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You OK paying for ‘sex changes’ for convicts?

Thursday, October 22, 2015, 2:37 pm | Randy Thomasson


You may not believe it, but California taxpayers must now pay for the malpractice of “sex changes.” It’s not just happening in some local governments, but now for convicted criminals in California state prisons!

Please stand with SaveCalifornia.com by donating $10 or more to oppose this travesty

California sets inmate sex reassignment rules: SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California prison officials have set the first standards in the nation for determining when transgender inmates should receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery – a move that came after it spent years in court fighting to block the operations.

Under the policy that took effect Tuesday, prison mental health professionals would refer inmates for the surgery.

To qualify, prisoners must be diagnosed with what is formally known as gender dysphoria; lived as a member of the preferred gender for at least 12 months; and expressed a desire for sex-reassignment surgery for at least two years.

How in the world did we get here?

It all started in 1975 in California when homosexuality was decriminalized with a bill by Assemblyman Willie Brown, a San Francisco Democrat. First-term Governor Jerry Brown signed it after Lieutenant Governor Mervin Dymally, another Democrat, broke the tie vote in the state Senate.

Pandora’s Box open, the lie of “live and let live” was preached by moral relativists in order to shut up moral citizens. This was despite the hard evidence that homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality are unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, and tyrannical.

Fast forward to today. Thanks to the majority Democrats and a handful for liberal Republicans at the State Capitol, California laws now unabashedly regard homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality as good and natural, when these behaviors are unnatural, unhealthy and harmful. Steamrolling this perverse agenda has been liberal local governments such as San Francisco and Berkeley, as well as the taxpayer-funded University of California, and the Obama Administration. They seem to see unnatural “sex changes” that slice off healthy, God-given body parts as natural as having a baby!

Not surprisingly, the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (“LGBT”) agenda no longer permits dissenters to live as they wish. Instead, the new “tolerance” is to punish dissent — the very definition of intolerance.

Therefore, Californians cannot openly exercise their moral values against homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality in hiring and renting. What used to be 100% private ownership of property — whether your small business or your rental property — is no longer real. With the oppressive taxes, regulations, and bad laws, yesterday’s owners have now become virtual sharecroppers of the new “owners,” the “higher” socialistic government power. Bernie Sanders, a Socialist, must be very proud of California!

In the lifelong battle of fact versus fiction and Truth versus lies, I can promise you this: SaveCalifornia.com will continue speaking, teaching, and fighting for real genders, real sex, real families, and real moral values that benefit children. We will not cower, crumble, or succumb, but with your help will keep standing, speaking, and shining the Truth that evidences God’s beneficial will and blessings for people’s lives. Will you stand with me?

Will you help SaveCalifornia.com promote God’s Truth to defeat anti-family lies? Your generous gift today of $10 or more will help us champion moral truth and pierce the darkness with light.

Daily Mail, Jan. 26, 2015: The man who’s had TWO sex changes: Incredible story of Walt, who became Laura, then REVERSED the operation because he believes surgeons in US and Europe are too quick to operate


Growing up in Los Angeles, Walt had a tough but bearable start in life with a strict mother, a part-time policeman father – living in the shadow of a ‘brainiac’ brother.

When he was five, everything changed.

‘It was then my grandmother, when I was being babysat by her, started dressing me in female clothing. She even made me a purple chiffon evening dress,’ he said.

‘And when dad found out what grandma had been doing, and dressing me up like a girl, it did change everything.

‘His adopted brother Fred began to sexually molest me. Mom’s discipline got even more severe and I would learn much later in life that on one occasion, her discipline was so tough, she thought she had almost killed me.’

The treatment he suffered from those entrusted to protect him made him feel like he was ‘a girl trapped in a male’s body’, he said, and he became reclusive because of it.

37 years later, he would finally take the drastic step to become a woman – and he lived for eight years as Laura Jensen.

See more facts at SaveCalifornia.com’s Not Born This Way

You can help protect crisis pregnancy centers

Saturday, October 17, 2015, 11:17 am | Randy Thomasson


I’ve been on the phone this week talking to directors of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) about what’s needed to overturn the unconstitutional and tyrannical new law (AB 775), requiring posted signs urging pregnant mothers to turn around, exit, and go get a tax-subsidized abortion.

It’s illogical for anyone to compare “labeling” CPCs to how the government requires boxes at the grocery store to be labeled. Those laws require disclosure of what’s inside the box. But AB 775 intolerantly requires disclosure of what’s not inside the CPC, namely, that they won’t kill babies.

At its core, forcing pro-abortion signs at pro-life centers is forcing them to say what they don’t wish. It’s compelled speech, a direct violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which reads in part, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech.”

To win in federal court, probably going all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, pro-life centers must not be outnumbered by pro-abortion parties and outgunned by pro-abortion attorneys.

I say this because I have seen a problem several times in court: where a certain pro-family legal group wants to be the ONLY lawsuit, leaving our side with only 1 attorney speaking in court, while the anti-family side has 3 or 4 attorneys who get to speak. Therefore, it’s weak and foolish for CPCs to be represented by only 1 legal organization or to limit the number of lawsuits.

Instead, we need several lawsuits from several parties represented by several pro-life legal organizations. This way, the outcry against this bad law is bigger and louder, and more pro-life attorneys get to speak in court. Yes, we need to lobby judges to do the right thing!

SaveCalifornia.com is working to gather additional plaintiffs to join a federal lawsuit (with no work or risk required). If you or someone you know directs a pro-life crisis pregnancy center, please call us at 916-265-5650 to identify yourself and to express your interest.

