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Courageous California doctors expose ‘Covid vaccine’ dangers

Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:39 am | Randy Thomasson
Dr. Mark McDonald, M.D. a child psychiatrist and Dr. Jeffrey Barke, M.D., a family medicine physician, in Orange County, California on June 4, 2021

Here’s a vitally-important video you’ve just got to see. Two Southern California M.D.’s who love truth and love people on June 4 presented the facts and evidence that Big Media ignores about the dangers of the experimental biological agents that are misnamed “Covid vaccines.” These principled doctors have really studied up and fought hard for all of our sakes since this scamdemic began.

Here’s most of the video (scroll to the start to watch) and here’s the 5-minute conclusion (to view these, you must be logged into an Instagram account)

As you know, one of the top controversies of the dangerous “Covid vaccines” (which have caused thousands of deaths and millions of injuries) is whether children should get “the jab.” In California, the Liberal Left (county “public health officers” plus anti-family teacher unions) are actively coercing schoolchildren as young as 12 years old to “consent” to “the jab” without their parents’ permission. This is why loving fathers and mothers must rescue their children now by exiting the awful government-controlled school system.

At Orange County’s “Covid 19 Information Night,” Dr. Jeffrey Barke said, “It doesn’t make sense, from scientific standpoint, to vaccinate a child against a disease that they have very little risk against. The risk of the vaccine for a child is greater than any benefit that could come against this virus — so there’s just simply no reason.”

Please share this blog with your friends so they can protect themselves and their children!

“I started to see people hitting a point where they they weren’t just afraid — they actually believed some of the lies that they were being told. They believed that, for example, it’s impossible, it’s just unheard of, it’s incredibly dangerous, to have children at school; that all people are equally at risk of dying of coronavirus — no matter what their age, no matter what their health status; that you have to stay indoors in order to be safe; that you can’t go to work. All of these proclamations that were being spoken of — people started to believe in as being factually true — evidence-based — which none of them are.”
Dr. Mark McDonald on “Dose of Dr. Drew,” January 6, 2021 (at 11:52)

New Alert: Tell Newsom to override Cal/OSHA on masks

Friday, June 4, 2021, 8:53 am | Randy Thomasson


We lost a battle, but we might win this war!

In their 8-hour “virtual meeting,” after hearing from nearly 100 opponents, the Cal/OSHA board on Thursday initially voted 4-3 to reject their staff’s tyrannical scheme to pressure virtually all indoor employers to coerce their workers to uselessly and harmfully “mask up,” “social distance,” get tested and get injected with a dangerous experimental biological agent.

But then, with some deceitful massaging by the chairman, the Cal/OSHA board unanimously approved the plan on a “temporary” basis. So it passed and is scheduled to go in effect in a couple weeks — unless Governor Newsom overrides it.

Cal/OSHA’s act is unconstitutional, unscientific, thieving, and socialist. The tyrannical arrogance of some of these Democrat board members shows they don’t mind trampling your property rights, mandating or coercing dangerous, completely unnecessary injections.

See this Big-Government gobbledygook from leftist board member Barbara Burgel, who said:

….she strongly believes “that employers who have the legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace” and need “to continue to protect their workers in this COVID pandemic, which is not totally controlled.”

In other words, the government is in charge of and can take over your business operations, what they don’t mandate they’ll coerce with fear, and they actually believes the lie that no societal normalcy is “permitted” until the virus is totally extinguished. The devil would be proud! Because the virus has already burned itself out and property rights and human rights are not the Left’s toys to play with and squash if they so desire.

Thank you to our SaveCalifornia.com friends who called Newsom and Cal/OSHA. The business owners and business leaders who spoke against Cal/OSHA’s plan to continue oppressive Covid restrictions beyond June 15 expressed great concern over the government’s continued abuse of, and promoting strife within, real-world working environments:

Others, though, said they were concerned that drawing a distinction between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated could essentially create two classes of workers and an environment where some employees were subject to harassment. They worried that requirements could be discriminatory or attention would be drawn to private medical decisions. “One of our members is considering placing stickers on ID badges to determine who is vaccinated and who is not. Many are considering creating separate floors,” said Helen Cleary, director of the Phylmar Regulatory Roundtable, a business coalition. “The unintended consequences of these provisions are serious and they cannot be understated. They have the potential to negatively impact thousands of workers in the state.”


Pro-lockdown Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, besieged by a looming recall election and science regularly proving him wrong, has said he would end “most” of his Covid “restrictions” on June 15. This puts him at odds with Cal/OSHA. But Newsom can “override” Cal/OSHA with yet another of his “emergency power” orders. He knows it and the media is reporting this option. So the pressure is mounting and need to multiply!

1. Please use Newsom’s web form (choose “Comment” and “Covid-19”) to tell him: “Issue an executive order overriding Cal/OSHA. You need to reopen all of California on June 15.”
2. Also call Newsom’s constituent services number at 916-445-2841 Friday, June 4 from 9am to 5pm. Choose the option to leave a message. He needs a flood of phone calls!

For more on this issue, see my May 31 blog

Did Newsom lie to you? His Cal/OSHA wants ongoing masks

Monday, May 31, 2021, 10:07 am | Randy Thomasson
See the problem, then take action below

JUNE 2 UPDATE: A concerned Californian has called Cal/OSHA to ask how people call up and speak briefly (probably they’ll limit you to a minute) to oppose the unscientific, unhealthy, tyrannical notion of pressuring employers to then pressure their employees to indefinitely “mask up” and “distance.” Here’s the call-in instructions, as received:

CALL TO ACTION-CA! CALL OSHA to stop the MASK at the Workplace Call in JUNE 3 at 9:50am Please SHARE! 1. Dial (844) 992-4726 2. When prompted, enter 268 984 996 3. When prompted for an Attendee ID, press #

Permission to be righteously angry over Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom tyrannically, unscientifically, inhumanly jerking you around — again!

