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What the U.S. Supreme Court rulings on abortion and guns mean for California

Friday, June 24, 2022, 12:35 pm | Randy Thomasson

We’re living in historic, even revolutionary, times. As the U.S. Supreme Court acts for the sake of constitutional justice, here’s some perspective to help you make sense of it all.

No more Roe won’t help California babies

Finally, after 49 years of Roe v. Wade’s unconstitutional, murderous agenda, it’s gone and abortion policies revert to 50 states.

Yet the demise of Roe won’t help California or other states ruled by abortion-loving Democrats. This is all the more reason to stand up for life. Especially since Newsom & Co. want to force California taxpayers to subsidize out-of-state abortions.

A top need of California pro-lifers this fall is to defeat SCA 10, which would go on the ballot to “codify” abortion on-demand in the California State Constitution. By proclaiming “The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion,” SCA 10 would continue the California carnage of taxpayer-funded abortion procedures or pills for any girl or woman, regardless of a girl’s age, the number of abortions she’s already had, or her ability to pay. To be placed on the November ballot, SCA 10 requires a two-thirds vote of both the Assembly and the Senate (it already passed the Senate), followed by an affirmative majority vote of the People.

Today’s SCOTUS ruling striking down the unconstitutional, unscientific 1973 Roe v. Wade and the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey opinions was 6 to 3 (Republican-president-nominated judges for the Constitution and life vs. Democrat-president-nominated judges for unconstitutional murder of pre-born babies). Read the history-making decision yourself

Get ready for more gun-owner freedoms

Unlike abortion, the “sacred cow” idol of Democrat politicians, and which is again a question of states’ rights, the fundamental rights of safety-conscious, constitutional gun owners will likely increase in California now that the U.S. Supreme Court has majorly upheld the Second Amendment in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

The June 23 ruling portends a new era of constitutional equity for gun owners in America. Relying on the God-given liberties preceding our Constitution, it concludes:

The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self defense is not “a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees.” We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need. That is not how the First Amendment works when it comes to unpopular speech or the free exercise of religion. It is not how the Sixth Amendment works when it comes to a defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him. And it is not how the Second Amendment works when it comes to public carry for self-defense. New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms. We therefore reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

The practical effect in California is this much-needed, admirable ruling will be used in both state and local lawsuits against the unconstitutional laws of the Democrat politicians. It might take a couple of years, but gun-owner rights organizations are planning to use the New York State decision against California’s unconstitutional ban on “assault weapons,” California’s unconstitutional ban on magazines over 10 rounds, California’s unconstitutional background checks, and the unconstitutional ban of concealed weapon permits in Democrat-controlled counties, such as Los Angeles. So have hope!

Just the facts: Why gas prices are so high

Why isn’t there a second Revolutionary War over oppressive gas prices? Because the godless government schools have been very successful at avoiding teaching children the Bible, the Constitution, real history, principles of logic, evidence-based research, and truisms such as the commerce law of Supply and Demand.

This week, SaveCalifornia.com produced and posted these three slides to help people realize who to blame for robbing them of their God-given resources and raising gas prices. Please enjoy and share!

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813, Scottish advocate, judge, writer and historian

Refute Gavin Newsom’s 3 big lies

Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 11:09 am | Randy Thomasson

In his March 8, 2022 “State of the State” address, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom patted himself on the back for locking down and masking Californians, waging war against oil, and “protecting democracy.” But his claims are untrue.

Newsom’s Big Lie #1: “Our lockdowns, distressing as they were, saved lives. Our mask mandates saved lives. Your choices saved lives. California experienced far lower COVID death rates than any other large state. Fewer than Texas, Ohio. Fewer than Florida — 35% fewer, to be exact.” Source

No, the science clearly shows that the tyrannical lockdowns didn’t work, dehumanizing masks didn’t and still don’t work, and the “Covid vaccines” don’t work either:

And because of the medical establishment’s cooking of the numbers, the actual deaths “from” (not “with”) Covid are unknown and anything but “exact.” Also, factor in that lockdowns, masks, and plexiglass didn’t slow down the virus in California. What’s more, making Newsom’s claim suspect is last fall, California reported twice the Covid “cases” than Florida. So instead of saying he did good for Californians, Newsom has done great harm — physically, emotionally, economically, politically — and continues to threaten people’s health and lives (see here and here) by “ordering” dangerous “Covid vaccines.”

