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Archives for the ‘California Legislature’ Category

How to legally multiply your votes

Saturday, June 2, 2012, 8:52 pm |

You have an incredible opportunity to make a difference before Tuesday’s election. If you love God and love people, I hope you’ll seize it.

California’s June 5 primary election is expected to have a very low turnout – perhaps only a third of registered voters will actually vote by the time the polls close.

This is good news for moral conservatives. Because you care deeply for moral values in government, and because you know others with moral standards, you can turn out more votes for righteousness and make a mathematical difference that may be the winning difference.

So please take quick action. Go to the candidates’ websites and study their positions on issues. Use SaveCalifornia.com’s Election Center to do more research. Then, write up your voting recommendations with brief explanations.

Next, get your value-based recommendations to other moral conservatives. Send an email or Facebook or Twitter message to all your friends. If you’re part of a church and see this in time, make lots of copies of your recommendations. Then, on Sunday morning, either pass them out by hand or place on car windows.

A very effective way to get people out to vote is to pull out your church directory, and call every household. Encourage them to vote, to offer them your recommendations, answer their questions, and even offer a ride to their polling place, if needed. This get-out-the-vote activity is truly good work for God’s values and for people’s benefit.

Moral conservatives don’t need to be like liberal activists, who pretend to be dead people and multiply votes illegally. No, you can multiply righteous votes by encouraging professing moral conservatives or professing Christians to vote for their values because you’re helping them and telling them every vote is needed.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2 NKJV

“The Church must take right ground to politics… The time has come for Christians to vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them…God cannot sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for, unless the church will take right ground. Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do this duty to their country as part of this duty to God…God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.”
Rev. Charles Finney (1792-1875), a famous American minister and revivalist of the Second Great Awakening

‘Sexting,’ new tax threat, and stupid California voters

Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 6:59 pm |

Among everything that caught my eye today and stirred my soul with joy or moral anger, here are three important news stories for families in California and beyond to understand.

Exit the “sexting” schools
Every 7th grader knew what ‘sexting’ meant
Every seventh-grader at a Yolo County middle school raised their hands when asked if they knew what sexting meant. Sexting involves sending, receiving or forwarding sexually suggestive or explicit messages or photos through text message, the Internet or other electronic media.

When I saw this story about children in public schools near Sacramento, I knew it was yet another reason to rescue your children from the immoral peer pressure in California’s government system. See more reasons and develop a rescue plan at our special website, RescueYourChild.com. And while you’re at it, if you’ve given your child a cell phone, make it a real basic one with no texting or internet or picture sharing.

Will tax-and-fee-hike Democrats achieve a 2/3rds supermajority?
It’s wait and see to determine whether enough voter signatures have been gathered to qualify a California ballot referendum to reject unfair state senate districts. If successful, the referendum would head off statewide tax-and-fee-hikes by denying Democrats a 2/3rds legislative majority that they’re likely to get under the gerrymandered maps produced by the liberal-dominated California Citizens Redistricting Commission.

Between Thursday and Sunday, 710,924 RAW signatures were turned in to elections officials in 57 California counties. However, the “Fair Districts” campaign needed at least 750,000 raw signatures to feel reasonably certain of qualifying. Referendums or statutory initiatives that qualify for the ballot through the “full check” process of counting signatures do so with at least a 70% validity rate, yielding at least 504,760 VALID signatures. Many fall short of 70%. And you don’t get higher than 70% unless you use a top-notch signature-gathering firm that pre-validates signatures. Doing the math, 710,924 raw signatures x 70% = 497,646 valid signatures, which would fail to qualify. May this one’s validity rate be somehow higher!

This teaches a hard lesson. To succeed at a California ballot initiative or referendum, you must first have rock-solid language that will legally accomplish all you’ve intended because it is written to withstand a judge’s “misinterpretation.” Second, you must raise major funds (at least $1 million) and plan to raise these funds early, or else you fail to qualify. Look at the SB 48 referendum drive over the summer. Organizers said they gathered less than 500,000 RAW signatures, falling short 250,000 or more raw signatures that were needed to successfully qualify. Without funds for professional signature gathering, that effort gathered far fewer signatures than the Fair Districts referendum drive, which, sadly, might not qualify at all.

However, if somehow the Fair Districts referendum campaign has an unexpected high validity rate and indeed qualifies for the ballot, we will all have a much better chance of stopping burdensome tax and fee increases upon California families. The California Constitution now requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of the Legislature to raise either taxes or fees. So, with the help of the gerrymandered maps of the “citizens commission,” Democrat politicians — hungry for more “revenues” because they refuse to cut the wasteful, fraudulent habits of the government unions or the bureaucracy — are trying to win at least two more seats in each house in next year’s election. The absence of a Fair Districts victory would give the Democrats a greater chance of achieving a 2/3rds veto-proof supermajority, empowering them to impose tax-and-fee hikes willy-nilly on both families and job-providing businesses.

Read more: 710,924 Signatures for Overturning Senate Map. And Yet…
See the fact: SaveCalifornia.com’s 2009 Waste Report

Californians, stop voting stupid
If you know the real value of something and the seller agrees to sell it at his cost, you have an idea of what honest government looks like. Honest government does not make a “profit” off its owners, the People, which would be tantamount to an employee stealing from its owner.

