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Let Jesus’ resurrection give you confidence

Sunday, April 5, 2015, 2:15 pm | Randy Thomasson


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most important events in history. It ranks right up there with the Creation and Jesus’ death on the Cross. And the Resurrection should give great confidence to true believers.

Consider that when Jesus died on the Cross in 30 A.D. to provide one-of-a-kind substitutionary atonement for believers’ sins, His disciples were afraid, sad, and scattered. They didn’t understand. Yet upon seeing the overwhelming evidence of Jesus’ amazing, physical resurrection, they became confident, glad, and united.

For Jesus’ resurrection confirmed that He was the God-Man, who had the ability to identify with (thus take the place of) sinful humans. And it convincingly demonstrated that He, as the One Who had created all things (John 1:3), had divine authority to forgive sins past, present, and future for all who confess and repent of their sins, ask for and receive Jesus’ forgiveness, and submit to Him as the new King of their lives.

Upon seeing that Jesus has resurrected Himself, just as He said He would, the formerly scared, hopeless, and defeated disciples were transformed in their minds, hearts, and souls. They now knew their identity and purpose. They now knew the meaning of life. And they knew the source of joy. And get this — they were willing to not only die for Jesus, but to live for Him and to suffer for Him as they produced great fruit, saw many lives changed, and turned their culture upside down.

Similarly, every believer today, who sincerely entrusts himself or herself to Jesus, should be glad and hopeful, not morose and hopeless. If you, like His disciples, will gaze at the resurrected Jesus, you’ll not only realize He is Who He said He was, and how much He loves you, but you’ll discover your exciting and fulfilling Reason for being, living, and working!

Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”

When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He said to them, “Have you any food here?” So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb. And He took it and ate in their presence. Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.
Luke 24:36-44 NKJV

Will Democrats turn California into the Suicide State?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 6:09 pm | Randy Thomasson


Do you think it’s right to tell a depressed person they’re better off dead?

That’s what Senate Bill 128 in California would do. So-called “terminal” patients (and how often this diagnosis has been refuted when desperate patients seek alternative treatments on their own) would be given a proposal of a lethal dose of drugs to “put you to sleep forever” (kill them) in bed.

In Oregon, which SB 128 is modeled after, physician-assisted suicide isn’t done for pain, but for loss of autonomy. In other words, doctors are killing depressed people. How much this violates long-held medical ethics and the sanctity of human life. The devil must love the State “offing” people before they have a chance to make peace with God on His terms.

Just the facts, ma’am: With Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law, the large majority of patients who chose suicide didn’t complain about physical pain, but their main concerns were “losing autonomy” (93%), “less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable” (88%), and “loss of dignity” (73%). See the official Oregon stats. A 20-year-old incapacitated in the hospital after a motorcycle accident could cite the same concerns!

Despite these facts, after passing the Democrat-controlled Senate Health Committee on March 25, by my count, it’s virtually assured that SB 128’s physician-assisted suicide (PAS) will also be approved by the Democrat-controlled Judiciary Committee, and go to the Senate floor in May.

There, this suicide-promotion bill will likely pass by a narrow vote — unless there’s a big fight against it in Hispanic and culturally Catholic strongholds. I say this because if enough people in their districts rose up in protest, enough Democrat state senators could vote no. With a 40-member State Senate, a majority is 21, and by May the Democrats will hold 26 Senate seats.

Therefore, at least 6 of the following Democrats need to vote no, and all 14 Republican state senators also need to vote no, in order for SB 128 to be defeated by at least 1 vote on the Senate floor:

Hispanic / culturally Catholic districts:

Ben Hueso of San Diego and Imperial counties
916-651-4040, 619-409-7690, 760-335-3442

Tony Mendoza of L.A. County (Hacienda Heights, La Mirada, Lakewood, Downey, La Mirada) 916-651-4032, 323-890-2790

Connie Leyva of San Bernardino County (from Pomona to San Bernardino)
916-651-4020, 909-591-7016, 909-888-5360

Doctors or married to doctor (Calif. Medical Association opposes SB 128):

Richard Pan of Sacramento, West Sacramento, Elk Grove
916-651-4006, 916-651-1529, 916-262-2904

Robert Hertzberg of Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley
916-651-4018, 818-901-5588

Untested or wildcards:

Cathleen Galgiani of San Joaquin County (and surroundings)
916-651-4005, 209-948-7930, 209-576-6273

