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SPECIAL REPORT: Why medical tyranny and infanticide bills passed

Friday, May 27, 2022, 12:05 pm | Randy Thomasson

If you haven’t heard yet, on May 26, the Democrats that rule the California State Assembly powered through Covid medical tyranny bills AB 2098 and AB 1797 and the infanticide legalization bill AB 2223.

AB 2098 revokes licenses of doctors that counsel patients against the “Covid vaccine”

AB 1797 puts Californians into a database, segregating them by “Covid vaccine” status

AB 2223 prohibits law enforcement from investigating infant deaths

That was the worst thing of all. But the second worst was zero Republicans spoke against any of these bad bills. All 19 of them refused to speak to expose these bills’ great harms.

And I have to tell you, based on other times this week that Assembly Republicans vigorously spoke out (such as on protecting Central Valley water), I believe these medical tyranny bills and infanticide bill could have been defeated if exposed in a verbal floor fight.

See the deceitful passage of AB 2223 where nobody spoke to expose its true effect

If you were in this fight, you have my sincere thanks and admiration for calling Sacramento in an effort to stop these horrific bills. We had to try, because last year a vaccine passport bill and a forced jab bill were pulled for lack of support. And this year, several Covid tyranny bills have already been dropped by their authors.

The votes
Despite no Assembly floor fight exposing how bad these 3 bills are, the initial votes were still close. With our goal of denying these bills a majority vote (41 yes votes), we successfully pulled off more than a dozen Democrats; so AB 2098 was declared “passed” by just 5 votes, AB 1797 by only 2 votes, and AB 2223 by 4 votes). However, by the end of the session, votes had changed, both sides coalesced, and vote disparities increased.

See the final votes (members are allowed to change their votes by the end of the session as long as they don’t change whether the bill passed or not): AB 2098 | AB 1797 | AB 2223

The future
At this point, the only way I see to defeat these 3 awful bills is IF they’re amended in the State Senate, are sent back to the Assembly floor for concurrence votes — but this time, Republicans lovingly raise their microphones to shockingly expose and defeat these bills.

However, if AB 2098, AB 1797, and AB 2223 pass the entire California Legislature in August, and are signed by Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, what then? I strongly believe there should be constitutional lawsuits filed against them all. Here’s why:

AB 2098 squashing medical independence on the “Covid vaccine” is an unconstitutional regulation of speech. By targeting doctors for Covid-related “misinformation or disinformation,” AB 2098 unconstitutionally targets professional speech. As the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals noted in Pickup v. Brown (2013), “…doctor-patient communications about medical treatment receive substantial First Amendment protection.” 

The appellate court also stated, “where a professional is engaged in a public dialogue, First Amendment protection is at its greatest. Thus, for example, a doctor who publicly advocates a treatment that the medical establishment considers outside the mainstream, or even dangerous, is entitled to robust protection under the First Amendment—just as any person is.” 

The author of AB 2098 knows his bill might be unconstitutional: On April 20, he amended AB 2098 to make its provisions “severable … if any provision of this act or its application is held invalid.”

AB 1797 segregating Californians by vaccine status, race and ethnicity, violates Californians’ privacy rights by eliminating confidentiality. 
By requiring, as the Legislative Counsel’s Digest of AB 1797 describes, “health care providers and other agencies, including schools, childcare facilities, family childcare homes, and county human services agencies to disclose the specified immunization information,” this bill violates the constitutional privacy rights of many Californians.

In 1972, California voters overwhelmingly added “privacy” to the list of “inalienable rights” guaranteed by Article 1, Section 1 of the California Constitution. In 1975, the California Supreme Court, in White v. Davis, relied on California’s newly-affirmed constitutional right of privacy to prevent police officers from posing as college students and gathering intelligence on what is said in the classroom when the intelligence gathered bore no relation to any suspected illegal activity.

As the court wrote: Moreover, the surveillance alleged in the complaint also constitutes a prima facie violation of the explicit “right of privacy” recently added to our state Constitution. As we point out, a principal aim of the constitutional provision is to limit the infringement upon personal privacy arising from the government’s increasing collection and retention of data relating to all facets of an individual’s life. 

By violating Californians’ medical privacy – in the classroom and otherwise – AB 1797 is in direct conflict with the California Constitution.

AB 2223 robs already-born babies of their constitutional guarantee of equal protection of the laws. 
Since this isn’t about abortion, but infanticide — which is murder — we can foresee a federal constitutional lawsuit demanding the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee that “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” If should be tried, if there’s indeed a pro-life majority at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Thank you again for fighting these awful bills through your phone calls or by donating to SaveCalifornia.com. We had to try, and I’m grateful you did your part. But most Assembly Democrats shirked their constitutional pledges and all the Republicans went mute.

