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Posts Tagged ‘Children’

Show your pro-life colors now

Thursday, January 19, 2012, 3:44 pm |

Have you heard about abortionist Steven Chase Brigham? Last summer, Brigham — who “operates” in four states, including Maryland, and who has killed hundreds of preborn babies in the womb, most of them late-term — was charged with first-degree murder in the deaths of five viable, healthy babies. These were “botched” abortions where the baby still lived. And Maryland’s “viable fetus” law means that when these babies survived outside the womb, Brigham committed infanticide.

Remind yourself of babies in the womb by seeing these amazing photos

As LifeNews.com reported on January 11 this year:

Brigham operated a secret late-term abortion clinic in Elkton, Maryland, even though he had no license to practice in that state. He hired Riley to do late-term abortions there and at his abortion clinic in Baltimore. Brigham would start the late-term abortions at his office in New Jersey, then caravan the laboring women to Elkton where the abortions would be completed. The clandestine abortion scheme was discovered after a woman suffered a life-threatening botched abortion in August, 2010. When police raided the Elkton abortion clinic, they discovered the remains of 35 aborted babies, one of which was 33 weeks gestation.

OR president Troy Newman provided more details about what was found. “Violations found during an inspection that took place on May 26, 2011, discovered out-of-date medicine, metal instruments with a brown material in the hinges and inside the supposedly sterile packaging, surgical instruments tossed in unsterilized drawers, and surgical instruments stored in a ‘musty’ smelling suitcase in broken wrappers – all of which were considered by employees to be ready for use on patients,” Newman said. “Also discovered was a freezer where ‘Infectious Waste,’ (the remains of aborted babies), was stored that was smeared with what an employee acknowledged was blood and contained a thick layer of frozen blood in the bottom.”

Don’t look away. For, as evil and gruesome as this “Dr. Death” is, the decision to kill their babies by abortion was first made by pregnant women and teenage girls. They believed the death of a little baby was acceptable and preferable.

What if you were that baby? Wouldn’t you want your mother to change her mind? What if you were being threatened in your home by a dangerous criminal waving scissors at you? Wouldn’t you want the police to burst in and save your life?

This is the desperate sense of urgency you and all people with intact consciences must have. Realize that nearly 58 million babies in America have been killed by abortion since the Roe v. Wade ruling on January 22, 1973. That’s 1 of 6 Americans and 1 of 3 young people born since this unconstitutional edict. All dead through the torture of abortion.

This is truly a matter of life and death, for babies are being aborted every day. They all have a beating heart, brain waves, developing organs, and can feel great pain like you can.

This is why you must get uncomfortable, cancel your other plans if possible, and challenge yourself to spend some time this week to love defenseless, voiceless babies. Love is a choice. Love is an action.

Be their Voice. Be their Defender. Be the Conscience of our land. Stand up today and Saturday. March in San Francisco or participate in a pro-life event near you:

Pro-life events in California and every other state

Walk for Life West Coast this Saturday 12:30 p.m. in San Francisco — join thousands of others at the largest pro-life event on the West Coast; bring others to build numbers

Call to reserve your seat on a bus to San Francisco from Central and Coastal and Northern California

Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?
Proverbs 24:11-23 (NKJV)

ALERT: Educrats trying to deceive parents about SB 48

Friday, January 6, 2012, 1:03 am |

Now that SB 48’s mandatory homosexual-bisexual-transsexual role models for every child at every public school in California is the law, SaveCalifornia.com is leading the way to alert parents, while the state education bureaucracy is deceiving parents.

See some of the media coverage of our message

See how we’re correcting the misleading statements of the California Department of Education

See how to rescue your children

‘Sexting,’ new tax threat, and stupid California voters

Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 6:59 pm |

Among everything that caught my eye today and stirred my soul with joy or moral anger, here are three important news stories for families in California and beyond to understand.

Exit the “sexting” schools
Every 7th grader knew what ‘sexting’ meant
Every seventh-grader at a Yolo County middle school raised their hands when asked if they knew what sexting meant. Sexting involves sending, receiving or forwarding sexually suggestive or explicit messages or photos through text message, the Internet or other electronic media.

