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ACTION: Resist the harmful Gardasil bill (AB 659)

Saturday, September 16, 2023, 7:14 am | Randy Thomasson

Now that the coercive, deceptive AB 659, pushing painful, injurious Gardasil shots upon millions of California families, has passed the State Legislature, here’s what you can do:

UPDATE: AB 659 pushing Gardasil now even worse

Democrat Party and RINO (Republican In Name Only) California state legislators have passed AB 659, sending it to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has until Oct. 14 to sign or veto.

This Big Pharma bill is now even worse with the Democrat author’s Sept. 8 amendments. Voting “yes” to give final passage to AB 659 on Sept. 12 and 13 (on Sept. 14, the Legislature adjourned for the year) were nearly every Democrat state legislator, plus “Republicans” Greg Wallis and Scott Wilk.

The amended AB 659

As amended Sept. 8, the bill INSTRUCTS (via letter or email) ALL California parents of 6th graders (except homeschoolers) that ALL “pupils…are advised…to adhere to current immunization guidelines” of the CDC and other named vaccine-loving organizations “regarding full human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization before admission or advancement to the eighth grade level of any private or public elementary or secondary school.”

AB 659’s trickery

Of course, AB 659’s mandate-like text (“the state’s public policy,” “advised,” “recommended,” “adhere to current HPV immunization guidelines,” “before admission or advancement to the eighth grade level of any private or public elementary or secondary school“) will trick many parents into BELIEVING Gardasil jabs are REQUIRED.

And the amended AB 659 gets much more specific about the parental “notification” letter. Sadly, it’s a lie-filled letter with zero science behind it. Yet, for those who follow the evidence, 17 years of Gardasil injuries and Merck’s own warnings about fainting, seizures, and other side effects will inform you that, overall, Gardasil is harmful.

3 big lies: AB 659’s letter to CA parents of 6th graders

Section 4 of the amended AB 659 describes the “notification” letter to be sent to parents:

(c) The notification sent pursuant to subdivision (b) shall also include a statement, as determined by the department, summarizing the recommended ages for the HPV vaccine and scientific rationale for vaccination at those ages, based on guidance issued by ACIP of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. The notification shall further state the following:

“HPV vaccination can prevent over 90 percent of cancers caused by HPV. HPV vaccines are very safe, and scientific research shows that the benefits of HPV vaccination far outweigh the potential risks.”

LIE: “HPV vaccination can prevent over 90 percent of cancers caused by HPV”
FACT: There is NO HONEST evidence Gardasil shots prevent cancer of any kind. Source

LIE: “HPV vaccines are very safe”
FACT: When Gardasil has caused so many injuries and even deaths in teens and young adults since its FDA approval in 2006, it CANNOT be called “very safe.” Source

LIE: “…scientific research shows that the benefits of HPV vaccination far outweigh the potential risks”
FACT: Biochemist Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, at the 4th International Symposium on Vaccines in Leipzig, Germany in 2016, publicly asked: “Is it ethical to put young women at risk of death or a disabling autoimmune disease at a pre-adolescent age for a vaccine that has not yet prevented a single case of cervical cancer, a disease that may develop 20-30 years after exposure to HPV, when the same can be prevented with regular Pap screening which carries no risks? We don’t know if it can offer any long-term clinical benefit for a disease that is safely preventable through other methods.” Source

ANOTHER FACT: Even Merck admits its latest Gardasil concoction isn’t reliable: “Vaccination with GARDASIL 9 may not result in protection in all vaccine recipients.” Source

Will Gov. Gavin Newsom sign or veto AB 659?

If Gavin Newsom signs AB 659, California fathers and mothers need to prioritize training themselves and their children to “just say no” to Gardasil, even when a physician “recommends” it or a school or school district pressures parents in a letter. Please “be a lion” and don’t sheepishly surrender your God-given rights of voluntary medical treatment and informed consent.

What’s more, pro-family lawsuits must be readied to sue any district that claims Gardasil shots are “required.” Because even state judges can read how AB 659 does not legally “mandate” Gardasil. Yet, due to its deception and coercion, AB 659 would deceive many parents into thinking their girls and boys must be injected or they “can’t go to school.”

TAKE ACTION NOW: Urge Newsom to veto AB 659

If Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom gets a flood of calls and emails exposing AB 659, he might — just might — veto it. Call his constituent services number, 916-445-2841 M-F 9-5 (they have staffers paid to take your message), and email anytime. 

Tell Newsom: Veto AB 659, which coercively and deceptively pushes Gardasil shots upon millions of California children and college students. You can’t tell children’s families they should do something “before admission or advancement” in school without millions of California parents believing it’s a mandate. Stop the deception and intimidation, and stop pushing these risky shots upon children and their families. Veto AB 659!

Web form instructions for Newsom’s page:

On page 1, on the right, is the question, “What is your request or comment about?”

