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Defy Newsom’s unscientific statewide mask ‘order’

Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 9:21 am | Randy Thomasson
Scroll down for action steps

You have permission to be righteously angry over the new mask “order” of Newsom & Co.

Set to “go into effect” December 15, Newsom’s statewide “order” is another example that none of this is scientific. Because the Omicron variant is much weaker than the seasonal flu, which kills healthy children and young adults (remember years ago when the media used to talk about the seasonal flu, without lockdowns, masks, tests, and mandatory jabs?).

And no one in the world has died from the Omicron variant, despite you hearing that one person (probably someone with comorbidities) has died “with” Omicron in England.

And the death rate, correctly or falsely attributed to the Delta variant, even by the State’s own metrics, is extremely low. December 12’s 7-day average death rate of 0.02 deaths per 100,000 infections means if infected, you have a 1 in 5 million chance of dying from it.

These great odds mean you have nothing to be afraid of, and there’s certainly no justification for continuing to trample people’s God-given liberties. Consider that according to the insurance actuaries, you’re much more likely to die from eating, walking, driving, being hit by lightning, and having a refrigerator fall on you. But have you heard medical tyrants talk lately about restricting eating, walking, and driving? No, because their “orders” aren’t about science, health, or love.

What’s more, masks have large holes compared to the small sizes of Covid and influenza viruses, which pass right through. Several studies debunk mask efficacy, with even more evidence and logic on my blog proving masks just won’t protect you.

Fortunately, this Democrat-driven statewide “mask” order is largely unenforceable. Police won’t likely enforce it, and local government’s employees are spread thin, especially in December and also because some have been fired for refusing to be injected with a substance that doesn’t protect them, but puts at risk their health and lives.

So, please, business owners and shoppers, do not comply with this renewal of dehumanizing mask tyranny. Don’t buy the lie or participate in it. Remember your humanity and the value of a human smile. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!

On Wednesday, we should know which popular stores — especially grocery stores — will either not require masks or will honor state-recognized exemptions declared at the door. Please call SaveCalifornia.com at 916-265-5650 if you know of stores that still permit smiles.


1. Download the State of California’s updated list of exemptions to carry with you. When you walk into Walmart or Target, for example (because they’ve honored “health exemptions” in the past), if a door monitor asks you about a mask, say “I’m exempt” or “I have a health exemption” while you walk straight forward without stopping.

2. Stay in the know with SaveCalifornia.com’s Insider News emails. Sign up for free with no obligation.

3. Give $20 to help SaveCalifornia.com fight for you in 2022. You can donate securely here.

These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

Proverbs 6:16-19

7 encouraging trends in the fight for medical freedom

Monday, November 29, 2021, 9:35 am | Randy Thomasson
Have you asked yourself, “Can we get our country back? Is there any hope of restoring our God-given liberties and constitutional rights?” I have — and I believe the answer is yes. Because a “sleeping giant” has awoken, and a new revolution against medical tyrants has begun.

These 7 events and trends this month for the sake of medical freedom have encouraged me — for both California and our nation. I hope they’ll encourage you too:

1. Parents attempt to “fire” anti-family board member. In the west Riverside County communities of Corona and Norco, parents on November 9 launched a recall campaign aiming to oust a pro-mask, pro-jab, pro-racism (“Critical Race Theory”) school board member. The recall option should be used against all school board members who are imposing masks and who also want to force jabs and CRT upon kids. Because even qualifying for the ballot with signatures could be enough to bring about a “new policy.”

2. Pro-family school boards say “no” to mandatory “Covid vaccines”: This month, school districts in Calaveras County and Ramona in San Diego County voted to prohibit mandatory “Covid vaccines.” On November 22, “Let Them Choose” claimed 22 of 1088 school districts in California have done likewise. You can help win more victories. Take and distribute facts, and take friends (including attorneys and doctors) to a school board meeting near you.

3. A constitutional California city council declares themselves a “sanctuary city” from Covid mandates: On November 2, the city council in Oroville (in Butte County) voted 6 to 1 to not enforce “any executive orders issued by the state of California or by the United States federal government that are overreaching or clearly violate our constitutionally protected rights.” This very welcome resolution in favor of medical freedom should be mimicked by every city councilmember, all of whom have raised their right hand to publicly promise to abide by the written words of the state and federal constitutions.

4. Tens of thousands of people are rejecting government “health authorities”: When healthcare workers, teachers, city and county workers, and enlisted military personnel are willing to be fired from their jobs instead of endangering their lives and health, a whole new voter bloc for medical freedom and the First Amendment is being created. Meanwhile, among younger Americans nationwide, ages 18 to 34, 54% disapprove of White House occupant Joe Biden, in part, because his higher prices and mask and jab policies are robbing them of liberty and hope. This “young” support of what’s right in God’s sight is unheard of since 1984 when President Ronald Reagan won the trust of young voters.

5. Dozens of federal court cases give us a chance of nationwide medical freedom: From the federal OSHA cases being assigned to the constitutional-majority 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, to dozens of other federal lawsuits representing healthcare workers, airline pilots, police and fire, members of the military, and all religious objectors — all this is challenging the Trump judges on the U.S. Supreme Court to respect and protect individual rights. We need 5 or 6 SCOTUS judges to at least rule in favor of religious exemptions to vaccines, and at most rule no one in America can be forced to have any injections (no involuntary medical treatment), period.

