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VIDEO: This loving, honest doctor puts Fauci to shame

Friday, June 25, 2021, 10:21 am | Randy Thomasson
Dr. Peter McCullough of Texas has been the lead coauthor on 40+ peer-reviewed articles about Covid and treatment for Covid in 2020 and 2021.
You deserve the truth about Covid and the so-called “Covid vaccines.” In mid-May, renowned American physician Dr. Peter McCullough gave a comprehensive interview providing facts and analysis that Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Tech don’t want you to see, hear, or know.

But you need to know, because your survival as an American is depending on it. Here’s the story about the interview, interview highlights, and the full interview, which is really worth seeing. (Note: The Rumble videos take about 15 seconds to load.)

Dr. McCullough in this much-watch interview: “I think this whole pandemic from the beginning was about the vaccine. So I think all roads lead to the vaccine and what it means. There are already places in southeast Asia and Europe — they’re laying the groundwork for compulsory vaccination — I mean, compulsory — that means somebody pins you down to the ground and puts a needle in you. That’s how bad stakeholders want vaccination … This ‘needle in every arm’ is a very important moniker. Why? The tension that Americans are feeling right now, as they’re trying to keep their jobs and go to work, is they know they could die of the vaccine — that’s the problem!”

Health data websites that Big Media and Big Tech don’t want you to see:

The Covid Blog
Health Impact News
Children’s Health Defense
Natural News

Also, see this fact-filled animated video, “COVID Vaccine Secrets” (no reasonable person will take the ‘jab’ after watching this)

Take Action: Urge the 7 top U.S. airlines to oppose “vaccine passports”

“You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: victory; victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.”
Great Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill declaring war on Nazi Germany in 1940

Cal/OSHA reverses, and Newsom lied to you

Thursday, June 10, 2021, 5:07 pm | Randy Thomasson
California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom behind California’s Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly

Success! Calls and emails of concerned California achieved an important victory when Cal/OSHA reversed its onerous new “restrictions” upon all indoor businesses. But first, stark evidence of Gavin Newsom’s continuing abuse of Californians.

On May 12, Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom publicly promised you after June 15 in California there’ll be “No [mask] mandates and no restrictions on businesses large and small.”

Reporter: “Are we looking at masks after June 15?”
Newsom: “No, only in those settings that are indoor — only in those massively large settings, where people from around the world, not just around the country, are convening, and when people are mixing in real dense spaces. Otherwise, we’ll make guidance recommendations, but no mandates. And no mandates and no restrictions on businesses large and small.” See the video

But Newsom lied to you — again. The latest from his Department of Public Health — which serves at Newsom’s pleasure — is they want to muzzle your face in all jobs dealing with health care, public transit, K-12 government schools, and more!

As the Sacramento Bee reported this morning, “Earlier Wednesday [during a] press call, Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly outlined a few places Californians will have to wear a mask after the reopening:

• Public transit (Airplanes, buses, taxis, subways, as well as hubs such as airports and bus terminals)
• Indoors in K-12 schools and childcare settings (For now. The state is monitoring the federal guidance, Ghaly said)
• Health care
• Correctional facilities and detention centers
• Homeless shelters, including cooling centers”

What’s more, the Newsom Administration has now added “child care” to this mask mandate list. Does this sound like “no mandates and no restrictions” to you? So Gavin Newsom lied to you about June 15. Why? He prostituted himself to the “health officer” establishment, caring more about them and himself than about you and your family.

So, at this point, there are a few realities that you and I must grasp:

1. It was a victory Wednesday evening as Cal/OSHA reversed its June 3 vote that had tyrannically mandated upon virtually all indoor workers masks and distancing, also coercing tests and jabs — all the way into next year. Halting this Cal/OSHA agenda gets us closer to our goal of normalcy. The Cal/OSHA board will meet June 17 to realign its rules to more closely match the Newsom administration’s “guidelines” and schedule.
Thank you to everyone who called and emailed Gavin Newsom the last several days. You were successful in motivating him to get Cal/OSHA to reverse itself, which will help California reopen faster. In the meantime, small business owners should ignore any rules from Cal/OSHA, which is in complete disarray on enforcing Covid “restrictions.”

