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Archives for the ‘Prop. 8’ Category

Reporting the truth about the Prop. 8 ruling

Thursday, May 28, 2009, 9:03 pm |

Millions of Californians and Americans were amazed that not all of Prop. 8 was upheld Tuesday by the California Supreme Court. They can’t understand how a constitutional amendment that states that the only marriage that is valid is between a man and a woman somehow allows homosexual “marriages” to be valid too.

People have good reason to be angry. By allowing some 18,000 homosexual “marriages” as role models for impressionable children, and by refusing to uphold all of Prop. 8, an arm and a leg have been cut off the special institution of marriage in California.

Here are some of the news reports that SaveCalifornia.com was in after the ruling was issued. We didn’t include all the radio we did, such as the Brian Sussman Show on KSFO San Francisco, the Rick Roberts Show on KFMB San Diego, the Jesse Lee Peterson Show, etc.

In everything we said, we expressed gladness that half of Prop. 8 was upheld.  But we also said how frustrating and disappointing it was that judges legislated from the bench when they struck down the other half of Prop. 8, regarding last year’s homosexual “marriages.” See the news reports.

Prop. 8 ruling: ‘An arm and a leg cut off marriage’

Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 11:29 am |

Today’s ruling by the California Supreme Court that some 18,000 homosexual “marriages” are valid, despite the vote of the people to prohibit such legal recognition, has frustrated and disappointed pro-family citizens who voted for true protection of marriage licenses for a man and a woman.

“While it was good that the majority of the justices ruled only man-woman marriages could be performed after Prop. 8 passed, it’s wrong and unconstitutional for the judges to permit counterfeit marriages in clear violation of Prop. 8,” said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, a statewide pro-family organization that has been fighting for natural marriage in California for more than a decade. “An arm and a leg have been cut off the natural institution of marriage in California.”

Read our complete new release responding to the ruling

‘Convoluted’ Prop. 8 ruling to be issued Tuesday morning

Monday, May 25, 2009, 8:24 am |

I fully expect tomorrow’s California Supreme Court ruling on Prop. 8 ruling to be half right and half wrong. Remember, this case never should have gone to court. The California Constitution clearly gives voters the last word when it comes to constitutional ballot measures.

During the March 5 oral arguments, Justices George and Kennard made it clear that, like it or not, they had to go with the voters, which would put them with three other justices — Baxter, Chin and Corrigan — who upheld man-woman marriage last year. At the same time, nearly all of the judges ignored the straightforward, retroactive effect of Prop. 8, which specified that the only valid marriage in California ‘is’ between a man and a woman, ‘regardless of when’ the marriage was performed.

Bottom line, it’s virtually guaranteed that the court will rule that only man-woman marriages could be performed after the Nov. 4, 2008 vote on Prop. 8 — but that nearly four months of homosexual ‘marriages’ performed before Election Day will still be recognized as valid. 

This kind of convoluted ruling would be half right and half wrong, not giving the Constitution or the voters the respect they deserve. Prop. 8 would therefore be corrupted by the courts. Remember, last year, over a five-month period, in a mad “rush to the alter,” every homosexual who wanted a “same-sex marriage” got one.