
SaveCalifornia.com Blog//

Do you hunger and thirst for family values in California?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 1:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


If you hunger and thirst for moral, family values in California, your tried-and-true standards are needed today.

Because if you know that…

• Religious freedom is your American birthright
• People are more important than trees
• Your money is yours, not the government’s
• Children do best with a married father and mother
• Marriage is still only for a man and a woman

…then we need you on our SaveCalifornia.com team!

Will you stand with us and join our fight against the Left with a gift of $10 or more? Please give generously to bring truth and moral standards to California’s families and society, which is in desperate need of your good values.

Here’s why some of our supporters give to SaveCalifornia.com:

Thank you and the LORD bless you and keep you — and praying for you that He would mightily use you and us in His work.
— Nancy in Bakersfield

I appreciate all of your tireless work for our state … Thank you for ALL you do to promote God’s word and to show people solutions to these so called leaders hell bent on destroying the moral compass and compassion of normal human souls.
— Maureen in Modesto

Keep up your good pro-life, pro-family work.
— Anonymous

I know that you continue to fight the righteous fight as our nation continues to drift further from Yahweh and His instructions/commands. Keep up the good fight in the future.
— Stan in Roseville

Thank you for your support of the TRUTH and Biblical Values … May The Lord repay your efforts SAVECALIFORNIA.COM.
— Mylinda in Modesto

It’s for you and your family that SaveCalifornia.com has been working, leading, and fighting since 1999. And today on Giving Tuesday (and any other day you see this), it would be a real privilege to have your support. You can donate securely here.

When you give to SaveCalifornia.com, you’re doing good to stand for truth in the face of evil. You’re shining your light to overcome wicked forces that are ruining children, squashing religious freedom, and silencing our voices.

Please support SaveCalifornia.com today, so that freedom has a greater chance.

Donate to SaveCalifornia.com
Your gift is confidential and tax-deductible

Thank you in advance!

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion,
seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that
the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

1 Peter 5:8-9

Election aftermath: Will California conservatives fight or take flight?

Thursday, November 8, 2018, 5:56 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office

Behavioral experts describe it as freeze, fight, and flight. These are three possible responses — a combination of God-given and environmentally-shaped emotions — that rise up within us when we perceive a danger. The danger may be true or false — but initially, we’re going to either freeze, fight, or take flight.

No matter your initial reaction to the just-concluded Midterm Elections, please join me in fighting. Because when evil dominates, it must be exposed and resisted. God always wants His people to steadfastly defend all that is good, right, and true. I aim to do that — how about you?

Here are 3 important things to know, which matter for your values:

1. Nationally, this election was very good news:

a. In the 100-member United States Senate, the Republicans have increased. They’ve gone from 51 to 52 in number, and could go to 53 if Martha McSally wins in Arizona, and up to 54 if Cindy Hyde-Smith wins Mississippi’s U.S. Senate special election on November 27.

b. The Senate Republicans have become more constitutional. Strong conservatives have replaced wishy-washy Republicans such as Bob Corker, Dean Heller, John McCain (and if Martha McSally pulls it off, Jeff Flake). This principled increase means hundreds of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees will have no problem being confirmed, despite any grumblings from pro-abortion Republicans Lisa Murkowski of Alaska or Susan Collins of Maine. And given that 85-year-old ACLU anti-religious-freedom, pro-abortion attorney Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be next to depart the nation’s high court, the Senate’s confirmation of yet another constitutionalist/originalist to replace her is imperative.

c. The Democrats’ outrageous personal attack upon U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh backfired. In the Senate battleground states of North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, West Virginia, and Florida, all the anti-Kavanaugh votes were booted out of office, while pro-Kavanaugh Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia survived).

d. The loss of the U.S. House of Representatives to the Democrats was not as bad as it could have been. What’s more, the final count shows President Trump is more popular than President Obama. This election, Republicans have so far lost 30 House seats, but gained seats in the U.S. Senate. This is much better than Obama fared. As The Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation) reports: “The first midterm election under President Barack Obama in 2010 was a major electoral defeat for Democrats. Republicans gained 63 seats in the House of Representatives and six seats in the Senate while making significant gains in state houses and gubernatorial elections. The balance of power shifted Tuesday night, but not as drastically as Democrats had hoped.”

e. The Democrats winning back the U.S. House wasn’t because evil is too strong, but because Republican leadership was foolish. Moral conservative leaders with decades of wise experience held a post-election news conference to explain that the campaign advice of Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, California to run on local rather than national issues failed to energize conservatives. SaveCalifornia.com agrees. Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are all about national issues anyway; they should be teachers and cheerleaders for issues of national importance that capture the public’s attention. Why do Democrats in Congress seem to understand this better than some Republican candidates?

