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Archives for the ‘Medical Freedom’ Category

You’re needed in the battle!

Monday, September 19, 2022, 1:11 pm | Randy Thomasson

The Tyrannical Left is attacking you, your family, and your values like never before. We’re in the heat of battle!

Right now, SaveCalifornia.com must ramp up our opposition to the anti-family leftists. Will you empower us by giving a special gift to defend children, dads, moms, honest doctors, and your own rights and values?

Today, I’m asking for your kind participation. Your helpful gift to SaveCalifornia.com will:

  • EXPOSE the tyrannical deeds of Democrats and RINOs this election season and empower voters via our Pro-Family Election Center
  • FIGHT for your parental, constitutional, and medical rights by activating more people to oppose awful bills on Newsom’s desk
  • COMBAT the lies being force-fed to average folk by Big Media, Big Tech, and Big Government by distributing hard-hitting truth
  • BOLDLY REPRESENT your values as we educate, inspire, and change minds through our website, social media, email broadcasts, radio commentaries, and our special site, RescueYourChild.com

Can I count on you to engage in the battle for your God-given liberties? Will you help defend California families from the corrosive attacks of the Radical Left?

Your important gift today to SaveCalifornia.com of $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more will go straight to work for you and countless others.

And please consider helping both now and throughout the year by becoming a Monthly Warrior with a pledge of any size.

What’s more, your gift is confidential and tax-deductible, enabling you to donate instantly and securely.

Thank you for considering how you can help! Together, let’s aggressively oppose and expose the wrongs of the New Communist Democrats and RINOs, equip people with essential truths, mobilize citizens, and champion your values this important election season. For the sake of life, liberty, and the future of our families!

Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”
U.S. founding father John Hancock in 1774

6 very welcome legal victories

Monday, September 12, 2022, 9:21 am | Randy Thomasson

California conservatives have been desperate for constitutional relief from tyrant Gavin Newsom, Joe Biden, and the New Communist Democrat machine. And now some relief has arrived!

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court failing to protect us from Covid tyranny (they refused to recognize our God-given, natural rights by upholding our 14th Amendment life, liberty, and property rights), over the last month, some Trump federal district court and appellate court judges — and believe it or not, even an Obama judge — have weakened Newsom’s and Biden’s tyrannical mandates on vaccines, abortions, “assisted suicides,” and “sex change” with the authority of the First Amendment.

Enjoy these recent legal victories for freedom of religion and freedom of speech!

Sept. 12: “Court protects Air Force class [who requested religious accommodation] from shot mandate”
“‘Significant proof’ Air Force discriminated against troops seeking vax religious exemptions”

Sept 2: Federal judge rules against Newsom and Democrat legislators:
“California blocked from forcing Christian doctors to assist suicides”

Aug 31: Out-of-court settlement: “Kansas teacher suspended for refusing to use student’s preferred name, pronouns gets $95K in lawsuit” https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3625946-kansas-teacher-suspended-for-refusing-to-use-students-preferred-name-pronouns-awarded-95k-in-lawsuit

Aug 26: Federal appeals court ruling: “U.S. can’t punish hospitals for refusing to do abortions, gender surgery” https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/us-cant-punish-christian-hospitals-refusing-do-abortions-gender-surgery-2022-08-29

Aug 25: Federal court rules against Newsom administration: “California churches don’t have to provide abortion coverage, court rules” https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/california-churches-dont-have-to-provide-abortion-coverage-court-rules

Aug 18: Federal court ruling: “U.S. Marines [who requested religious accommodation] win class protection from shot mandate” https://lc.org/newsroom/details/081922-us-marines-win-class-protection-from-shot-mandate

That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.
Religious freedom in the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights (still in the Virginia Constitution, Article 1, Section 16), written by U.S. founding father George Mason, and embraced by U.S. founding fathers Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

TOP ALERT: 5 awful bills Newsom might veto

Friday, September 9, 2022, 10:52 am | Randy Thomasson

September 30, 2022 UPDATE: Newsom is done signing many bad bills, including the bills to continue Covid tyranny (AB 1797, AB 2098, SB 1479). If this man’s not stopped, we need to try to stop several unconstitutional bills with federal lawsuits (AB 1797, AB 2098, AB 587, AB 2223, SB 107).

September 28, 2022 UPDATE: Because of their huge price tags, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed AB 1940 (anti-parent school-based clinics) and SB 70 (mandatory kindergarten). Please keep calling and emailing against the Covid tyranny bills AB 2098 and SB 1479!

September 23, 2022 UPDATE: Based on Newsom’s string of “fiscally prudent” veto messages, we’ve added AB 1940 to the other four anti-family bills we believe can be vetoed by this tyrannical, unconstitutional, left-wing Democrat governor. Because AB 1940, which SaveCalifornia.com fought against this summer, would spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars annually on “school-based clinics,” pushing all types of garbage upon children behind parents’ backs.

It’s a dire sitution, so fight where you can win!

Even though Gavin Newsom idolizes abortion, “LGBTQIA+,” and environmental wackoism, of the hundreds of bad Democrat bills on his desk, there are 5 really bad ones he could veto, with your help:

AB 1940 funding anti-parent “school-based clinics” VETOED Sept. 27
AB 1797 creating a statewide vaccine registry SIGNED Sept. 27
AB 2098 punishing the free speech of doctors who correctly analyzed Covid SIGNED Sept. 30
SB 1479 requiring a “Covid testing plan” at all K-12 government schools SIGNED Sept. 29
SB 70 eliminating parental choice on kindergarten VETOED Sept. 25

There’s momentum brewing against AB 2098, the unconstitutional, punish-good-doctors bill — even the San Francisco Chronicle reports public opposition. And there’s a reasonable fight over SB 70’s mandatory kindergarten. So please take quick action now!

Urge vetoes of these bad bills: Phone 916-445-2841 (M-F 9a-5p) | Webform (send one message for each veto request). For most of the bills passed by Wednesday (the last day of the legislative session), Newsom has until September 30 to sign or veto. See details of these vetoable bills at the SaveCalifornia.com Legislation Center.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, wbecause the days are evil.
The Bible, Ephesians 5:15-16