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After your Father’s Day cards are opened

Sunday, June 21, 2009, 2:04 pm |

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 NLT

How successful a father are you? Take this online test from the National Center for Fathering.

I give the highest human honor to fathers. Like the general of an army or the captain of a ship, fathers are the most important person in the family unit. They are the leaders, whether they know it or not!

Dads are the anchor for the children. Dads are bigger, stronger, louder and have the ability to be the most decisive and active parent. It’s the male distinctive.

When I meet a couple or a family, I first address the father, look him in the eye, and talk with him. I honor him as the captain of his children’s hearts. He will steer them well or not well or disastrously. To steer them well, he needs to intentionally love and lead, train and teach. To steer them badly, he doesn’t need to lift a finger. Such is the power of a father.

Dad, I want to remind you of something important. Basically, I want to remind you of your purpose. Receiving cards and words of appreciation on Father’s Day is one thing. But it’s entirely another thing to be a good father who trains good character in your children.

It’s a fact that today’s generation is the worst morally that America has ever had. From back-talking to self-indulgence to lack of empathy to addictions to food, pre-marital sexual activity, video games, music, internet chat rooms, gambling, alcohol and drugs, today’s teens are setting records in immorality and self-destructiveness. Yes, even in “Christian” families.

Bill Gothard, founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles has said, “What the parents allow in moderation, the children will allow in excess.”

So if parents live close to the cliff, their children will fall over the cliff. Conversely, if parents consistently try to avoid sin and love God, their children will do an even better job avoiding sin and loving God.

America needs the next generation to be much better, don’t you agree? For if America doesn’t repent of its sins — beginning with you and me in our homes — God will hold us all responsible. We may already be seeing His hand of punishment.

Dad, here’s your assignment if you choose to accept it:

It’s time for courage. For conviction. For faith. To secure and inspire your children, you need to constantly grow as a father. You need to understand your role. It’s to be the main trainer of your children’s character and behavior.

Deep down, you are needed to quench the deep thirst that your child has for you. An unmet father-thirst is why boys join gangs and girls hook up with older men. Give your children the “father water” they thirst for. Become a highly functional father who leaves a legacy with your children that makes them and our society better, not worse.

Dad, I challenge you to make becoming a better father your desire, your plan, and your new lifestyle. Commit to grow in this way, then tell your wife your plan and ask for her support. If you say you love your kids, your growth as a father isn’t an option, it’s an imperative. How do you grow? You first start by shrinking yourself.

A good father is a man who is in control of his home with the positive strength and love of God. He has a committed relationship with God. He reads the Bible with his family and prays with them. He is living out his faith, not contradicting it, as his children watch and learn. This is how to have peace and respect in your home.

How do you become a functional father? And how do you grow from being a functional father to a highly functional father who receives the praise of God, his wife and his children, and leaves a measurable legacy?

Get resources and training from the National Center for Fathering. A good first step is to take a simple test that will tell you how you’re doing as a father.

Be courageous. Be loving. Remember, this isn’t about your feelings. It’s about your children’s hearts, minds and futures. Change yourself…to build your kids…to become what they were created to be…adults of impeccable character…who love and serve the Lord.

What kind of father are you? Take this online test from the National Center for Fathering.

He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse. Malachi 4:6 NIV

Carrie Prejean: 4 of 12 Miss USA Pageant judges were homosexuals

Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 2:40 pm |

Former Miss California Carrie Prejean is backing up her claim that she lost the Miss USA Pageant because of intolerant homosexual judges.

Monday night, Carrie was on Fox News with Greta van Susteren.  In addition to saying she had talked with Donald Trump, Carrie dropped a bombshell by saying that 4 of the 12 telecast judges were openly homosexual:

VAN SUSTEREN: So you think that the reason why you did not win the overall was because of this particular question?

PREJEAN: I that Perez Hilton admitted it. He said that she was front-runner, and he underscored me the lowest. And three of the other judges were gay, also, which I don’t think a lot of people know that.  But I think that definitely was a huge reason why I did not win.

Remember, on April 21 on NBC’s Today Show, Miss USA Pageant judge Claudia Jordan admitted that “a few of the judges were very against her, they were bothered by her answer.” On the same program, Miss USA Pageant owner Donald Trump said that Carrie’s answer “probably did cost her the crown.”

It’s now obvious that homosexuals discriminated against a contestant for her free speech and religious faith. Who’s unfair now? And who’s victimizing whom?

In our 21st-century culture, I have found that homosexual judges and homosexual politicians are inherently unfair to anyone who disagrees with their homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda.

So if you’re ever asked, “Would you vote for ___________, who also happens to be gay?”, you can respond with “I can’t.  Homosexual  elected officials unfairly discriminate against people who believe in traditional marriage, the natural family, natural sex, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. That’s anti-American.”

Former Miss California more bold and articulate than ever

Sunday, June 14, 2009, 3:51 pm |

After avoiding media the first 24 hours after she was “fired” as Miss California, Carrie Prejean did several big TV interviews Thursday and Friday.

I’m proud of what she’s saying. More bold and articulate than ever, Carrie is expressing her disgust with the Miss California / Miss USA pageant’s intolerance of freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom to support natural marriage between a man and a woman.

Right now, Carrie is the #1 voice in America educating people that there is a war against free speech and against marriage. She’s doing such a good job, the anti-God liberals hate her all the more. Pray for her, won’t you?

Showing his vindictiveness, homosexual activist Keith Lewis, director of the Miss California USA Pageant, has replaced Carrie at the Special Olympics, which Carrie has been involved in for years. Learn more about Keith Lewis from my previous blog.

Carrie has issued a statement and is doing updates on her blog.

Some of Carrie’s major interviews Thursday and Friday:

Sean Hannity, Fox News Channel
Geraldo at Large, Fox News Channel
Larry King, CNN
The Today Show, NBC