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No new dams = less water for your family

Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 3:11 pm | Randy Thomasson


California’s Oroville Dam, opened in 1968. Seven years earlier, then-governor Pat Brown (a Democrat and father of current governor Jerry Brown) declared the sound of Oroville Dam’s construction “will echo in California history for generations to come.”

Over the past few decades, California voters have foolishly voted for what they thought would bring an abundance of clean, affordable water. But they were lied to. Instead, these “water”-labeled ballot measures made the government bureaucracy bigger, gave more power and taxpayer dollars to liberal environmental groups, and robbed people of land, water, and other natural resources that would have served their benefit. And no new water storage was built. Is it any wonder why Californians have less money and more thirst?

This is why there is a water storage problem today, why water prices are going up, and why water rationing is already here. The “new” government’s foolishness and corruption have replaced the “old” government’s wisdom and love for people. This is why we must urgently solve California’s water shortage by building more dams to store water in the wet months for people’s needs in the dry months.

But most of all, we all need to remember that rain is a gift from God (read about the drought in 1 Kings 17). So now is also the time to repent of all known sin and to cry out to God to send rain from the sky.

Listen to my SaveCalifornia.com Minute on why new dams are needed, drought or no drought
“It’s clear we don’t have enough water for people and farmers and ranchers and animals. It’s because we don’t store enough water.”

Less water means more water politics
Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee, Feb. 3, 2014
“…some new storage, that some people believe, with good reason, California needs to prevent future droughts by putting more water beyond reservoirs, either on stream or off-stream, and therefore having more water FOR when a drought hits. The utility of that is demonstrated by what’s going on in Southern California. The drought hits the whole state. But Southern California is not feeling the pinch nearly as badly because it has built reservoirs and has filled them up. And they can last for several more years while Northern California is in danger of drying out altogether, with communities having no water for their customers.”

Parched from drought, California’s reservoirs nearly empty
NBC Nightly News, Jan. 30, 2014
This is the first time an exceptional drought has been declared in California. For communities in 10 counties, water could run out in 60 days. Fourth generation farmer Andy De Montegonni feels the pain. “It’s actually all brown and dried up.” Without rain, he’ll lose this wheat’s rain harvest. He sold livestock just to keep the farm. And he says what’s happening here will affect Americans across the country. “I can’t grow any crop. That doesn’t go to market, and creates a shortage, and what happens with a shortage? Prices go up.”

New dam could ease water woes in the Central Valley
KSFN Ch. 30 Fresno, Aug. 9, 2013
“It’s a small reservoir. Over the past 30 years, we’ve lost about 14 million acre feet to the ocean and we’re continuing to lose water,” said Mario Santoyo, Executive Director of the California Latino Water Coalition. Supporters like Mario Santoyo say the solution is building the Temperance dam within Millerton Lake.

Self-Evident Water Truths by Congressman Tom McClintock
Feb. 27, 2013
Self-Evident Truth #3: Water is unevenly distributed over both time and distance. So if we want to have plenty of water in dry periods we have to store it in wet ones, and if we want to have plenty of water in dry regions we have to move it from wet ones. That is why we build dams and aqueducts and canals.

Which brings us to Self-Evident Truth #4: that we don’t need to build dams, aqueducts and reservoirs if our goal is to let our water run into the ocean. Water tends to run downhill very well on its own and doesn’t need our help to do so. The reason that we build dams, aqueducts, and reservoirs is so that the water DOESN’T run into the ocean, but rather is retained and distributed where it will do the most good.

People kill each other over diamonds; countries go to war over oil. But the world’s most expensive commodities are worth nothing in the absence of water. Fresh water is essential for life, with no substitute. Although mostly unpriced, it is the most valuable stuff in the world.
The world’s most valuable stuff, The Economist, May 20, 2010

The Walk for Life should inspire you to step up and step out

Monday, January 27, 2014, 1:52 am | Randy Thomasson


It was an impressive sight.

Some 60,000 pro-life Californians (and some from out of state) “walked for life” in San Francisco Saturday to bring attention to the plight of little humans in the womb — preborn babies who are scheduled for a torturous abortion death.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. California is a very pro-abortion state because of average Democrat politicians and a handful of liberal Republican ones, so what’s the use? I’ll tell you what’s the use: the fruit of our actions is changed hearts and minds.

You see, the very public message of the San Francisco march and other public pro-life events up and down the state are reaching people with intact consciences … and changing them from ambivalence on abortion … to opposition to abortion.

