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A tremendous California victory for publicly honoring Creator God

Saturday, June 8, 2019, 9:41 am | Randy Thomasson

The biggest pro-family victories in California so far this month are the successful campaigns to put “In God We Trust” on police vehicles in Kern County, just north of Los Angeles County.

Enjoy these photos from my two-day tour to battle alongside these three pastors who spearheaded their city campaigns and won great victories. I highly commend them for being outstanding examples of “standing your ground and not backing down.”

Godly pastors: Justin Medlock of Shafter, David Vivas of Delano, Angelo Frazier of Bakersfield, and myself, on June 4, after we testified to the Shafter City Council.

Bakersfield’s ‘In God We Trust’ leader: Pastor Angelo Frazier, doing a TV interview, on May 22, the day he proposed adding our national motto to police and fire vehicles.  

Encouraging Christians to put their light on a stand: Here’s Pastor Angelo Frazier with a Christian man prior to the June 5 Bakersfield City Council meeting. He encouraged this man to speak, which he eventually did in front of the council, audience, and media.

Public perseverance: Both Christians and atheists at the June 5 Bakersfield City Council meeting. You can see Pastor Frazier and me in the first row. After 2 hours of testimony, the council voted 4 to 2 (Republicans for, Democrats against) to place “In God We Trust” on police and fire vehicles. The news quickly spread nationwide.

Even liberal media get to see ‘In God We Trust’: Bakersfield TV news people were waiting to interview Pastor Frazier after our great moral victory inside City Hall.

Basking in victory: Caring enough to show up for this winnable battle, these Bakersfield Christians celebrate with Pastor Frazier, along with me and Pastor Medlock from Shafter.

Glorying God in Shafter, California: On June 4, Pastor Justin Medlock testified, sharing how a Christian cop helped him repent from drug use and clean up his life with the help of Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit. He knows that “In God We Trust” on police cars will do good!

Christians are coming out of the closet: Here’s Pastor Medlock with two brothers who own a design and print shop, who’ve offered to pay for the “In God We Trust” decals in both Delano and Shafter, overcoming an atheist objection of taxpayer expense.

He started it all: Pastor David Vivas used his influence with his city’s mayor to propose that Delano be the first California city to place “In God We Trust” on police vehicles. Like the spark of the American Revolution, Pastor Vivas’ bold action on April 2 was a “shot heard round the world.” Pastor Vivas says his Christianity compels him to publicly shine his light. 

Christian values benefit everybody: On June 5, I had the privilege of meeting with Pastor Vivas and Delano Mayor Joe Aguirre, a very strong advocate of “In God We Trust.”

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do they slight a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand,
and it gives light to all who are in the house.”

Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, in Matthew 5:14-15

‘In God We Trust’ to go on police cars in California

Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 10:40 am | Randy Thomasson

Why do we have crime and corruption in our society? Ultimately, it’s because of people who don’t fear their Creator and Judge. This is why most crimes happen when a perpetrator thinks no one is watching.

So rejoice that a California city has approved “In God We Trust” for police cars!

On April 2, the City of Delano, which is one of 136 California cities and counties that already have “In God We Trust” on their main buildings, voted to also display the United States of America’s national motto on the sides of police vehicles in their 53,000-population city, just inside the northern border of Kern County.

The driving force behind the council vote to honor God on police vehicles was Delano pastor David Vivas. “I’ve read where law enforcement agencies in other states have done this,” said Vivas, who teaches at World Harvest International Church. “As a patriotic American, I believe this is appropriate to have these decals placed on police vehicles.”

The movement to place “In God We Trust” on government buildings began in 2001 with Jacquie Sullivan, a Bakersfield, California city councilwoman. In 2002, the Bakersfield City Council voted to require all government buildings to display “In God We Trust” somewhere on each building. Then, with Jacquie’s vision, the “In God We Trust” movement “took off.”

“There are 136 cities and counties in California that are displaying ‘In God We Trust’ in their council chambers,” Sullivan said. Her website lists 683 local governments nationwide that unashamedly and prominently display our national motto honoring God.

Stop and think of the advantages of honoring God on police vehicles. Morality is doing what’s right in God’s sight despite opposition or when you know no one’s looking. But God’s always watching, right? But what’s going to sensitize people to remember this spiritual fact? See how “In God We Trust” on police cars is a stellar anti-crime and anti-corruption reminder for both gangs and cops?