And please consider supporting SaveCalifornia.com with your gift today. I need your help to stand publicly for Life and many other moral values.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7

3 ways to repeal the bill ushering in a Suicide State

Thursday, October 8, 2015, 9:14 pm | Randy Thomasson


I’ve been talking to people about what can be done to repeal the awful suicide-promotion bill that Jerry Brown has signed into law.

There are at least 3 ways to repeal ABX2-15, the dangerous and unnecessary “assisted suicide” law that is scheduled to go into effect sometime next year.

Short-term: A constitutional lawsuit would challenge the California Supreme Court to uphold the clearly written words of the California State Constitution. A just ruling would find ABX2-15 unconstitutional.

Article IV, Section 3(b) limits special session bills to the subjects listed in the governor’s proclamation convening a special session. The specific subject of this special session was Medi-Cal funding, not suicide in any way, shape, or form.

I so wish we had a constitutional republic where any citizen could sue to enforce the clear reading of the Constitution. Over the decades, that right has been significantly and unconstitutionally eroded. Therefore, the task is to find the right person or persons of “standing” that the court will recognize.

Medium-term: A ballot referendum would aim to repeal AB2X-15 by a direct vote of the People. A referendum has been filed against for the Suicide State bill. It intends a clean, clear reversal of ABX2-15 and doesn’t seem to be for organization-building, but for a noble purpose.

Here’s the Oct. 6 filing, one day after Brown signed the bill. The official proponent is psychologist Mark Hoffman of Seniors Against Suicide. However, referenda are very difficult to qualify. There’s only around 2 months to collect nearly a half million raw signatures (the 90-day clock has already started and 10-20 days will be “eaten up” before signatures can begin to be collected). And it will be a long petition that cannot be functionally printed from the web.

According to the California Secretary of State: A proponent has only 90 days from the date of the enactment of a bill (or in the case of a redistricting map, the date a final map is certified to the Secretary of State) to request and receive a circulating title and summary from the Attorney General (Elections Code § 9006(a) allows 10 days for the preparation of the circulating title and summary), print petitions, gather the required number of valid signatures, and file the petitions with the county elections officials. [Bolding added for emphasis]

To successfully qualify for the California ballot, a referendum campaign quickly needs at least a million dollars — and more likely two or three million dollars — to hire professional signature gatherers to gather more than 60,000 raw voter signatures every week for eight straight weeks. Will a multi-millionaire against suicide come forward and make it happen?

Long-term: A state constitutional amendment is the best long-term legal protection against a suicide agenda. The current law against “assisted suicide” is short. Penal Code, Section 401 reads: Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony. These brief words, along with more words that provide greater definition and close all conceivable loopholes, could be filed as a state constitutional amendment. And it could fit on one page.

This long-term strategy is superior because a state constitutional amendment is the highest legal authority in California, higher than the Governor, the Legislature, and importantly, higher than the California Supreme Court. A constitutional amendment, even with its higher signature requirement, is also easier to qualify than a referendum. Not only does a state constitutional amendment allow the proponents to raise funds and organize ahead of time, it has 180 days to collect signatures compared to around 75 days to gather signatures for a referendum.

My take: I believe the best strategy is a constitutional court challenge, and at the same time, a state constitutional amendment. For the short term, getting ABX2-15 struck down as unconstitutional not only requires the least time and money, it’s entirely appropriate and necessary. And for long-term legal protection against a suicide agenda, a constitutional amendment has much better chances than a referendum of qualifying for the ballot. And a plus of doing these at the same time is that a constitutional amendment campaign collecting signatures will positively lobby the California Supreme Court as it considers a constitutional challenge to ABX2-15.

However, if a multi-millionaire stepped up and donated $1-2 million to the referendum campaign, that could be enough to qualify it. Otherwise, don’t count on it, even if a number of local churches energetically collected signatures from their own congregations. Not many pastors got involved in the battle against ABX2-15, so I don’t expect them to eagerly gather signatures on anti-suicide petitions. It’s sad, but true.

There are even those who think it’s possible for the California Legislature to repeal it themselves. This would take unusual leadership by a handful of anti-suicide Democrat legislators, and would require even better and more sophisticated lobbying than this year’s efforts.

That’s the lay of the land as I see it. SaveCalifornia.com will support any viable, principled effort to repeal the dangerous and unnecessary “assisted suicide” law. This terrible new law must be repealed!

Margaret Dore,jpgLearn the facts of ABX2-15 from expert attorney Margaret Dore of Choice is an Illusion:

1. ABX2-15 applies to people with a “terminal disease,” which is defined as having a medical prognosis of less than six months to live. Such persons can, in fact, have years, even decades, to live. The more obvious reasons being misdiagnosis and the fact that predicting life expectancy is not an exact science. Doctors can sometimes be widely wrong.

2. In Oregon, which has a nearly identical definition of “terminal disease,” eligible persons include young adults with chronic conditions such as insulin dependent diabetes. Such persons, with appropriate medical care, can have years, even decades, to live.

3. ABX2-15 allows the patient’s heir, who will financially benefit from his/her death, to actively participate in signing the patient up for the lethal dose. This is an extreme conflict of interest.

4. Once the lethal dose is issued by the pharmacy, there is no oversight. Not even a witness is required when the lethal dose is administered. If the patient protested or even struggled against administration, who would know?

5. Assisted suicide can be traumatic for family members as well as patients.

6. If California follows Washington State, the death certificate is required to be falsified to reflect a natural death. The significance is a lack of transparency and an inability to prosecute for murder even in a case of outright murder for the money.