Ricardo Lara of Los Angeles’ southeast area (Vernon in north to Long Beach in south)
916-651-4033, 562-256-7921, 323-277-4560

Ben Allen of Los Angeles’ beach cities (Rancho Palos Verdes to Pacific Palisades, then westward to Hollywood)
916-651-4026, 310-318-6994

Richard Roth of Riverside County (from Corona to Moreno Valley and Perris) — although he supported SB 128 in committee, he’s in a swing district and “disappointed calls” could remove his support)
916-651-4031, 951-680-6750

If physician-assisted suicide passes the Senate, the only other place it can be defeated is in the 80-member Assembly, with younger, more pliable, and “less crusty” politicians. So please also urge your own assemblymember to vote no on SB 128.

The prohibition against killing legally innocent people is later formalised in the sixth commandment, ‘You shall not murder’ (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17). The Hebrew word for ‘murder’ is ratsach (Greek phoneuo) and its meaning is further defined in four main passages in the Pentateuch (Exodus 21:12-14; Leviticus 24:17-21; Numbers 35:16-31; Deuteronomy 19:4-13).

These passages resolve any ambiguity for us and give a precise definition of what is prohibited, namely the ‘intentional killing of an innocent human being’ (Exodus 23:7; 2 Kings 21:16; Psalms 106:37,38; Jeremiah 19:4). Euthanasia clearly falls within this biblical definition. There is no provision for compassionate killing, even at the person’s request and there is no recognition of a ‘right to die’ as all human life belongs to God (Psalms 24:1). Our lives are not actually our own. Suicide (and therefore assisted suicide) is therefore equally wrong.
What Does the Bible Say About Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia?


Make this 1 phone call for LIFE

Thursday, March 12, 2015, 12:49 pm | Randy Thomasson


Is innocent human life sacred? Should doctors be able to kill any patients?

If you answered YES to the first question and NO to the second, please make this 1 phone call right now.

You are needed to oppose the Democrat state legislators’ bill, SB 128. This very bad bill would permit California physicians to prescribe deadly drugs to so-called “terminal” patients. Don’t let California become the Suicide State!

1. Call your own state senator’s State Capitol and district office too (the bill will be voted on first in the State Senate).

Enter your address here to find your California state legislators,
then click your state senator’s web page
On the senator’s home page there are phone numbers or a tab with phone numbers

Leave a message such as, “Please vote NO on SB 128. Patients don’t need to be killed with a deadly drug, they deserve counseling, referrals to natural medicine physicians, and pain management if needed. Suicide is not the answer to anyone’s problems, and suicide is not something the State of California should ever promote.”

2. Want to do more? Call the members of the Senate Health Committee which is scheduled to decide SB 128 on March 25. The bill needs 5 votes to pass the 9-member committee, so please especially call the 3 undecided Democrats (marked with **) and the 2 Republicans on the committee (marked with *):

Senator Ed Hernandez (Chair) SD22 (coauthor of SB 128)
*Senator Janet Nguyen (Vice Chair) SD34
Senator Isadore Hall, III SD35 (coauthor of SB 128)
**Senator Holly J. Mitchell SD30
Senator Bill Monning SD17 (coauthor of SB 128)
*Senator Jim Nielsen SD04
**Senator Richard Pan SD06
**Senator Richard D. Roth SD31
Senator Lois Wolk SD03 (coauthor of SB 128)

3. Have a business, organization, ministry, or school? Add your name to the official list of SB 128 opponents that all the committee members see. You can help make this a long list! Fax your one- or two-page opposition letter on your business, organization, ministry, or school letterhead to the Senate Health Committee office at 916-266-9438 before noon March 18. Don’t have a fax? You can also email your opposition letter to Teri.Boughton@sen.ca.gov.

Your letter can include relevant talking points you agree with in SaveCalifornia.com’s Jan. 21 news release or Life Priority’s March 9 alert. The point is that it’s on your official letterhead, with your signature and your title at the end of it, and following this general format at the top:

March 12, 2015

The Honorable Ed Hernandez
Chair, Senate Health Committee
State Capitol, Room 2191
Sacramento, CA 95814


Dear Senator Hernandez,

_____________________ (name of business, organization, ministry, school) opposes SB 128…

* * *

(After faxing the committee at 916-266-9438, please also fax your letter to SaveCalifornia.com at 916-848-3456 or paste your email in our web form. Thank you!)

I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
Hippocratic Oath