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URGENT ALERT: Elena Kagan is lying

Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 2:07 pm |

It’s terrible that Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is lying to Congress. She’s denying that she tried to kick military recruiters off the campus of Harvard Law School, when she did. She’s as liberal and make-up-the-law-as-you-go as Obama’s Appeals Court nominee Goodwin Liu, but this week is distancing herself from him. She won’t give simple “yes or no” answers but instead is behaving like a professional liar as she artfully doesn’t answer question after question. For lying under oath, she should be held in contempt of Congress.

But what’s worse is that Republican Senators are letting Kagan get away with it. They are being much too polite in the hearings, not not demanding “yes or no” answers, not calling her the liar she is, and not promising to oppose her with everything they’ve got. Consider the demand for specific answers from corporate leaders who’ve testified before Congress!

Instead of handling Kagan with kid gloves, Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee ought to be pounding away at her liberal philosophy, liberal past policies, and her refusal to adhere to the WRITTEN U.S. Constitution. More importantly, Republicans ought to publicly call her a liar for testifying falsely and then announce they’ll LEAD A FILIBUSTER on the floor. A filibuster is the only way to STOP KAGAN from getting on the high court where this liberal judicial activist, approved by Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats, will RULE OVER US ALL FOR THE NEXT 30-40 YEARS.


Click here to email and call U.S. Republican senators to demand they filibuster Kagan


SaveCalifornia.com Bulletin: Why Kagan must be stopped

NPR: Republican Jeff Sessions implies Kagan is lying (quietly outside committee)

ABCNews: Sen. Coburn: Kagan ‘Ignorant’ of Constitutional Principles

MassResistance: How Elena Kagan helped “queer” Harvard Law School

Phllyis Schlafly: Elena Kagan should be rejected

American Family Association: Obama’s court pick Kagan is a dangerous judicial activist

Who will stand up for me against evildoers?
Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness?

Psalm 94:16 NASB

ALERT: Call Orange County’s Loretta Sanchez on Obamacare

Saturday, March 20, 2010, 6:57 pm |

It’s appalling that nearly all the Democrats in Congress want much more government control over people’s personal health care, instead of freeing up the superior private sector and encouraging personal responsibility.

But in the midst of being angry, I have hope. As I write this, along with guaranteed “no” votes from all the House Republicans, there are 37 committed “no” votes from Democrats, with 17 “undecided” votes remaining. If just 1 of the 17 undecided Democrats votes no, the number of Democrat “defectors” rises to 38 and Obamacare will be defeated without a vote to spare.

This scenario is more than possible because of a handful of pro-life Democrats who voted for socialized medicine in November say they won’t this time because both the Senate bill and the House reconciliation bill allow for taxpayer-funded abortions.

The current inside count is there may be only 210 Democrats who will end up voting for Obamacare — six votes short of the 216 votes required for passage.

California’s congressional delegation does not include any pro-life Democrats. Even those Democrats who claimed they were against taxpayer-funded abortions – Joe Baca of San Bernardino, Dennis Cardoza of Merced and Jim Costa of Fresno – have abandoned their rhetoric and are voting for socialized medicine that defines abortion as medicine and make taxpayers fund it. Pro-abortion Democrat Jerry McNerney of Pleasanton is also going to vote yes on Obamacare again.

Surprisingly, usually liberal Democrat Loretta Sanchez of Santa Ana remains the only California undecided vote and that has Obamacare managers worried. Sanchez, in a tough reelection battle, was the last Democrat to vote for Obamacare in November. Today, she wasn’t even at the Capitol and some wonder whether she’ll be a no-show for Sunday’s big vote.

ALERT: If you live in Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Anaheim or Fullerton, please leave a short message on Sanchez’ district phone tonight and Sunday morning urging her to “Vote NO on Obamacare — both the Senate bill and the House bill.” Phone (714) 621-0102 | fax  (714) 621-0401 | fill out contact form.

Check the latest vote count of The Hill

Understand the Senate bill and the House reconciliation bill

SaveCalifornia.com provides the above information solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates.

ACTION: See the new movie To Save A Life

Sunday, January 17, 2010, 4:25 pm |

I’m calling on everyone who loves God and loves people to an urgent, important, and pleasurable task. Together, we can and we must rescue our youth from being ruined by immoral influences.

There’s a life-affirming, faith-affirming film that needs your support. Please see To Save A Life, which is coming to the big screen January 22. After seeing an advanced screening, I can say that To Save A Life is the best tool in America right now to reach teenagers and young adults with the truth that God can save them and show them a better way of life.

For the sake of the next generation, please join me and prioritize taking yourself and the mature teenagers and young adults you know to see To Save A Life. This film is rated PG-13 because it shows real-life temptations of teens. Please watch my movie review below for specific cautions and the official trailer.

Visit our TO SAVE A LIFE page to find
theater locations, movie resources and more.


The family-friendly film The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry is playing again in select theaters. We were so impressed and moved with Sperry’s strong Christian message, that SaveCalifornia.com is sponsoring the showing of this film in Carlsbad, California on the weekend of Feb. 26. Visit our SECRETS OF JONATHAN SPERRY page to see the trailer and find out where it’s showing.


I avoid most movies in the theaters because they have garbage and appeal to prurient interests. Instead, I’m seeing great movies to view at home. Although they weren’t box office hits, they’re hits with me because they inspire and improve the soul.

I can’t say enough good about The Board. This 40-minute short film is a masterpiece. It was beautifully produced by an Ohio church, but it doesn’t look anything like a church movie. The Board is a very gripping portrayal of how our soul — our mind, feelings, conscience, heart, will and memory — all combine to make a decision for or against Jesus. I found it personally edifying because it reminded me that everything I do has already been approved by my mind, conscience, and heart. I give The Board my highest recommendation!

I also recommend the The River Within. This heartfelt and inspiring movie centers on a 20-something believer and a pastor who learn that talking about the Christian life is a whole lot different than living the Christian life. Through twists and turns, you can’t help but connect with the characters in this film as several plot lines merge and lead to its dramatic conclusion. The River Within is a clear message about doing God’s work, not “just talking.”

What’s really impressive is that The Board and The River Within were produced with very small budgets and volunteers, but both films have excellent cinematography, story line, characters…and by everything I can see, God’s blessing.

Another excellent movie I recommend is Time Changer starring Gavin McLeod. This film is challenging and stimulating. It explains how America fell away from God’s standards, and how God’s Word is essential to the health of nations, churches, and generations of families.

While I’m at it, let me recommend the 20-minute Butterfly Circus. This short film by Joshua Wiegel about two very different circuses and a life-changing ringmaster is a powerful message of hope and redemption. Warning: this film can make you cry. It stars Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms or legs. The Butterfly Circus is the winner of the 2009 Doorpost Film Project. View this beautiful film online.

But again, my priority, your priority, every concerned person’s priority is to see To Save A Life on opening weekend January 22-24. And don’t just go yourself. Bring along teenagers and young adults you know. Then afterward, talk about the life lessons and the spiritual themes. If you’re a Christian, I recommend you take some Gospel tracts if, after seeing To Save A Life, someone want to pray to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.