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ALERT: Don’t let Jerry Brown’s tax-hike scheme pass this weekend

Thursday, March 10, 2011, 4:47 pm |

So far, your calls and emails to at-risk Republicans have held off placing the most massive continuation of tax hikes upon families in state history on California’s ballot. But now, I’m asking you to call and email again. Because the Democrat legislative leaders are trying to push through a tax-hike deal this weekend or Monday.

SaveCalifornia.com is urging you to call Republicans right now. Because if GOP state legislators are united in their opposition to place tax increases on the ballot, tax hikes can’t and won’t happen. The Democrat state legislators, who are hopeless tax-and-spend addicts, won’t get their way unless two Republicans in the Assembly and two in the Senate sell out and support Jerry Brown’s tax scheme.

Why is placing a continuation of massive tax increases on the ballot is a huge risk? As the last statewide election demonstrated, California contains more voters who are Democrats,  who just don’t understand why higher taxes on families’ purchases, income, and motor vehicles are harmful. Especially when most of the messages on TV, radio, newspapers, and mailers will be frighten-you-silly lies sponsored by the wealthy, self-centered government unions. Don’t let this happen.

Have you felt financially squeezed lately? In February 2009, California families’ taxes went up nearly $1,000 a year for two years. Meanwhile, gas prices rose from under $2 per gallon in early 2009 to nearly $4 today. And now, the $12 BILLION tax hike that Jerry Brown and the Democrats want on the ballot would cost the average family another $1,000. Because of California’s wasteful state government, and a White House and Congress that won’t allow sufficient drilling of oil in American land and sea, you ARE being squeezed — majorly.

I am especially concerned how this financial oppression is harming family time between spouses and with their children, tempting husbands and wives into money squabbles and divorce, deceiving people of faith to stop giving to God, and causing worried parents to remove their children from Christian schools.


With a vote expected as soon as this weekend, please drop everything and email and call these 7 at-risk Republican state legislators. Tell them “No more taxes and fees. OPPOSE placing Jerry Brown’s tax scheme on the ballot!”

If a staffer gives you trouble because you’re not “in our district,” just say “Please give my message to the member (or senator). He is deciding whether to take more money from me and my family!” Also, please forward this alert to your friends via email, Facebook and Twitter to ask them to do their parts. We need a mini-flood of opposition calls and emails in Sacramento, right away.

1. Email a pre-written “no more taxes, fees or borrowing” message to your own state legislators.

2. Email and call in your own message to the 7 at-risk California Republican state legislators:

Assemblyman Bill Berryhill
916-319-2026 phone
916-319-2126 fax
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Bill Berryhill’s district office zip code 95207)

Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian
916-319-2033 phone
916-319-2133 fax
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Achadjian’s district office zip code 93401)

State Senator Sam Blakeslee
916-651-4015 phone
916-445-8081 fax
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Blakeslee’s district office zip code 93401)

State Senator Tom Berryhill
Phone: (916) 651-4014
Fax: (916) 327-3523
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Tom Berryhill’s district office zip code 95356)

State Senator Anthony Cannella
916-651-4012 phone
916-445-0773 fax
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Cannella’s district office zip code 93901)

State Senator Bill Emmerson
Phone: (916) 651-4037
Fax: (916) 327-2187
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Emmerson’s district office zip code 92507)

State Senator Tom Harman
Phone: (916) 651-4035
Fax: (916) 445-9263
Email form (will only accept email messages from district zip codes, so enter Harman’s district office zip code 92626)

Meet California’s legal anarchist Kamala Harris

Tuesday, March 1, 2011, 7:06 pm |

California’s new Democratic Attorney General, Kamala Harris is urging the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to interrupt its process and permit homosexual “marriages” now.

Kamala Harris is the former District Attorney of San Francisco who refused to pursue the death penalty for cop killers. Over the years, she rode in several homosexual-bisexual-transsexual “pride” parades.  She has been a longtime supporter of homosexual “marriages” — even on national TV.

In her action Tuesday and in her earlier refusal to defend Prop. 8 in court, Harris obviously doesn’t believe that California is a republic — a state of laws, not a regime or a monarchy — or a democracy — where the people make the laws.  She took an oath to be opposite of an anarchist. Not! And the children are watching.

See what else I told the media in our new release.

My response to Barack Obama’s attack on marriage

Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 5:06 pm |

Remember the Yes on Prop. 8 mailer three years ago, showing us pictures of Barack Obama and John McCain saying they both support marriage for only a man and a woman? Well, Obama lied.

Then he lied again when he swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Remember, the Constitution doesn’t say anything about homosexuality or a right to homosexual “marriage,” but does say that Congress makes the laws and that the President executes the laws.

See my statement about Barack Obama trying to kill the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act by abandoning all legal defenses in the courts.

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:4-6 NKJV