But if a seller hides the real value of a product or service, jacks up his “costs” to astronomical levels, and then deceives you into buying his lie so you get poorer in the process, you understand why California’s state government is corrupt and many local governments too.

Instead of cutting massive structural waste that people can’t see, corrupt city officials and government unions are deceitfully saying police and fire services, library services, water, storm drain, and trash services, you name it, won’t be provided unless taxes and fees are hiked, or expensive bonds are approved. Don’t believe it and always vote against the deception of higher taxes/more bonds, which is the unjustified taking of more money from We the People.

Unfortunately, because most California voters are either ignorant or stupid about this (can you say public school “education”?), 40 of 53 tax hikes, fee hikes, and bond-raising schemes were passed last week by voters in California cities, counties, and government school districts.

The voters’ lack of critical thinking has encouraged Democrat Governor Jerry Brown. If he doesn’t achieve a 2/3rds supermajority of Democrat legislators next year to raise taxes and fees, Brown believes he might persuade ignorant or stupid voters to approve it on the ballot.

ACTION: Take a personal pledge to oppose all proposed tax hikes, fee hikes, and bond borrowing schemes, which give more of your hard-earned money to those who habitually waste money.

Read more about Jerry Brown’s tax-hike dreams

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
Samuel Adams, “Father of the American Revolution,” in 1775

ALERT: The 4 worst bills on Jerry Brown’s desk

Friday, September 9, 2011, 12:33 pm |

Today (Friday, Sept. 9) is the last day of the California Legislature’s regular session.

Because Democrats control both houses and the Governor’s office, I’ve expected and then seen, to my horror, dozens of anti-family, tyrannical bills pass this year due to the foolish imaginations of the dominating Democrat legislators.

This is why, in the last several years, only the governor could stop bad bills. “Republican” Arnold Schwarzenegger, frequently lobbied by conservative Californians, vetoed most of the anti-family bills his first term. But upon his reelection in 2006, he revealed his immoral heart and started signing bad bills, even bills that he vetoed his first term.

Now, with Democrat Jerry Brown back in the governor’s office, he’s already signed SB 48, mandating blatant homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination of children without parental consent. Yet Brown’s vetoed other bills that would have imposed new state mandates, coerced more people into costly unions, and limited the power of voter initiatives.

So, it’s worth “testing” Jerry Brown on the worst bills on his desk. With your calls, emails, and faxes, will he veto them? 

SaveCalifornia.com has identified the four worst bills — all authored by Democrats — and urges you to take action:

AB 499 allows school staff, nurses, and others to push the risky HPV vaccine upon girls as young as 12 years old, without parental consent
1. The Gardasil or Cervarix vaccine can harm or kill. The CDC reports there have already been 18,727 reports of adverse events, including 68 deaths.
2. Giving to pre-teen girls is equivalent to telling them to have teenage sex, resulting in disease, pregnancy, abortion, emotional damage, moral ruin, etc.
3. Tramples parental rights because no parental consent is required.
4. Paves way for more anti-parent laws.
5. These injections of minor girls will eventually be paid for by the state (the taxpayers), even though there is no money in the state budget.
CDC: 68 deaths | CalCatholic.com article | AB 499 text

SB 651 would eliminate requirement that homosexual “domestic partners” live together (opens door to fraud); allows minors to become “domestic partners” (roping kids into homosexual lifestyles)
The purpose of SB 651 is to erase any and all legal distinctions between man-woman marriage and homosexual partners. According to the author, San Francisco Democrat Mark Leno, “This bill will remedy those final inequities, including the denial of long-term care insurance to domestic partners who are state employees and requirements related to age and whether couples live at the same residence. As we inch ever closer to equality, the only way to ensure fair treatment is to allow all loving couples the right to marry. Separate is seldom, if ever, equal,” he said.”
“San Diego Gay & Lesbian News”  | SB 651 text 

AB 101 unionizes in-home childcare, forcing it in many cases
According to the Sacramento Bee, “The measure would allow small-business owners who provide child care in their own homes or the child’s home and – this is key – who care for children who receive state child care subsidies to unionize. The child-care providers targeted for unionization, many of them unlicensed grandmothers and other relatives or neighbors, would not be forced to join a union. However, if the child they care for receives state subsidies, they would have to pay union dues whether they joined the union or not…If the bill is approved, like IHSS it will inevitably increase state costs at a time California is broke. Citing costs, former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed several previous baby sitter unionization bills. Given California’s precarious financial situation, increased costs alone should be enough to sideline AB 101 this year.”
Sacramento Bee: Democrats make last-minute push to unionize California child-care workers
Editorial: Baby sitter bill deserves some adult supervision

SB 397 permits online voter registration
There is already voter fraud happening by all the vote-by-mail shenanigans (dead people voting, illegal aliens voting). Can you imagine the fraud if Jerry Brown signs online voter registration? Can you imagine entering in your existing address under another name and thus vote twice or more? There is no reliable way for election officials to ferret out fraud, especially registrations that are close to an election.
SB 397 text | Senate floor analysis | Criticism of similar Michigan proposal

Contact Brown by phone, fax, email

Phone (916) 445-2841
Fax (916) 558-3160
Brown’s contact form

When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice.
But when the wicked are in power, they groan.
Proverbs 29:2 NLT