If you agree that belief in, fear of, and love for God is the ultimate crime-prevention program, please urge your city councilmembers to vote to display “In God We Trust” in city council chambers (it’s easy: just email them and attach Jacquie Sullivan’s website). If “In God We Trust” is already being displayed, ask that it also go on police vehicles, like in Delano. This is as constitutional as our paper money and coins.

“Delano made history and this will set precedence for other law enforcement agencies in California who may have been thinking of doing this,” Vivas said. “Not everyone believes in God, but we can all be patriotic as Americans in being supportive of our national motto.”

Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people—saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.”
Revelation 14:6-7

Why the establishment doesn’t want you to see ‘Unplanned’

Monday, April 8, 2019, 11:10 am | Randy Thomasson

As “Unplanned” filled our eyes and ears on the big screen, I saw women in the audience grabbing Kleenex boxes. Similarly touched, my eyes got watery several times.

Afterward, in the theater corridor, I talked with a man who saw “Unplanned” with me. He said it’s obvious how abortion dehumanizes babies. He also said his wife is pro-abortion. I encouraged him to invite his wife to see “Unplanned” and to reward her with dinner out.

Before exiting the theater’s front doors, I talked with a wheelchair-bound theater employee. His slurred speech indicated he had cerebral palsy. I encouraged him to see “Unplanned” because there are evil forces that don’t want him to see it, and they’re the same dark forces who think it was wrong for him to be born. With a big grin on his face, he said he would see “Unplanned.”

After personally experiencing this historic film, I now know why the “progressive” Left is so opposed to teenage girls seeing “Unplanned.” It’s the very same reason why the “Motion Picture Association of America” (MPAA) slapped ‘Unplanned’ with an unfair R rating. You see, the Left just doesn’t want girls, aged 13, 14, 15, and 16, to see the truth about abortion. Yet the government schools tell these same girls they expect them to have sex and that abortion is acceptable.

Bottom line, they don’t want teenage girls to:

  • Recognize that the “fetus” is a separate person, not mere “tissue”
  • See the ultrasound of a baby in the womb, being killed via suction abortion
  • Witness the stomach-churning, blood-curdling effects of swallowing abortion pills
  • Observe the money-grubbing lies of Planned Parenthood abortionists
  • Remember the bloody reality of Planned Parenthood killing centers

Because if teenage girls — and their parents — saw these facts, there would be fewer abortions and more Planned Parenthood abortuaries would close. And Planned Parenthood wouldn’t like that, would they?

You can’t watch “Unplanned” without opposing abortion. I think its high point was showing a baby in the womb (via computer animation) being dismembered and suctioned out in a tube. Not since seeing a real abortion in 1984’s The Silent Scream have I or so many people seen an abortion depicted on the big screen, as in “Unplanned.” I was again shocked by the eviscerating inhumanity of abortion.

Another thing that “Unplanned” impressed upon me is how Planned Parenthood abortionists are trying to redefine femininity to mean women should kill their babies, instead of give birth to their babies. That’s the whole point of Planned Parenthood’s killing business. And it’s the whole point of the color pink at Planned Parenthood political rallies with female Democrat politicians at their side.

What’s more, “Unplanned” strongly suggests that being pro-abortion is a soul problem — that it requires industrial-strength denial to support the killing of innocent boys and girls, in the same place all of us once were — our mother’s womb. Yet “Unplanned” unleashes a barrage of compassionate facts against this denial, opening the mind to Planned Parenthood’s barbaric practices.

Spiritually, the devil is very happy with abortion in America. As the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, said in John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” “Unplanned” can help Americans repent of supporting abortion and voting for abortion. Otherwise, how can God bless America? As Creator God repeatedly says in His Word, the bloodguilt of a nation is a terrible sin. 

If you’ve been mortified by photos or videos of piles of dead bodies and the crematoriums at Nazi concentration camps, you can’t help but sense the same demonic spirit of Planned Parenthood that’s seen in “Unplanned.” It’s sobering to realize that the U.S. abortion industry has murdered 61 million pre-born babies since 1973’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court opinions.

Please see “Unplanned.” You can boost its box-office numbers and help expose Planned Parenthood’s modern-day atrocities. You’ll be energized in your pro-life, pro-family values. And if you take them with you, most persons who call themselves “pro-choice” will have their minds forever changed.

“When I’m asked today what someone might have said to get me to change my mind about having either abortion, I tell them it would be this: ‘What do you think would disappoint your parents most? To find out that you’d gotten pregnant, or to learn that you had taken the life of their grandchild?'”
Abby Johnson, Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey Across the Life Line