When I saw this story about children in public schools near Sacramento, I knew it was yet another reason to rescue your children from the immoral peer pressure in California’s government system. See more reasons and develop a rescue plan at our special website, RescueYourChild.com. And while you’re at it, if you’ve given your child a cell phone, make it a real basic one with no texting or internet or picture sharing.

Will tax-and-fee-hike Democrats achieve a 2/3rds supermajority?
It’s wait and see to determine whether enough voter signatures have been gathered to qualify a California ballot referendum to reject unfair state senate districts. If successful, the referendum would head off statewide tax-and-fee-hikes by denying Democrats a 2/3rds legislative majority that they’re likely to get under the gerrymandered maps produced by the liberal-dominated California Citizens Redistricting Commission.

Between Thursday and Sunday, 710,924 RAW signatures were turned in to elections officials in 57 California counties. However, the “Fair Districts” campaign needed at least 750,000 raw signatures to feel reasonably certain of qualifying. Referendums or statutory initiatives that qualify for the ballot through the “full check” process of counting signatures do so with at least a 70% validity rate, yielding at least 504,760 VALID signatures. Many fall short of 70%. And you don’t get higher than 70% unless you use a top-notch signature-gathering firm that pre-validates signatures. Doing the math, 710,924 raw signatures x 70% = 497,646 valid signatures, which would fail to qualify. May this one’s validity rate be somehow higher!

This teaches a hard lesson. To succeed at a California ballot initiative or referendum, you must first have rock-solid language that will legally accomplish all you’ve intended because it is written to withstand a judge’s “misinterpretation.” Second, you must raise major funds (at least $1 million) and plan to raise these funds early, or else you fail to qualify. Look at the SB 48 referendum drive over the summer. Organizers said they gathered less than 500,000 RAW signatures, falling short 250,000 or more raw signatures that were needed to successfully qualify. Without funds for professional signature gathering, that effort gathered far fewer signatures than the Fair Districts referendum drive, which, sadly, might not qualify at all.

However, if somehow the Fair Districts referendum campaign has an unexpected high validity rate and indeed qualifies for the ballot, we will all have a much better chance of stopping burdensome tax and fee increases upon California families. The California Constitution now requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of the Legislature to raise either taxes or fees. So, with the help of the gerrymandered maps of the “citizens commission,” Democrat politicians — hungry for more “revenues” because they refuse to cut the wasteful, fraudulent habits of the government unions or the bureaucracy — are trying to win at least two more seats in each house in next year’s election. The absence of a Fair Districts victory would give the Democrats a greater chance of achieving a 2/3rds veto-proof supermajority, empowering them to impose tax-and-fee hikes willy-nilly on both families and job-providing businesses.

Read more: 710,924 Signatures for Overturning Senate Map. And Yet…
See the fact: SaveCalifornia.com’s 2009 Waste Report

Californians, stop voting stupid
If you know the real value of something and the seller agrees to sell it at his cost, you have an idea of what honest government looks like. Honest government does not make a “profit” off its owners, the People, which would be tantamount to an employee stealing from its owner.

But if a seller hides the real value of a product or service, jacks up his “costs” to astronomical levels, and then deceives you into buying his lie so you get poorer in the process, you understand why California’s state government is corrupt and many local governments too.

Instead of cutting massive structural waste that people can’t see, corrupt city officials and government unions are deceitfully saying police and fire services, library services, water, storm drain, and trash services, you name it, won’t be provided unless taxes and fees are hiked, or expensive bonds are approved. Don’t believe it and always vote against the deception of higher taxes/more bonds, which is the unjustified taking of more money from We the People.

Unfortunately, because most California voters are either ignorant or stupid about this (can you say public school “education”?), 40 of 53 tax hikes, fee hikes, and bond-raising schemes were passed last week by voters in California cities, counties, and government school districts.

The voters’ lack of critical thinking has encouraged Democrat Governor Jerry Brown. If he doesn’t achieve a 2/3rds supermajority of Democrat legislators next year to raise taxes and fees, Brown believes he might persuade ignorant or stupid voters to approve it on the ballot.

ACTION: Take a personal pledge to oppose all proposed tax hikes, fee hikes, and bond borrowing schemes, which give more of your hard-earned money to those who habitually waste money.

Read more about Jerry Brown’s tax-hike dreams

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
Samuel Adams, “Father of the American Revolution,” in 1775