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Posts Tagged ‘Children’

Thank you for your active friendship

Tuesday, January 3, 2017, 7:01 pm | Randy Thomasson

I want to thank you if you’ve donated to SaveCalifornia.com in late November or December. If this is you, you have a good heart and good virtues – and you showed it this last month with your generous gift to SaveCalifornia.com. Truly, you are empowering our statewide California ministry to children and families. I’m very grateful for you!

Now that you and I have arrived in 2017, I sincerely wish you a Courageous and Faith-filled New Year. Because we all need courage and faith to overcome fear. Paralyzing and depressing fear is overcome by real faith in Jesus Christ, real hope for the future, real love for others, and real courage to stand for what’s true!

Together, we’re fighting the good fight of faith! May God bless you as you obey Him this New Year. Thank you for your active friendship with SaveCalifornia.com!

Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of done accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
Philippians 2:1-4

The 10 stupidest new laws of the Democrats

Friday, December 30, 2016, 3:52 pm | Randy Thomasson

A new year means new California state laws you have to live under. Here’s a column by my friend Tim Donnelly, which appeared December 29 in Breitbart

I’m not in the habit of complaining at the outset of a column, but I’ve taken on a nearly impossible task — figuring out which, of the hundreds of new California laws about to go into effect, are the stupidest.

Don’t laugh. I’m serious.

It’s really, really hard to keep the list at 10 with hundreds of hare-brained schemes that became real laws.

After all, for far too long, the California legislature has been a “conservative-free zone” — even though there were a handful of “Republicans” occupying seats and taking up space.

I’m going to list the new laws in order of their egregiousness to me, but I’m open to additions or wholesale re-ordering if you care to comment.

Given that Californians are facing 898 new laws going into effect on January 1st, 2017, there’s plenty to hate.

Prop. 63: “2nd Amendment Nullification” Act. Although various portions go into effect in various years — yes, they staggered implementation of this “critically needed reform,” some out to 2019 — this is the most sweeping assault on our long-cherished, God-given natural right as Americans to protect our lives and our freedom. It requires you to pass a background check and pay for a permit to buy ammunition for the gun you may have just passed a background check to buy. Yeah, that’ll stop criminals — who buy their guns and ammo in parking lots from other criminals. WooHoo! Next, it makes high-capacity magazine (any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds) illegal to possess — even if you bought it prior to the current ban and ownership was previously considered grandfathered. This law should make it clear that the goal of the left is not “safety” — it’s control.

SB 880: “Bullet Button Ban.” For years, California Democrats have sought to ban a made-up classification of semi-auto rifles with “evil features” that they re-named “assault weapons” for propaganda purposes. Every year, California Democrats attempt to increase control over this “hated group” of guns — until they finally outright ban all semi-automatics. This law will not do a single thing to further public safety, as the San Bernardino terrorist attack illustrated — determined mass murderers will simply ignore and work around all gun control laws — as if they are just words on paper. One last bit of irony: in a previous legislative session, this same bill was sponsored by none other than disgraced State Senator Leland Yee. If that name sounds familiar, you’re right. Leland Yee wanted to “protect” Californians from “assault weapons” on our streets — that is, until he was arrested for trafficking fully automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades in exchange for campaign contributions. He’s currently serving a five-year prison sentence.

SB 3: Minimum Wage Hike to $15/hour by 2020. As a result of a strong socialist push by unions and complicit governments — such as the union-controlled California legislature—businesses are looking to eliminate as many jobs as possible, investing in automation instead. When you combine this with unchecked illegal immigration — where you have an unlimited labor pool willing to work for subpar wages under the table — the future for entry-level jobs and small business owners in California is bleak.

AB 1785: The “Hands Free” Law. This is another example of government gone wild. AB1785 prescribes driver behavior so severely that in and of itself, I believe it will cause more accidents — and more deaths. Not only must the phone be dash mounted — meaning you’ll have a permanent distraction right in front of you — but you may not text, take photos or video, or enter GPS destinations while driving. Fat chance of stopping those activities with a mere $20 fine. The bill does stipulate that “the only time a driver is allowed to touch the device is when he or she is activating or deactivating a “feature or function.” However, that process should only involve a “single swipe or tap of the driver’s finger,” according to the bill,” mynewsla.com reports. How about “hands off” my phone instead of an unenforceable “hands free” law?

AB 1732: Single-User Restrooms. If you’ve ever had to go so badly that you used the opposite sex restroom at a gas station or Starbucks, then perhaps you think this law is needed. But do we really need another law regulating bathrooms? Some businesses have already put signs on their single-use restrooms designating use by either sex. And sometimes people just take it upon themselves. I can’t help but think this law is unnecessary and diminishes us as a society a little.