As Cal/OSHA admitted in its memo calling for the June 9 emergency meeting, “confusion regarding the requirements of the workplace safety standards … make both enforcement and compliance unduly difficult.” So end your slavery! The virus has burned itself out, masks and other restrictions don’t work and only harm, and Cal/OSHA is currently so confused and impotent, enforcement of any Covid-related “restrictions” is unlikely.

2. Choose slavery or freedom. If you value your basic liberties, resist any state or county or city “restrictions” whatsoever. Again, Covid has burned itself out in California, there’s widespread immunity, hospitals were never overwhelmed, there’s no legal basis for a “state of emergency,” and we never killed small businesses and human rights over the seasonal flu (which unlike Covid, kills children and young adults). Stand up for your God-given liberties and constitutional rights — don’t comply any longer with Newsom or CDPH or Cal/OSHA or the corrupt CDC. Small business owners need to declare independence!

3. Don’t wear a mask anymore. All the reputable science shows masks don’t prevent transmission of influenza or Covid and are harmful to the wearer. What’s more, masks increase the potential to spread one’s “ick” to others. As stores and other places of commerce drop their employee mask mandates, it’s important for you to show your smiling face whenever you shop. Because not only will you breathe healthy air, you’ll remind others what it is to be human. What’s more, your promotion of normalcy will help ward off “vaccine verification,” the ultimate threat to your medical freedom. Do your part to silently proclaim masks aren’t normal, but showing your face is.

In conclusion, the virus has burnt out and there never was and still is no justification for lockdowns, masks, distancing, disinfecting, tests, or jabs. As many retail employees take off their masks, we must double our efforts to attain and maintain normalcy, which is the best evidence that the experimental biological agents misnamed “Covid vaccines” are a “solution” in search of a problem that no longer exists.

A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it,
But knowledge is easy to him who understands.
Go from the presence of a foolish man,
When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way,
But the folly of fools is deceit.

Proverbs 14:6-8

Courageous California doctors expose ‘Covid vaccine’ dangers

Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:39 am | Randy Thomasson
Dr. Mark McDonald, M.D. a child psychiatrist and Dr. Jeffrey Barke, M.D., a family medicine physician, in Orange County, California on June 4, 2021

Here’s a vitally-important video you’ve just got to see. Two Southern California M.D.’s who love truth and love people on June 4 presented the facts and evidence that Big Media ignores about the dangers of the experimental biological agents that are misnamed “Covid vaccines.” These principled doctors have really studied up and fought hard for all of our sakes since this scamdemic began.

Here’s most of the video (scroll to the start to watch) and here’s the 5-minute conclusion (to view these, you must be logged into an Instagram account)

As you know, one of the top controversies of the dangerous “Covid vaccines” (which have caused thousands of deaths and millions of injuries) is whether children should get “the jab.” In California, the Liberal Left (county “public health officers” plus anti-family teacher unions) are actively coercing schoolchildren as young as 12 years old to “consent” to “the jab” without their parents’ permission. This is why loving fathers and mothers must rescue their children now by exiting the awful government-controlled school system.

At Orange County’s “Covid 19 Information Night,” Dr. Jeffrey Barke said, “It doesn’t make sense, from scientific standpoint, to vaccinate a child against a disease that they have very little risk against. The risk of the vaccine for a child is greater than any benefit that could come against this virus — so there’s just simply no reason.”

Please share this blog with your friends so they can protect themselves and their children!

“I started to see people hitting a point where they they weren’t just afraid — they actually believed some of the lies that they were being told. They believed that, for example, it’s impossible, it’s just unheard of, it’s incredibly dangerous, to have children at school; that all people are equally at risk of dying of coronavirus — no matter what their age, no matter what their health status; that you have to stay indoors in order to be safe; that you can’t go to work. All of these proclamations that were being spoken of — people started to believe in as being factually true — evidence-based — which none of them are.”
Dr. Mark McDonald on “Dose of Dr. Drew,” January 6, 2021 (at 11:52)