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Government-run health care war is exposing the enemies of liberty

Sunday, November 8, 2009, 9:36 pm |

It’s sad and scary that the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the government takeover of health care Saturday night. The initial vote passing HR 3962 was only by two votes before a very scared Republican from New Orleans named Anh Cao added on.

Thank you to our SaveCalifornia.com and SaveAmerica.com activists who called House members in the final hours before the vote. Your time and effort was worth it, because the vote on this terrible bill was so very close.

The good news is that the enemies of liberty and personal responsibility are being exposed to angry voters who are looking forward to the 2010 elections. 

More good news is that HR 3962 is said to be “dead on arrival” in the U.S. Senate. That’s where 40 Republican senators oppose a government-run plan, and Independent Joe Lieberman and two or three Democrats don’t like it either.

Remember, it takes 60 votes to break a filibuster, and without Lieberman and every single Democrat, government-controlled health care can be filibustered until it is dead. Watch Lieberman on Fox News Sunday promise to oppose the so-called “public option.”

HR 3962 is a 2,032-page monstrosity. It removes choice and responsibility from individuals and hands over tremendous power and control to the government. A health-care solution that so vastly increases the size of government and imposes large fines and jail time for noncompliance is the wrong solution.

Elected representatives would do much better to remind people that they, not the government, are responsible for healthy living and their own health insurance. True reform would empower families and individuals to purchase private-sector health care insurance that is much more affordable, accessible, and portable.

This is a philosophical debate over whether people should be in charge of their health, or whether they should abandon all choices and rewards and let the government ‘take care’ of them instead. Americans must remember that, to maintain a free society, we must respect personal responsibility and restrict the size of government.

It was a mistake for pro-life Republicans to vote for a pro-life amendment that enabled this government-run health care bill to pass. Any pro-life legislator should have realized that voting for the Stupak amendment was ensuring that the government healthcare takeover would succeed, and that defeating the government takeover would have also prohibited abortions being performed with federal taxpayer dollars. Therefore, we are not counting the Stupak amendment as a pro-life vote, but as a mistake at best and a deceitful scheme at worst.

For more information read:

The Wall Street Journal, “The Worst Bill Ever,” Nov. 1, 2009
Congressman John Shadegg Statement on Stupak Amendment, Nov. 8, 2009

The Oklahoma Daily, “Government interference in health care not needed,” Nov. 5, 2009

The Heritage Foundation, “Health Care Reform: Design Principles for a Patient-Centered, Consumer-Based Market,” April 23, 2008

Pro-family wins, losses and my perspective

Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 6:47 pm |

I’m very glad that two pro-life, pro-marriage governors have been elected. Here’s where Governor-Elects Bob McDonnell and Chris Christie stand on the issues:

Virginia Governor’s Election Results » Republican Bob McDonnell wins with 59%
> In victory speech, says “I thank God for His grace and His divine providence in my life.”
> Consistently pro-life on abortion, has championed man-woman marriage

New Jersey Governor’s Election Results » Republican Chris Christie wins with 49%
> Against same-sex “marriages,” supports existing pseudo-marriage “civil unions” law
> Favors the right to life for unborn babies

The two pro-family losses for Congress were the special elections in California and New York State where David Harmer and Doug Hoffman fell short.

In California’s low turnout special congressional election, the Republican Party should have poured in some big money (it has a lot) to elect Harmer instead of allowing the very liberal Democrat, John Garamendi, to capture the seat.

But the RNC didn’t have vision, so they didn’t put in much money. Still, pro-life, pro-marriage Harmer  persevered commendably and came within 10 points of Garamendi in the 10th district, where Democrat voter registration is 18 points higher than Republicans.  What is Garamendi’s anti-family agenda that you can expect  him to implement? Read it for yourself.

In upstate New York, the Obama-Pelosi Democrat machine played much harder to elect Democrat Bill Owens to Congress ahead of pro-family conservative Doug Hoffman. You saw the split between conservative and liberal Republicans and the RNC, instead of being conservative and supporting Hoffman, got involved too little too late. Hoffman has issued an “I’ll be back” statement. I bet he could win if he runs again.

As for the marriage license battle in Maine and the marriage-rights shoot-out in Washington State, it’s a great victory to pass Question 1 to “veto” the homosexual-marriage scheme of Main’s Governor and Legislature.

That said, at what cost did the Maine victory come? The “Yes” side actually ran ads promoting homosexual relationships, which principled pro-family leaders Matt Barber and Pete LaBarbera are exposing and decrying.

A marriage battle pro-family citizens didn’t hear much about was R-71 in Washington State. After the Democrat governor and the Democrat-controlled legislature passed a bill awarding all the rights of marriage to homosexual couples, principled pro-family leaders gathered enough signatures to force it to a vote of the people.

Yet national groups contributed too little too late to the Washington state campaign to protect man-woman marriage rights, which is trailing after being outspent four to one.

 An important lesson to learn from the Maine and Washington State contests is that moral values will only win when “might” (our part) is attached to “right” (God’s part). Another important lesson is, when you write marriage amendments, you’ve got to protect marriage rights as well as marriage licenses, because you can’t go back and “fix this” after marriage has been counterfeited.

Read the SaveAmerica.com news release: “Lessons conservatives must learn from marriage battles in Maine and Washington State.”

Keep track of the ongoing vote-by-mail counting in Washington State. The pro-family position is “No on R-71,” and the counting is not done yet finished in this close vote.

Obama’s hate attack against moral values and religious freedom

Thursday, October 29, 2009, 4:22 pm |

Our SaveCalifornia.com people are pretty astute. After receiving our Oct. 28 news release exposing how Barack Obama is attacking religious freedom with his signature on the federal ‘LGBT hate crimes’ bill, Mark wrote in, saying:

The whole concept of “hate crimes” is a crock.  Murder is murder.  Arson is arson.  Robbery is robbery.  Assault is assault.  It does not matter if the perpetrator or victim is white, black, hispanic, asian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Shintao, homosexual, heterosexual, polymorphous perverse or whatever.  How politicians can presume to impose different penalties or more or less aggressive prosecution based on these factors is ludicrous.

Mark’s remarks make total sense when you look at today’s shooting at a North Hollywood synagogue. The media, the cops, and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa spent half the day wondering if this was a “hate crime.” Now they’re admitting it may have been a “random act of violence.”

What ever happened to crimes being crimes because of what perpetrators DID instead of what perpetrators THOUGHT? If someone vandalizes a house because he hates houses that are painted yellow, why should he be punished any less than if he vandalized because he hates the homeowner’s religious faith? Are the perpetrators thoughts illegal? No. But his actions certainly are!

Beyond the lunacy and thought-police of “hate crimes,” another significant problem is how lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender inclusion in ‘hate crimes’ laws lay the foundation to legally promote and enforce these lifestyles above anyone else’s rights. 

That’s what’s happened in California over the last decade. Today, homosexual-bisexual-transsexual “rights” are more legally powerful than religious rights, parental rights, and ownership rights.

President Obama, by signing the ‘LGBT hate crimes” bill into law, is showing his disdain for moral values and religious freedom. Actually, that’s too soft. Obama is attacking religious freedom by punishing religious values that object to homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality.

Don’t believe it or want to learn more? We prove it point by point in our news release:

“Mr. President, here’s how ‘hate crime’ laws trample religious freedom.”