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Archives for the ‘California Legislature’ Category

The Walk for Life should inspire you to step up and step out

Monday, January 27, 2014, 1:52 am | Randy Thomasson


It was an impressive sight.

Some 60,000 pro-life Californians (and some from out of state) “walked for life” in San Francisco Saturday to bring attention to the plight of little humans in the womb — preborn babies who are scheduled for a torturous abortion death.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. California is a very pro-abortion state because of average Democrat politicians and a handful of liberal Republican ones, so what’s the use? I’ll tell you what’s the use: the fruit of our actions is changed hearts and minds.

You see, the very public message of the San Francisco march and other public pro-life events up and down the state are reaching people with intact consciences … and changing them from ambivalence on abortion … to opposition to abortion.

What’s more, everyone who went public with their values improved their character by loving others and matching their words with their actions. And which one of us doesn’t desire to have integrity before God and man, and to grow inwardly? Now, step up and step out into the 2014 California election year — find candidates who match your values and volunteer for them!

See the dramatic photos from the Walk for Life West Coast

Listen to my latest SaveCalifornia.com Minute, “The personal growth that comes from moral activism”

Certainly every Christian ought to be praying and working to nullify the abominable abortion law. But as we work and pray, we should have in mind not only this important issue as though it stood alone. Rather, we should be struggling and praying that this whole other total entity “(this godless) worldview” can be rolled back with all its results across all of life.
Francis Schaeffer in A Christian Manifesto

California: A half-full glass

Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 2:55 pm | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you see the glass half full or half empty?

I invite you to see the significantly good potential in a half-full glass of water, and all the satisfying quenching of thirst it can bring. Especially if it’s a big, tall glass.

The State of California is like that glass. And there are guaranteed opportunities to fill this big, tall glass with clean, sparkling, nourishing water that helps children and families as God desires.

So instead of thinking it’s impossible to fill the glass more, grasp the reality that indeed it is possible. And realize you are part of the faucet that releases the water that fills the glass.

‘Loser’ vs. ‘winner’ conservatives

Consider that there are actual or near majorities of Californian voters who support man-woman marriage, are against many types of baby-killing abortions, and who want lower prices and lower taxes. Conservative values are not extinct, just underrepresented in our elected representatives.

Now ask yourself — are liberals responsible for bad government, or are conservatives? Consider that:

• Many conservatives don’t vote or vote regularly

• Most conservatives don’t speak out publicly to educate other voters

• Many conservative pastors don’t help their congregations vote right in God’s sight

• Most conservatives never donate to or volunteer for good candidates

• Too many conservatives who know better have thrown up their hands and “dropped out”

The conclusion is obvious. Conservatives have been thinking like losers and not like community activists. This “loser” behavior must stop. For winners never have a “loser” attitude. Instead of imagining failure, they imagine success!

Your historic opportunity

Stop and realize that 2014 is California’s big election year. And for all those who see the glass as half-full, an election year is good, not bad. It’s good because you have an opportunity to make our government and laws and culture better.

On the ballot are governor and all the other statewide offices. Also up for grabs is every state assembly seat, half the state senate seats, and all of California’s congressional seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Because so much is at stake, I’m challenging every moral conservative to choose to make a difference for God’s values here on earth. The results are in your hands, because whoever fights harder for something usually wins it.

How to make a simple and strong difference in your community in the 2014 elections:

1. Distribute a candidate information flyer: Report and compare the popular moral/social/fiscal positions of area candidates on a flyer. Make it look good, and document as much information as you can. Put these flyers on the windshields of vehicles in shopping centers, church lots, neighborhoods – and of course, online. Maximize your social engineering, a special website, and any other creative ideas you have. And recruit home schooling and church schooling teenagers to distribute flyers on a given Saturday or Sunday.

2. Find a candidate with great values and volunteer to hold a fundraising “coffee”: When a candidate is morally principled and has a chance to win, you can really help by inviting your friends to meet the candidate in your home, which is his or her opportunity to ask for funding for mailers and other essential campaign activities. Invite your value-voter friends over and have them bring their checkbook!

3. Consider starting a community group to do even more: One person can powerfully influence others. See how at SaveCalifornia.com’s Training Center (download “10 Ways To Build A Pro-Family Army”).

Here are the declared or likely candidates for Governor (in alphabetical order):

Jerry Brown

Tim Donnelly

Neel Kashmir

Abel Maldonado

Now are you motivated? For the love of God and people, turn on your faucet.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2 NKJV

Video: On CNN defending children and families

Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 10:57 pm | Randy Thomasson


My CNN appearance Tuesday was part of SaveCalifornia.com’s loving message of Truth, and one of the reasons people support our frontline work for children and families.

This live, nationwide interview was about the newly-signed transsexual agenda law of California’s Democrat politicians permitting biological boys in girls’ public school restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams, and biological girls in boys’ public school restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams.

On CNN, I shared why cross-dressing and “sex changes” are unnatural, are not a civil right, how AB 1266 destroys sexual boundaries, and why morally-sensitive parents are leaving the government schools behind.

At the beginning of the interview, the liberal host calls the woman, who is a transsexual activist, “sir,” and refers both to her and me as “gentlemen.” But at the end of the interview, I say “good to talk to you ladies,” because both the host and my bearded opponent are indeed biological females. (Of course, the bearded Masen Davis didn’t like this fact at all and she’s complaining to CNN about me — how tyrannical and anti-free-speech!)

SaveCalifornia.com loves all people, yet confused or malicious folks who don’t care about facts or truth call our love “hate.” But it’s a fact that if you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your father, you’re male; if not, you’re female. No one can alter God’s unchanging laws of Nature. But the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists and their supporters can’t be bothered with facts, can they? Instead, they engage in ad hominem arguments and personal attacks.

Meanwhile, Jerry Brown, the Democrat state legislators, and the intolerant “LGBT” groups and their media allies are leading millions of children to support, vote for, and embrace unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles by promoting role models and behaviors that are detrimental, not beneficial.

Please stand with SaveCalifornia.com in our campaign for Truth, and please rescue your children and grandchildren if you haven’t done so already.

See my 5-minute CNN appearance with a bearded lady

See SaveCalifornia.com’s “Not Born This Way” facts + help

Parents, rescue your children from immoral public schools

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