2. SaveCalifornia.com’s mission is still for your cherished family values:

Despite the Democrat politicians’ union-funded grip* upon the State of California, our Campaign for Children and Families has survived three governors already (Gray Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Brown). And with God’s help and yours, we’re committed to survive, expose, and oppose the guaranteed wicked policies of Gavin Newsom that harm individuals and families.

* So far this year, government unions have donated $13.8 million and private unions have donated $20.8 million to Democrat candidates in California: https://bit.ly/2JOMLyN and https://bit.ly/2SU1yfP

Our Campaign for Children and Families promise to you:

a. We’ll keep shining our light for positive truth for children and families
b. We’ll keep exposing the darkness so people who listen will stop being deceived
c. We’ll keep training constitutional patriots to do good in their families and communities

I need to know you want to fight rather than take flight.

Because every loss is an opportunity to learn how to be and do better. And given the myriad of public policy problems caused by California’s ruling Democrats, now is the time to expose them. Please realize that simply running from a problem tends to make us insensitive to love, responsibility, and solutions. Because love doesn’t drop out; it presses in and sacrificially gives.

3. California is in a dynamic and the Democrat-union grip can indeed weaken:

Lastly, I believe California is in a dynamic. Look at history. Communism was dismantled in Eastern Europe because it went against God-given human nature. Likewise, some governorships on the east coast of the U.S. have flipped in the last few years from Democrat to Republican (think Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont).

And this election, a big liberal “environmental group” bond (Prop. 3) went down in California, to the frustration of liberal operatives. What’s more, an anti-establishment, academic reformer, Marshall Tuck, might become California’s state school chief. And we’re just beginning to see union membership dropping since the June 2018 U.S. Supreme Court Janus decision affirming the free-speech right of government employees to not have their money coerced away by power-hungry union bosses. Remember, Liberalism doesn’t work; when pressure is applied, it can indeed break down.

Meanwhile, it’s clear to me that a lot of professing Christians (especially younger adults) and a lot of frustrated conservatives (also the younger ones) don’t vote. I keep meeting them. Now, can you imagine what a well-articulated conservative voter registration drive campaign in communities could do? And what if Christian church denominations held voter registration drives in all their member churches, which then would internally lobby churchgoers to “get out the vote” in the big 2020 presidential election? And what if Campaign for Children and Families received confidential pro-family donations totaling $1 million to powerfully promote your values statewide through cost-effective media buys?

Finally, what if major conservative donors had given the gas tax repeal (Prop. 6) $10 million to show California voters convincing messages like SaveCalifornia.com produced? And what if John Cox had also received $10 million to blanket TV, radio, newspapers, and the internet with months of his ads exposing obvious problems caused by Democrat politicians? We might have a profoundly different Governor-Elect today.

I believe the time to invest in California is now, because liberal policies are ripe for taking down. As famed investor Warren Buffett said, “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” This certainly applies to the ruling Democrats’ house of cards. If convincing evidence can be creatively presented, it opens people’s eyes. I’ve seen this happen individually, so why not change minds on a grand scale?

Thank you for reading this and thinking about the dynamic culture we live in and how you, with your faithful, principled stand, can make an impact. Thank you for standing strong for your moral values with SaveCalifornia.com and our ongoing Campaign for Children and Families!

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, at the Last Supper

Pastors, teach Christian love by registering people to vote

Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 7:01 pm | Randy Thomasson

This election season, I have 3 important questions for professing Christians in California:

1. How can you enjoy religious freedom if the government does not grant, respect, and protect your legal right of conscience before Holy God?

2. How can we have good government unless people who know what is good are themselves the main influencers of government?

3. And since Christians are commanded to “love your neighbor as yourself,” shouldn’t they feel compassionate anger when bad government is harming their family and neighbors?

Obviously, California need more voters who know the basic difference between right and wrong.

Therefore, one of the simplest and best things pastors can do is urge everyone in their church to register to vote. People need to re-register if they’ve moved, turned 18, or if a woman has recently married and changed her surname.

If you’re a pastor or church leader, please act now:

1. Preach on the need for good government and urge everyone to be registered to vote.

2. Give everyone in the congregation a special bulletin insert.

3. Set up tables in the foyer to register voters on the spot.

California’s legal deadline to register to vote in the very important November 6, 2018 general election is Monday, October 22 (postmark deadline).

You can pick up registration forms at the post office or at your county registrar of voters.

You can also urge your congregants and their friends to register to vote by posting this link.

Churches used to be the source of morality in communities, and they can fulfill their biblical role again.

All that’s required is sincere love for Jesus Christ and for people, and obeying the LORD with action and in truth.

In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. 1 John 3:10

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:16-18