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Will Democrats turn California into the Suicide State?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 6:09 pm | Randy Thomasson


Do you think it’s right to tell a depressed person they’re better off dead?

That’s what Senate Bill 128 in California would do. So-called “terminal” patients (and how often this diagnosis has been refuted when desperate patients seek alternative treatments on their own) would be given a proposal of a lethal dose of drugs to “put you to sleep forever” (kill them) in bed.

In Oregon, which SB 128 is modeled after, physician-assisted suicide isn’t done for pain, but for loss of autonomy. In other words, doctors are killing depressed people. How much this violates long-held medical ethics and the sanctity of human life. The devil must love the State “offing” people before they have a chance to make peace with God on His terms.

Just the facts, ma’am: With Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law, the large majority of patients who chose suicide didn’t complain about physical pain, but their main concerns were “losing autonomy” (93%), “less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable” (88%), and “loss of dignity” (73%). See the official Oregon stats. A 20-year-old incapacitated in the hospital after a motorcycle accident could cite the same concerns!

Despite these facts, after passing the Democrat-controlled Senate Health Committee on March 25, by my count, it’s virtually assured that SB 128’s physician-assisted suicide (PAS) will also be approved by the Democrat-controlled Judiciary Committee, and go to the Senate floor in May.

There, this suicide-promotion bill will likely pass by a narrow vote — unless there’s a big fight against it in Hispanic and culturally Catholic strongholds. I say this because if enough people in their districts rose up in protest, enough Democrat state senators could vote no. With a 40-member State Senate, a majority is 21, and by May the Democrats will hold 26 Senate seats.

Therefore, at least 6 of the following Democrats need to vote no, and all 14 Republican state senators also need to vote no, in order for SB 128 to be defeated by at least 1 vote on the Senate floor:

Hispanic / culturally Catholic districts:

Ben Hueso of San Diego and Imperial counties
916-651-4040, 619-409-7690, 760-335-3442

Tony Mendoza of L.A. County (Hacienda Heights, La Mirada, Lakewood, Downey, La Mirada) 916-651-4032, 323-890-2790

Connie Leyva of San Bernardino County (from Pomona to San Bernardino)
916-651-4020, 909-591-7016, 909-888-5360

Doctors or married to doctor (Calif. Medical Association opposes SB 128):

Richard Pan of Sacramento, West Sacramento, Elk Grove
916-651-4006, 916-651-1529, 916-262-2904

Robert Hertzberg of Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley
916-651-4018, 818-901-5588

Untested or wildcards:

Cathleen Galgiani of San Joaquin County (and surroundings)
916-651-4005, 209-948-7930, 209-576-6273

Ricardo Lara of Los Angeles’ southeast area (Vernon in north to Long Beach in south)
916-651-4033, 562-256-7921, 323-277-4560

Ben Allen of Los Angeles’ beach cities (Rancho Palos Verdes to Pacific Palisades, then westward to Hollywood)
916-651-4026, 310-318-6994

Richard Roth of Riverside County (from Corona to Moreno Valley and Perris) — although he supported SB 128 in committee, he’s in a swing district and “disappointed calls” could remove his support)
916-651-4031, 951-680-6750

If physician-assisted suicide passes the Senate, the only other place it can be defeated is in the 80-member Assembly, with younger, more pliable, and “less crusty” politicians. So please also urge your own assemblymember to vote no on SB 128.

The prohibition against killing legally innocent people is later formalised in the sixth commandment, ‘You shall not murder’ (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17). The Hebrew word for ‘murder’ is ratsach (Greek phoneuo) and its meaning is further defined in four main passages in the Pentateuch (Exodus 21:12-14; Leviticus 24:17-21; Numbers 35:16-31; Deuteronomy 19:4-13).

These passages resolve any ambiguity for us and give a precise definition of what is prohibited, namely the ‘intentional killing of an innocent human being’ (Exodus 23:7; 2 Kings 21:16; Psalms 106:37,38; Jeremiah 19:4). Euthanasia clearly falls within this biblical definition. There is no provision for compassionate killing, even at the person’s request and there is no recognition of a ‘right to die’ as all human life belongs to God (Psalms 24:1). Our lives are not actually our own. Suicide (and therefore assisted suicide) is therefore equally wrong.
What Does the Bible Say About Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia?


Join us in saying no to ‘recreational’ marijuana

Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 8:10 pm | Randy Thomasson


You may have heard that highly potent “recreational” marijuana legalization could be placed on California’s 2016 ballot.

You’re concerned and so am I. Remember, SaveCalifornia.com strongly opposed marijuana legalization in 2010, and we celebrated that was known as Prop. 19 was ultimately defeated.

But now, with virtual legalization in California already taking its toll, and children being damaged by marijuana in the few states that have legalized it, the evidence is mounting on why highly potent pot and a “stoned” culture is a very bad idea.

Today, I talked on the phone with our anti-marijuana colleague James L. Lambert and we both committed to reignite our MarijuanaHarmsFamilies.com campaign if full-blown marijuana legalization returns to the California ballot.

So please stand with SaveCalifornia.com as we stand for God’s best for children and families…which is definitely not “stoned” families and a “stoned” culture!

Heavy marijuana use in the teenage years could damage brain structures vital to memory and reasoning, a new study suggests. The study found changes in the sub-cortical regions of the brain, which are part of the memory and reasoning circuits, NBC News reports. Young people who had changes in this region of the brain performed more poorly on memory tests than their peers who did not use marijuana. The heavy marijuana users in the study had not used the drug on average for more than two years before the memory testing occurred.
“Heavy Marijuana Use in Teen Years Linked to Damaged Brain Structures,” Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, 12/18/13

Our warning for parents and voters

Monday, July 28, 2014, 1:45 pm | Randy Thomasson


This is not a family you see. These are 2 very confused men who were likely sexually abused as children. And now they have a boy that one or both have adopted. And this boy is now being indoctrinated with big lies about family and sex

As sad as this is, here’s something you can rely on…

That God’s word is true: Jesus Christ Himself defined family as a male husband, a female wife, and their children:

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6 NKJV)

And you can depend on SaveCalifornia.com to speak the hard, loving truth that our culture (people and voters) need to hear.

When Associated Press was preparing a widely-published July 27 article saluting another homosexual-agenda bill redefining family, the reporter pitted 3 liberal voices against me. But despite misspelling my name, and putting a qualifier before me and a subtle put-down after me, I was still able to warn the readers that AB 2344 was not merely changing the family but eroding the natural institution of family in state law. 

Social conservatives say legislation to change family law wouldn’t be necessary if traditional family structures remained the norm.

“This shows how far our society has fallen: It used to be a simple answer to who’s your father and who’s your mother,” said Randy Thomason, president of SaveCalifornia.com and an advocate of traditional families.

Such arguments didn’t resonate in the Assembly, where the Modern Family Act passed on a 62 to 4 vote with some Republican support and little organized opposition.

If you agree with SaveCalifornia.com’s values and appreciate our voice for you, shining the light in the darkness, please donate today to help us reach more people. 

Marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve — one man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don’t think anyone else should either.
Christian/actor/filmmaker Kirk Cameron