6. Evidence keeps emerging that being unvaccinated is acceptable, even preferable: Years ago, before the medical establishment sold out to Big Pharma, most doctors and epidemiologists fully acknowledged that recovering from a virus gives you lifelong immunity. This is why decades ago, wise parents often ensured their children would catch chickenpox. Now, in the United Kingdom, you’re healthier not having the “Covid vaccine,” where vaccinated people under age 60 are dying from all causes at twice the rate of the unvaccinated, with the “jab” being “the elephant in the room.” Meanwhile, in Germany, there’s been a noticeable spike in deaths among the vaccinated population, as the sad effects of the experimental biological agents begin kicking in. Couple this with even the New York Times admitting that children infected with Covid or a “variant” only exhibit “mild” symptoms (if any), thus no “emergency” justifying jabs that are risky to children.

7. The latest scamdemic out of South Africa is being exposed early: As pro-medical-freedom leaders on social media are already explaining, the latest scamdemic dubbed the “Omicron variant” (from South Africa and neighboring Botswana) that Biden & Company, along with the World Health Organization, want to shove upon all of us, is completely without substance. The chair of the South African Medical Association says the “Omicron variant” is not worth the “hype,” explaining, “the cases we are seeing are extremely mild … So are we seriously worried? No.” And get this about the four “Omicron variant” infections in Botswana: 1) This is not something a “Covid vaccine” will fix: November 25 official Government of Botswana news release: “The preliminary report revealed that all the four had been fully vaccinated for COVID-19.” 2) There’s no big problem here, so no “emergency” and no “mandates” are justified: November 26 Botswana news release: “All contacts who have so far been identified in the country, have no COVID-19 symptoms and have tested negative for COVID-19.” Sounds like much ado about nothing. But don’t put it beyond the world’s medical tyrants to try to punish Africa, which has been resisting “Covid vaccines” from the get-go. But Africans get more sunshine and outdoors activity and have less obesity than most other nations. Their natural immunity should be applauded, not disparaged.

What’s your and my takeaway from this encouraging news and perspective? We can win the war for our God-given liberties and constitutional rights. But it’s going to take time and effort with the character of sacrificial love. So please, stay in the battle. Resist government tyranny. Stand unapologetically for your moral, social, and fiscal values. Present evidence and ask questions to inquiring minds. Take action for the futures of your children and grandchildren. Invite others to join you at a protest event. Keep standing, keep supporting what’s right in God’s sight, and keep loving others with the truth!

“Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect – We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country’s Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions – The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”
George Washington, commander of the Continental Army and 1st U.S. president, in his August 27, 1776 address to his army before the Battle of Long Island

Court finds school districts, not Newsom, decide mask policy

Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:37 am | Randy Thomasson

Hidden in an otherwise bad ruling in San Diego from an unconstitutional Democrat state judge is a useful point of light equipping you to lobby school board members who are not union prostitutes or self-centered idolaters, but who try to be honest and try to love.

Because if two school districts in Calaveras County, California have voted NO to any school “Covid vaccine” jabs (and are getting ready to ban mask mandates too), any loving or reasonable or honest school board member can do the same, now that this ruling recognizes their free will to choose.

The one sentence, with our bracketed context, found at the bottom of Page 10 of the pdf of the November 12, 2021 ruling, reads: “There simply is no language in the Guidance, however, that requires, directs, or otherwise authorizes schools to force students [who decline to wear face masks] into an independent study program.”

In other words, it’s up to school districts whether to mask children; there’s nothing in the State’s “guidance” requiring schoolchildren without masks to be sent home.

So, if you have children or grandchildren in California’s K-12 government-controlled schools, or you’re just a concerned citizen who loves others, I urge you to take, distribute, and read this one sentence at the next school board meeting. Even better, ask an attorney friend to write a letter based on this court finding and to also speak to the board members after distributing his or her letter to them at the public meeting. That would be powerful.

Of course, if you want to act now to protect your children from unscientific, unhealthy, unrelational masks, as well as invasive tests and dangerous jabs, and if you don’t want your children assaulted by sexual indoctrination and all kinds of immoral political correctness and bad peer pressure, you’ll need to get them out of the government schools ASAP. Your solutions are homeschool, micro-school, or church-school.

And here’s something else you can use at school board meetings: A new “study of studies” of cloth and paper face masks finds them of no or little use.

A trio of of medical researchers from the University of Colorado, UC San Francisco, and Harvard found there’s scant evidence over the last century demonstrating face masks block small viruses, such as influenza strains or SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). The researchers concluded:

We reviewed the mechanistic, observational, and clinical evidence relevant to the use of cloth face masks in community settings to limit the spread of respiratory infections, and in particular the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In each area, we found existing evidence inadequate to demonstrate clear benefit (or harm).

As the Epoch Times reported November 15, 2021:

Cloth masks are of little use against COVID-19, according to a recently published analysis.

Federal health authorities and a slew of jurisdictions require or recommend wearing masks as a way to limit spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

But a trio of researchers pored over the studies often cited by the officials and found they were poorly designed and offered scant evidence supporting mask usage.

Many of the studies are observational, opening them up to confounding variables, the researchers said in their analysis (pdf), which was published on Nov. 8 by the Cato Institute.

Of 16 randomized controlled trials comparing mask effectiveness to controls with no masks, 14 failed to find a statistically significant benefit, the researchers said. And of 16 quantitative meta-analyses, half showed weak evidence of mask effectiveness while the others were “were equivocal or critical as to whether evidence supports a public recommendation of masks,” they added.

“The biggest takeaway is that more than 100 years of attempts to prove that masks are beneficial has produced a large volume of mostly low-quality evidence that has generally failed to demonstrate their value in most settings,” Dr. Jonathan Darrow, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, told The Epoch Times in an email.

So keep fighting against these unscientific mask mandates, which are involuntary medical care, suffocating and harming defenseless children.

Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

Proverbs 24:11-12