Open your mouth for the speechless,
In the cause of all who are appointed to die.
Proverbs 31:8

If you faint in the day of adversity,
Your strength is small.
Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
Proverbs 24:10-11

Will you ‘hire’ or ‘fire’ Gavin Newsom?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 7:05 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you have any regrets in life? Of course you do. And if you could go back in time and choose differently, would you?

Apply this to life in California under Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, where:

One-third of California restaurants were permanently closed in 2020-2021
— Thousands of Californians lost their jobs just because they didn’t want the “jab”
— He sided with anti-family teachers’ unions, not science, to keep schools closed
— Millions of children are being unnecessarily masked for several hours each day
— Children in government schools are being sexually indoctrinated all the more
— Preborn babies are even more in danger of losing their God-given right to life
Tens of thousands of convicts — including violent criminals — have been released
— Convicted murderers — who forced victims to lose their lives — won’t lose their own
— Water has been released, wasted, and prohibited without building new dams
$150 million has been siphoned away from the state’s fire protection budget
— California wilderness has 163 million dead trees, providing explosive wildfire fuel
— Homelessness and transient crimes have skyrocketed, endangering families
$30 BILLION In fraudulent payments have been made by the Governor’s EDD
— California has abnormally high gas taxes and regulations driving up prices
— We no longer are a “government of the people, by the people, for the people”

So today, the question for you and your friends is would you “hire” Gavin Newsom again by voting “no,” or will you “fire” him by voting “yes,” in the September 14 Recall Election?

Please seize this opportunity to use social media and email to tell others how you’re voting, why it matters so much, and urge them to vote today. Act now before it’s too late!

See and share the SaveCalifornia.com Recall Election Center (candidate report cards)

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2

EMERGENCY: Urge Newsom to drop his ‘vaccine verification’ notion

Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10:28 pm | Randy Thomasson
Please participate in this emergency alert to protect your humanity, your health, and your life. Vigorously oppose Gavin Newsom’s plan to create a “vaccine verification” tool!

Problem 1: The possibility of experiencing an adverse reaction, including injury or death, is real for anyone being injected with the experimental biological agents misnamed “Covid vaccines.” Seeing the stark evidence of this, and learning of many other serious problems of these injected agents, provides legitimate opposition to taking the “jab.” Therefore, it is inhuman, against medical ethics, and against informed consent to force or coerce anyone to be injected with what they don’t want going into their body.

Problem 2: The threat of “vaccine verification” is real. Otherwise known as a “vaccine passport,” “vaccine verification” prevents non-vaccinated people from entering stores, entering government buildings, participation in events, and from traveling with others by plane, train, bus, taxi, and much more. “Vaccine verification” and “vaccine passports” segregate and divide people into “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated.” This is medical discrimination to the max.

Problem 3: On Friday, June 11, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom responded to a reporter’s question, saying his administration is working on the concept of providing an electronic “vaccine verification” tool for businesses (which would segregate and inhumanly discriminate against those who have refused the “jab”). Newsom said, “We would look to help support those efforts and modernize the opportunities, and we’ll be making some announcements very shortly in that space.” Update: On Monday, June 14, Newsom told reporters: “It’s not a passport, it’s not a requirement, it’s just the ability now to have an electronic version of that paper version, so you’ll hear more about that in the next couple of days.”
Problem 4: Newsom also engaged in blatant deception, saying, “There is no mandate, no requirement, no passport,” yet noting California businesses could take the State’s invention and implement it (against innocent, conscientious people). Figuratively speaking, Newsom wants to make a bomb to give to terrorists and then deny any criminal involvement, saying he “only” made the bomb and gave it to others. This is the definition of being an accessory to a crime. Don’t let Newsom get away with this doublespeak!


Under the shadow of the recall election, Newsom has taken pains to say his plan is not a “vaccine passport,” which has negative connotations. So act now. Seize this opportunity to flood him with calls and emails!

Tell him this: Drop your plans for a “vaccine verification” tool, which is a “vaccine passport” segregating and discriminating against people who do not consent to any of the “Covid vaccines.” This passport/verification plan would also harm a sizable number of Californians, including the elderly, who do not have smart phones. “Vaccine verification” would deny many people’s basic human rights to shop, socialize, travel, and receive essential services. it would also discourage tourists from states or countries without “vaccine verification.” Please drop your bad idea, which would hurt real people!

Use Newsom’s webform by selecting “Comment” and “Covid-19” and a “Con” position. Please also call Newsom’s office at 916-445-2841 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a live person to take your message.

“CDC: 5,888 DEAD 329,021 Injuries from COVID-19 Shots – More than Previous 29 Years of VAERS Vaccine Deaths” Health Impact News, June 12, 2021