What’s more, everyone who went public with their values improved their character by loving others and matching their words with their actions. And which one of us doesn’t desire to have integrity before God and man, and to grow inwardly? Now, step up and step out into the 2014 California election year — find candidates who match your values and volunteer for them!

See the dramatic photos from the Walk for Life West Coast

Listen to my latest SaveCalifornia.com Minute, “The personal growth that comes from moral activism”

Certainly every Christian ought to be praying and working to nullify the abominable abortion law. But as we work and pray, we should have in mind not only this important issue as though it stood alone. Rather, we should be struggling and praying that this whole other total entity “(this godless) worldview” can be rolled back with all its results across all of life.
Francis Schaeffer in A Christian Manifesto

Stand up for preborn babies now

Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 6:35 am | Randy Thomasson


Click here for talking points for writing letters-to-the-editor,
posting to news sites, and calling talk radio shows

Abortion stops a beating heart and tortuously kills an innocent, growing baby.

If you believe this is wrong in God’s sight, and support the legal right to life for innocent human beings, please “go public” with your values by participating in a pro-life event near you this month, which marks 41 years of the notorious Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy, for any reason.

Because abortions are done in secret, we all need to provoke ourselves to care more and do more to be a voice for the voiceless. See these amazing pro-life videos on SaveCalifornia.com’s YouTube page.

Attend a California pro-life event

Below is a partial list of California pro-life events this month. SaveCalifornia.com will list additional bona fide events as people call our office at 916-265-5650. Looking for events outside California? Click here

January 17: Ventura, Prayer Walk for Life, County Government Center (800 Victoria Ave), 3:00 p.m. Prayerfully walk to Planned Parenthood abortion clinic

January 18: Los Angeles, 555 West Temple Street. Youth Rally for Life

January 19: Victorville, East Park Ave., noon – 2:00 p.m. High Deserts 2nd Annual March For Life

January 19: Santa Maria, City Hall courtyard, Cook St. at S. Broadway, 2:30 p.m. Central Coast Right to Life Prayer Walk (walk to nearby Planned Parenthood abortion business)

January 21: El Cajon, 2766 Navajo Road, 7:00 p.m.: Catholic community pro-life mass

January 21-22: Visalia/Tulare/Dinuba/Exeter/Hanford, Tulare-Kings Right to Life is holding a 5-City “Simul-prayer” Roe v Wade Memorial (5 locations)

January 22: Orange, 700 S. Tustin Street at 22 Freeway, 6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Standing In The Gap At Planned Parenthood Abortion Business. “Come and pray where the babies are killed. Come anytime — signs and prayer booklets will be available .”

January 22: Sacramento, State Capitol Rotunda, 1315 10th Street, 9:00 am. ProLife Advocacy Day

January 22: Sacramento, 1017 11th Street, 7:00 p.m. Catholic Diocese “Choose Life Events”

January 22: Salinas, 320 E. Laurel Drive, 7:00 p.m. Catholic Diocese Roe v. Wade memorial mass

January 22: Murrieta, 39407 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd, 7:30 a.m. Respect Life Prayer Breakfast

January 24: Oakland, Oakland City Hall at One Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 12 noon. Standing Up 4Life Rally|Walk

January 24: Oakland, Saint Margaret Mary Church, 1219 Excelsior Ave., 5:30 p.m.: 7th Annual Conversations4Life Benefit Dinner. Speakers include Walter Hoye, Frank Pavone, Star Parker, Clenard Childress, Abby Johnson, Janet Morana, Jeff White, Cecelia Chavez)

January 24: Santa Clara, 2800 Mission College Blvd, 4:30 – 9:30 p.m. Youth & Young Adult Rally for Life

January 24: San Francisco, St. Mary’s Cathedral Conference Center, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Law of Life Summit “West Coast”

January 25: Visalia, 5049 W. Caldwell Ave, 6:30 a.m. Bus ride to West Coast Walk for Life

January 25: San Francisco, Civic Center Plaza, 10:00 a.m. Walk for Life West Coast (there are dozens of bus rides from Central and Northern California, reserve a seat)

January 25: San Francisco, 1111 Gough Street, 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. Sidewalk Counselor Training

January 26: San Francisco, 1111 Gough Street, 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM: Students For Life of America West Coast Conference

February 13: Poway, 15546 Pomerado Rd, 7:00 pm. Life Choices Poway banquet

February 25: Sacramento, The Grand, 1215 J Street, 6:00 p.m: California ProLife Council ProLife Legislative Banquet

For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Psalm 139:13-15 NKJV