SB 1383: Controlling Cow Flatulence. Not making this up. In spite of the fact that 53 California dairy farmers went bankrupt, moved out of state, or just closed down this year, the Marxist-Progressives are back at it again. Capture cow farts or suffer heavy fines. CARB (CA Air Resources Board) suggests inserting a tube into the cow’s digestive system and venting into a backpack. Even liberals admit that laws like this, where government tries to control the uncontrollable, can have undesirable economic consequences. Lost jobs, lost industries, lost revenue. Stupid law.

AB 857: Ghost Gun Ban. Even if you manufacture your own gun — starting with an 80% receiver — that requires you to have special skills and tools to complete the machining, you must now register it and obtain a serial number from the California Department of Justice. The purpose of this law is simply to record your name and your firearm on a list for eventual confiscation. Once again, control — not public safety — is the goal.

SB 1322: Legalizing Child Prostitution. This law bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution. Now that is nuts. I understand the idea of trying to not punish the victim, but certainly granting judges discretion is better than legalizing and therefor “green-lighting” behavior that is so harmful to the individual child.

Prop. 57: Early Release for so-called Non-Violent Criminals. This was Governor Jerry Brown’s baby — the crown jewel of his prison reform initiatives. Among those offenses he considers “non-violent”: rape of an unconscious person; human trafficking involving sex acts with minors; and assault with a deadly weapon. Blogger Felicia Wilson summed it up well (original emphasis): “…Call me crazy, but shouldn’t a crime that includes the word rape or assault be considered, I don’t know… violent?”

AB 2466: Felons Voting. Low-Level felons serving sentences outside of state prison get to keep their right to vote. Hmm. Wonder which party this could possibly help? Just like the “illegal alien vote,” Democrats will have the felon vote locked down. This is simply about protecting their power and making it permanent.

When California Democrats promised to take to the streets to defend the rights of convicted felons, illegal aliens and welfare recipients, they weren’t kidding. If only they were as serious about cracking down on immigration cheats and violent criminals as they are about penalizing law-abiding citizens and gun owners, California would have more jobs, less crime — and might be a place people want to come to instead of fleeing.

This post has been updated.

Tim Donnelly is a Former California State Assemblyman. FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/tim.donnelly.12/ Twitter: @PatriotNotPol

The 2nd best gift you can give your children

Sunday, December 4, 2016, 7:15 pm | Randy Thomasson

I’m writing this with the assumption that you intensely love your children and grandchildren.

This month of Christmas can be a time when you think about the best, lasting gifts for life that you can give your children. Because a good gift that powerfully affects a child internally is always better than satisfying temporary wants or external needs.

I’ve already written how I believe the very best gift a parent or grandparent can give a child is to introduce them to their tremendous need to repent before, trust in, and worship their risen Savior, Jesus Christ, with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength.

But now I want to share with you what I believe is the 2nd best gift that you can give to the children you love. And it totally supports and applies the best gift.

First, a stark truth about a big educational problem:

Today’s public schools are no longer good for children academically, socially, physically, or spiritually.

Here are some disturbing facts that every parent should realize:

1. If your children are in California government schools, they will be sexually indoctrinated.

It’s because of 10 statewide laws promoting sexual anarchy (homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, and heterosexual sex among minors) to children as young as kindergarten, with no parental opt-in or opt-out. Harmful, sexual indoctrination? These laws guarantee it.

2. Your children are unlikely to learn to read or compute adequately in the public schools.

According to the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress (“The Nation’s Report Card”), only one-third of California public school kids are proficient in reading or math and two-thirds aren’t.

4th grade reading, proficient or above: 34%
4th grade math, proficient or above: 34%
8th grade reading, proficient or above: 31%
8th grade math, proficient or above: 33%

Reading and mathematics proficiency are the #1 thing that schools should be teaching, right? Kids should be taught to read well, write well, and compute well, correct? Obviously, academic excellence and loving children is no longer the goal of the union-controlled, government-run school system.

3. Your children will be greatly subjected to negative peer pressure in the public schools.

Children in public schools are more likely to have earlier experiences and develop negative habits in these areas: lying, cussing, cheating, excessive dieting, wearing revealing clothes, pornography, sexual activity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and even violence. The Bible affirms that “bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Read more about peer pressure

Hopefully what I’ve written has interested, disturbed, and motivated you to take action. Because you have only one chance with your children — they grow up fast!

Please accept my good challenge to think about what I’m saying. Show decisive, sacrificial love to your children. Determine to rescue them from today’s dysfunctional, negative, non-academic, godless government schools.

You can do what’s right in God’s sight. You have the ability to train up these precious young ones and protect them from bad influences. Choose today that you will rescue them with the gift of homeschooling or a solid church school!

See how to rescue your child
at our special site, RescueYourChild.com

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-9