  • Under that is “Topic” and “Select an option”
  • Select “An Active Bill”
  • Under that, a new field will appear, asking “What specific bill”?
  • Scroll through the list and select AB 659
  • Under that is another selection, asking “What is the purpose of your message?”
  • Select “Leave a Comment” and click “Next”

On the next page:

  • Select “Con”
  • In field marked “Message subject,” type over “An Active Bill,” replacing it with the new words “AB 659 VETO”
  • In field below that, marked “Message,” paste in our suggested message

On the next page (you’re almost done), you don’t have to provide your phone number

But experts told The Defender there’s no proof that HPV vaccines reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Studying HPV vaccine efficacy for eliminating cervical cancer is challenging due to the extended time — 23.5 years on average — between infection and the development of cancer, lack of adequate informed consent and the complex relationship between HPV infection and cervical cancer.

Vaccinated women, believing they are protected, may also engage in riskier behavior and therefore worsen the risk of cervical cancer. According to James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., president and CEO of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, studies claiming the vaccine reduces cervical cancer are misleading for a number of reasons. For example, some research has shown that because the HPV vaccine targets only specific HPV strains, it has led to an increase in more lethal types of HPV, replacing the less lethal types targeted by vaccination.

Lyons also pointed to other research, published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, showing that Phase 2 and Phase 3 efficacy trials themselves have been rife with methodological problems that undermine efficacy claims. That research also points out that none of the trials were designed to detect the vaccine’s effectiveness against cervical cancer. And most trials tested HPV outcomes for people much older than children ages 9-13, when vaccination is typically offered.

Research shows that in all countries that performed smear screening, the pre-vaccination period from 1989 to 2007 was marked by a significant decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer. And that since vaccination began, that trend has reversed.

Also, despite Merck’s marketing of the HPV vaccine as “safe and effective,” many recipients have experienced serious side effects. Some of the signature impacts observed following HPV vaccination include permanently disabling autoimmune and neurological conditions such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.

There have been thousands of reports of adverse events worldwide, peer-reviewed scientific literature from the U.S., Australia, Denmark, Sweden, France and Japan, and statistics published by public health agencies in each of these countries that demonstrate associations between HPV vaccination and autoimmune conditions.
Can Text Messages Sway More Black Parents to Vaccinate Teens for HPV? Rutgers Gets $600k Grant to Find Out,” Children’s Health Defense, August 29, 2023

UPDATE: Dems attack parents + what to do now

Thursday, September 7, 2023, 5:59 pm | Randy Thomasson

You’ve probably already heard that the ruling Democrats in the California State Senate on Wednesday passed 2 big anti-parent bills: AB 665 coercively emancipating 12-year-olds for any reason, and AB 957 discriminating against religious parents in child custody cases.

But do you know why 30 Democrats voted for AB 957 and 31 Democrats approved AB 665?

1. Because Democrat politicians actually oppose parents’ rights: With their votes and even their words — especially on the Assembly floor this year — Democrat Party legislators increasingly believe parents “get in the way” of the Democrats’ “LGBTQIA+” and abortion (baby-killing) agendas. This subversive philosophy was strengthened last year when SB 866 initially passed the State Senate, making it “easier” for them to trample parental rights.

2. Because Democrat politicians prostitute themselves to “LGBTQIA+”: Both bills, especially AB 957, were sold to the ruling Democrats as benefitting children who “identify” as another “gender.” Experts at playing the “LGBTQIA+ card,” Democrat bosses twisted the arms of 4 Democrats who, June 13 in the Senate Judiciary Committee, had demanded a religious-freedom amendment as a condition to support AB 957 on the floor. Yet no religious accommodation was put in the bill, since those 4 Democrats were reminded how the “LGBTQIA+” agenda supersedes everything. And with AB 665, Democrat state senators were sold how this somehow benefitted “LGBT youth.” You see, in order to capture kids, their perversity agenda must squash God-given parental rights, every time.

3. Because Democrat politicians are professional liars: Over the years, I’ve repeatedly seen Democrat legislators draft deceitful bills, redefine and misdefine words, break their promises, and arrogantly claim what’s true is false and what’s false is true. AB 665 author Wendy Carrillo falsely claimed her bill never threatened parents, and said AB 665 is for “homeless youth,” when that’s not even a condition of her bill. And AB 957 author Lori Wilson claimed religious parents would never have their children taken away, that her judicial mandate is not a mandate, and that she’d “work” with the Judiciary Committee chair to amend AB 957 to accommodate religious parents — but these were all lies.


You can have practical hope because Gavin Newsom is running for president and has a $31.5 BILLION state budget deficit hanging over him. So please call and email him to remind him how unpopular AB 665 and AB 957 are.

1. Please call Newsom’s constituent services office, Monday-Friday, 9-5 at 916-445-2841. When a staffer answers, tell the staffer paid to take your simple message: “I’m calling to urge Governor Newsom to veto the anti-parent bills AB 665 and AB 957.”

