornia.com is seeing the usual kind of political prostitution we’re used to from Democrat legislators. Incredibly, beholden to the government employee unions, Democrat caucus leaders say that more taxes and fee hikes are still on the table for consideration.

Meanwhile, the unions and other entities that depend on taxpayer funds — literally everyone at the government feeding trough — are gearing up for a major war to protect “their funds.” They’ve long forgotten whose money it is.

We haven’t yet seen Schwarzenegger do what he’s never done before — promise to veto tax hikes and borrowing schemes. Will he take a firm stand when he speaks today to a joint session of the California Legislature? The Governor signs or vetoes spending packages. He holds the bulk of the power to change government’s gluttonous appetitite — if he chooses to persevere and do what’s right.

But more than anything, SaveCalifornia.com believes it’s up to principled Californians to tell Sacramento what to do. If you helped to defeat Sacramento’s tax-and-borrow schemes in the last month’s election, you have the right and obligation to speak up now. 

 Take immediate action with our prewritten email message and phone numbers to Sacramento.

We denounce the murder of abortionist George Tiller

Sunday, May 31, 2009, 10:36 am |

SaveCalifornia.com and SaveAmerica.com condemn the murder of notorious abortionist George Tiller. Tiller, infamous for his thousands of late-term abortions and partial-birth abortions, was shot to death Sunday morning in the lobby of his church building in Wichita, Kansas. Abortion and murder are both unacceptable. Pro-life Americans are peacefully representing unborn babies through sidewalk counseling, public education, and legislative efforts. Murder is against pro-life values.

Read the statement from Operation Rescue leader Troy Newman, who, for years, has been peaceably working against the pro-abortion agenda of Tiller and others.