Newsom’s Big Lie #2: “Drilling even more oil only leads to even more extreme weather, more extreme drought, more wildfire. We need to be fighting polluters, not bolstering them. And in the process of so doing, freeing us once and for all from the grasp of petro-dictators.” Source

Wait, history and honesty prove forest fires and wildfires can grow into “monster fires” because of dead trees and brush just waiting to ignite. In 2019, it was reported that California wilderness areas contained more than 163 million dead trees (the number now is likely around 200 million).
Honest experts know destructive fires can be prevented by intelligent forest management. But Newsom is unwilling to do that — and bring in the logging companies to clear out dead trees and thin out compacted trees, which would also dramatically lower lumber prices. So, he instead concocts “climate change” and blames “petro-dictators.” What a farce!

Newsom’s Big Lie #3: “While we might not have strongmen literally waging war in our country, we are plagued by agents of a national anger machine, fueling division, weaponizing grievance. Powerful forces and loud voices — stoking fear and seeking to divide us, weakening the institutions of our democracy.” Source

Something vitally important that Newsom ignores for you but always wants himself is freedom of speech, guaranteed by both the California and U.S. constitutions. And whether he likes it or not, people’s “anger” and “grievance” are allowed, especially when Newsom’s unconstitutional, thieving, oppressive government is “fueling division” instead of unity.

And what is the “democracy” that Newsom claims to be concerned about? A democracy is defined as government by the people, where, each election, adult citizens can vote once. But Newsom’s littering of California with mail-in ballots, supporting counties’ fraud-inviting computers, permitting election fraud at the local level to continue unabated, and permitting the great mischief of ballot “harvesting” amounts to the worst “weakening the institutions of our democracy” in state history. In our constitutional republic, Newsom is the domestic enemy, which is why his false narratives must be exposed, opposed, and refuted.

Like a roaring lion and a charging bear
Is a wicked ruler over poor people.
A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor,
But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.
Proverbs 28:15-16

Is there hope for religious exemptions to the ‘jab’?

Monday, February 21, 2022, 2:37 pm | Randy Thomasson

Feb. 22, 2022 update: The day after posting my “great hope” blog, I’m now wondering if the U.S. Supreme Court will indeed protect religious freedom, let alone medical freedom for all. My confusion — and angst — is because this morning SCOTUS silently turned down an appeal from medical workers in Maine, who are crying out for their First Amendment religious freedom and their 1964 Civil Rights Act religious rights. Only four votes were needed, and there were supposed to be four justices to take this case (on January 13, when the Supreme Court narrowly upheld Biden & Co.’s health worker “Covid vaccine mandate” nationwide, there were four dissenters — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Barrett). All I can say is that if Barrett’s looking for the “right case” and she turned down the Maine petition because it’s “not the one,” hopefully she’ll overcome perfectionism, embrace the whole constitution, and vote to hear the very next religious exemption case that petitions the nation’s high court. Because millions of health-conscious Americans — especially in “blue states” such as California — are suffering big-time from violations of their God-given liberties, constitutional rights, and 1964 Civil Rights Act guarantees! My friend Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel (it’s their case), is also bewildered by the court.

* * *

The U.S. Supreme Court’s one-paragraph denial of a San Diego student’s religious exemption injunction request on February 18 is pregnant with great hope for conscientious Californians and Americans.

Because the court majority implied it only turned down the injunction because San Diego Unified School District board members voted February 8 to delay any “Covid vaccine” mandate upon students. Notably, the nation’s high court invited a future injunction request on a religious-freedom basis “if circumstances warrant.” Realize this order took at least 5 votes!

The Thomas More Society, which is representing the San Diego minor, wrote“We are pleased with the current posture of this case for several reasons. First, our client’s goal was to attend school in person, and play sports, without being forced to comply with an illegal vaccine mandate – and she can do that for now. Second, the Supreme Court made clear that it is watching this case and that our client can come back and seek emergency relief in the future should the need arise. Thus, our legal team will be poised and ready to seek further relief at the Supreme Court if and when SDUSD reinstates all or part of their unconstitutional vaccine mandate.”

While a constitutional majority on the 9-member Supreme Court would quickly strike down every infringement of medical freedom and religious freedom, this court led by the unreliable John Roberts wants to do things “its own way” — meaning millions of people will continue suffering from injurious medical tyranny until the “right cases” come before the court, with full briefings.

Yet a case about the religious freedom of Maine healthcare workers to refuse unwanted “Covid vaccines” could soon be accepted by the Supreme Court (it takes 4 justices to accept a case). SaveCalifornia.com currently counts 4 justices in favor of medical freedom (Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Barrett). Therefore, it would take just one more justice — probably Brett Kavanaugh — to agree on the religious right to be exempt from vaccines, providing nationwide relief in June or sooner.

The hope of the righteous will be gladness,
But the expectation of the wicked will perish.

Proverbs 10:28