Because, despite Newsom earlier telling you “most” of his Covid-related restrictions will end June 15, his Cal/OSHA staff now recommends pressuring virtually all indoor workers to wear masks indefinitely. This is happening in Newsom’s administration, on his watch!

California workplace regulators recommend keeping July 31 deadline for easing masking, other COVID rules,” Associated Press, May 28, 2021

The masking requirement “will require employers to track vaccination status, stockpile N95 respirators and create policies and procedures for two classes of people: vaccinated and non-vaccinated,” said Helen Cleary, director of the Phylmar Regulatory Roundtable, a coalition of large businesses.

California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board regulations apply in almost every workplace in the state, and its pandemic standards apply to all employees except those working from home or where there is a single employee who does not have contact with other people.

The rules would remain in effect into early next year, even as coronavirus cases plummet after a devastating winter spike and more people are vaccinated. The state’s infection rate remains less than 1% and more than 17 million of the state’s 40 million residents are fully vaccinated, health officials said Friday.

“Significant Updates to Cal/OSH’s Emergency Temporary Standards on the Horizon,” The National Law Review, May 17, 2021

New Provisions Effective July 31, 2021:
The proposed revisions to the ETS will create new provisions beginning on July 31, 2021, regardless of the ultimate effective date of the revised ETS themselves, including:

Requiring employers to provide respirators to all unvaccinated employees working indoors.

Requiring employers to provide COVID-19 testing on paid time to any unvaccinated employees showing COVID-19 symptoms.

Prior to July 31, 2021, employers will still be required to enforce physical distancing requirements, except for employees wearing properly-fitted respirators and at locations where all employees are either fully vaccinated or require a reasonable accommodation under federal or state law, i.e., for medical or religious reasons. Employers must supply respirators for voluntary use by non-vaccinated employees and test those employees for COVID-19 at least once per week (at no loss of pay to or out-of-pocket cost for the employee).

Also prior to July 31, 2021, employers will be required to evaluate the need for respirators in compliance with 8 CCR 5144, the extensive California regulation governing respiratory protection programs. Employers should familiarize themselves with these requirements as even voluntary respirator use by employees comes with certain specific obligations.


STEP ONE: Since these are recommendations by Cal/OSHA staff to be voted on by the 7-member Occupational Health & Safety Standards Board on Thursday, June 3, please send your opposition messages now.

Governor Newsom (Use his web form and select “Comment” and “Covid-19”). Beginning Tuesday, June 1, you can make a live call at 916-445-2841 from 9am to 5pm to his “constituent services” staff to leave a live, short message.

“You promised us no more restrictions as of June 15. You need to keep, not break, your promise. You need to stop Cal/OSHA’s notion of rejecting your June 15 schedule and imposing ongoing mask and distancing restrictions. This is your administration and your promise and it’s on your watch. No more restrictions, from you, your administration, or Cal/OSHA.”

Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board (Use their web form or leave a message June 1-2)

“(For the seven board members) Please reject the proposal going against Governor Newsom and the CDC by not ending Covid workplace restrictions on June 15. Follow these authorities and end all restrictions June 15.”

STEP TWO: Plan now as an employer or employee to resist any new restrictions.

If you’re an employer, I urge you to reject this unscientific “order” to segregate your employees, pressure them to wear masks, get tests, and be injected with a dangerous experimental biological agent that has resulted in many deaths and injuries.

Realize that Cal/OSHA’s modus operandi means they’re unlikely to fine you for non-compliance. What’s more, it’s both impractical for them to police the whole state, or even want to, since more people are realizing face masks either don’t work or aren’t needed or promote delusions.

It’s time for you as an employer to stop fearing the empty threats of government tyrants and to reclaim your liberties! And consider this: Hypothetically, if you were to receive a fine, that would be an honor confirming you’re loyal to the Constitution and to science, that you support workplace productivity, and that you’re protecting your employees from unnecessary conflicts with co-workers, continued muzzling, inaccurate tests, and dangerous shots.

And if you’re an employee, please resist pressure to mask up, test, or be ‘jabbed.” Because there’s no requirement that you do any of this. So if a supervisor or human relations department representative tries to force you, tell them:

“Cal/OSHA isn’t requiring me to wear a mask, disclose my vaccination status, take a ‘Covid test,” or a ‘Covid vaccine,’ so you can’t force any of these things on me. There’s no law (passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor) behind Cal/OSHA’s recommendations. And Cal/OSHA itself says employers can only offer, not require, a test.”

“I have a medical exemption of a mask obstructing my breathing, so I can’t wear a mask.” (This is a declaration based on the May 3, 2021 CDPH list of exemptions and the fact that a cloth or paper face covering always obstructs breathing.)

“I do not consent to the medical experiment of a so-called ‘Covid vaccine.’ These are not approved by the FDA and have only been authorized on an emergency basis. Therefore they are experimental biological agents, which no one can force on me. I have state and federal rights, including California Health & Safety Code, Section 24172, which guarantees and protects my personal decision whether ‘to consent or not to consent to a medical experiment without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, coercion, or undue influence on the subject’s decision.'”

Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.
U.S. Founding Father James Madison, fourth U.S. President

[Our Constitution] is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
U.S. Founding Father Patrick Henry