2. Also use Newsom’s web form to oppose both bills.

On this page, here are the steps:

1. Under “What is your request or comment about?”, scroll to and select “Legislation Issues/Concerns”

2. Under “What is the purpose of your message?”, select “Leave a Comment”

3. Click “Next” to go to the next page

4. Under “If applicable, what is your stance on this topic?, click “Con”

5. In the message field, simply write in all caps: VETO ANTI-PARENT BILLS AB 665 AND AB 957

6. Click “Next” to go to the next page

7. Enter your first and last name and email address (but not your phone number)

8. Click “Submit”

The California State Legislature will adjourn its 2023 session on September 14; the governor will have until October 14 to sign or veto bills.

Democratic governors don’t tend to jump at the chance for a sit-down interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News. They also don’t tend to do tours of states they consider hostile to their own, like Florida. But then there’s California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. He prefers the national stage to dealing with the rampant dysfunction happening in his own state. And while Newsom claims he isn’t running for president, the evidence suggests he actually is.
Gavin Newsom’s shadow campaign for president, Washington Examiner, June 14, 2023

URGENT: Tell Newsom to veto these costly bills

Saturday, September 2, 2023, 9:39 pm | Randy Thomasson

On September 1, the Democrat leaders of the California State Legislature, by their actions, challenged Newsom to sign their most radical, unconstitutional, anti-family bills.

By passing hundreds of bad bills in the appropriations committees, your leftist Democrat “rulers” are saying they don’t care what you think, and they actually believe they can “make” Newsom sign their devilish agenda, like he has before.

But this year is different, since California’s uberliberal Democrat governor IS running for president, with a self-induced $31.5 BILLION state budget deficit hanging over his head. And if Newsom doesn’t balance it, his claim he’s a “fiscal conservative” will disintegrate.
Among the hundreds of bad Democrat bills removed from the “suspense file” and passed in the Senate and Assembly appropriations committees Friday are:

AB 659 pushing harmful Gardasil jabs upon junior highers and college students

AB 5 forcing public-school employees into “LGBTQ cultural competency training”

AB 443 discriminating against moral/religious police officers and office candidates

AB 1078 taking away local control of school boards to make curriculum decisions

AB 576 funding all Medi-Cal chemical abortions. at taxpayer expense

SB 58 promoting a raft of “hallucinogenic substances” as “recreational drugs”

SB 274 eliminating suspensions/expulsions of willfully defiant teens (grades 9-12)

SB 345 forcing new costs on cities/counties for abortion/”LGBTQIA+” agenda

SB 407 punishing religious foster parents who don’t support “LGBTQIA+”

SB 541 requiring “internal and external condoms” be available in grades 9-12

SB 596 empowering school boards to arrest “disorderly” parents at meetings

SB 729 requiring insurance to pay for artificial insemination of gays and trans

SB 760 forcing government schools, grades 1-12, to have an “all-gender restroom”

With immoral Democrats controlling three-fourths of each house of the State Legislature, which of these bills might Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom veto?

There have been signs for months that Newsom is sharpening his veto pen.

In the media, he’s repeatedly mimicked his predecessor, Jerry Brown, saying it would not be “prudent” for the state budget to “imbalanced.”

And on September 1, Newsom’s Department of Finance representative was noticeably absent from the front table of the “suspense file” meeting of the Senate Appropriations Committee, where “Finance” is regularly represented. Was this a boycott by the Newsom Administration after being told to get ready for lots of costly bills on his desk? It’s plausible.

So, this is now a “donkey fight,” where the blatantly bad Democrat legislators are challenging another evil Democrat, Governor Gavin Newsom, who, as long as his presidential hopes are alive, wants to put the brakes on additional spending.

NEW ACTION: Urge Newsom to veto these bad bills. Put on the pressure to remind him these radical bills are unpopular.

1. Call Newsom’s constituent services office, Monday-Friday, 9-5 at 916-445-2841. When a staffer answers, they are a person paid to take your simple message of bills you are supporting or opposing. List all the bills in one phone call, but keep it brief.

2. Use Newsom’s web form to oppose all these bad bills at once.

On this page, here are the steps:
1. Under “What is your request or comment about?”, scroll to and select “Legislation Issues/Concerns”
2. Under “What is the purpose of your message?”, select “Leave a Comment”
3. Click “Next” to go to the next page
4. Under “If applicable, what is your stance on this topic?, click “Con”
5. In the message field, simply write in all caps: VETO THESE COSTLY BILLS, then copy and paste in SaveCalifornia.com one-sentence bill descriptions (from the above list)
6. Click “Next” to go to the next page
7. Enter your first and last name and email address (but not your phone number)
8. Click “Submit”

The California State Legislature will adjourn its 2023 session on September 14; the governor will have until October 14 to sign or veto bills.

It is apparent that, those who appear to wield unparalleled power – and, have a disturbing tendency of abusing this, as a means of sadistically and savagely subjugating their fellow countrymen and women, with abundant impunity – can not stand the heat when the tables are turned against them, and will swiftly head for the hills, whenever they perceive any substantial threat.
Zimbabwean Christian journalist Tendai Ruben Mbofana