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Posts Tagged ‘Randy Thomasson’

Join us in saying no to ‘recreational’ marijuana

Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 8:10 pm | Randy Thomasson


You may have heard that highly potent “recreational” marijuana legalization could be placed on California’s 2016 ballot.

You’re concerned and so am I. Remember, SaveCalifornia.com strongly opposed marijuana legalization in 2010, and we celebrated that was known as Prop. 19 was ultimately defeated.

But now, with virtual legalization in California already taking its toll, and children being damaged by marijuana in the few states that have legalized it, the evidence is mounting on why highly potent pot and a “stoned” culture is a very bad idea.

Today, I talked on the phone with our anti-marijuana colleague James L. Lambert and we both committed to reignite our MarijuanaHarmsFamilies.com campaign if full-blown marijuana legalization returns to the California ballot.

So please stand with SaveCalifornia.com as we stand for God’s best for children and families…which is definitely not “stoned” families and a “stoned” culture!

Heavy marijuana use in the teenage years could damage brain structures vital to memory and reasoning, a new study suggests. The study found changes in the sub-cortical regions of the brain, which are part of the memory and reasoning circuits, NBC News reports. Young people who had changes in this region of the brain performed more poorly on memory tests than their peers who did not use marijuana. The heavy marijuana users in the study had not used the drug on average for more than two years before the memory testing occurred.
“Heavy Marijuana Use in Teen Years Linked to Damaged Brain Structures,” Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, 12/18/13

The most important thing for parents

Saturday, December 6, 2014, 2:47 pm | Randy Thomasson


Every parent wants to think of themselves as a “good parent.”

But “good” is a result, not merely an intention. Because, most of the time, virtuous adults come from good parents who do good training of their children’s minds and bodies, and good ministry to their children’s hearts and souls. This is where great-character adults come from!

And think about this — we’re all going to die. Then the only people alive will be the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who are gone. Ask yourself, “What kind of adults are we shaping in our children?” What we do and say here answers the other question, “What kind of world will we leave our children?”

For the principled parent, all this means purposefully, lovingly, courageously, and consistently training your child’s character. It means having the goal of building a better adult that you are. Because this is the key way to make society better. Think about that!

To help parents to prioritize shaping their children’s character, SaveCalifornia.com has put together these top picks for humble dads and moms.

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV

5 reasons to have practical hope

Friday, November 7, 2014, 3:35 pm | Randy Thomasson

Despair Or Hope Computer Keys Showing Hopeful or Hopeless

No matter what happens in the government, courts, culture, or elections, don’t despair!

Each day, SaveCalifornia.com knows our purpose — on every issue, to stand tall and true for all that is good and right in God’s sight, and to help others do their part alongside us – no matter the opposition or the outcome.

If you’re a pro-family citizen, this is part of your purpose too. Because shining the light of Truth is what we are each called to do.

But if you’re discouraged about the just-concluded election, here’s some good news to lift you up. Please keep looking up and be responsible to love God and love people alongside SaveCalifornia.com, so that together we will persevere and bear more fruit in the days to come.

Here are 3 current events and 2 timeless truths to give you hope:

1. Supreme Court likely to take up marriage licenses and states’ rights
This week’s pro-real-marriage, pro-states-rights ruling from a federal appeals court in Ohio makes it highly likely that the U.S. Supreme Court will take this and other cases to resolve the legal conflict. This could result in the upholding of state constitutional amendments reserving marriage licenses for one man and one woman, including California’s Proposition 8. Read more

2. Supreme Court will hear new ObamaCare challenge
Today’s good news means hope to roll back tyranny. The nation’s high court will take up four separate lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of a key aspect of ObamaCare. At specific issue is whether it is legal for the federal government to create a state-based “exchange” instead of abiding by the law which specifies only states themselves may establish these “exchanges.” Read more

3. California Democrats denied supermajority
Although the Republican leadership seems to eschew moral and social issues now, on Election Day we saw the net increase of three Republican seats in the Assembly and 1 more seat in the state Senate, which means Republicans have stopped the Democrats from regaining a 2/3rds supermajority that could directly raise taxes on families. Read more

4. Union members don’t have to support immoral candidates
If you’re disgusted with government unions and private unions supporting immoral candidates and issues, the most important things pro-family union members can do is resign from the union and stop believing the lie that union membership is a condition of employment. Find out how

5. If you feel like a loser, change your mind to that of a winner
Teddy Roosevelt was a sickly child who probably felt like a loser. But due to the leadership and challenge of his father, young Theodore, Jr. build up his body and became one of the most energetic public and moral men in the modern history. Read about his transformation

My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything.
James 1:2-4 NET Bible