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15 facts why the lockdown and mask mandates are wrong

Saturday, June 13, 2020, 11:12 am | Randy Thomasson
Face mask currently being sold at the Donald Trump Store

JUNE 18, 2020 UPDATE: Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration has issued “guidance” that Californians “must” wear face masks. While this might be enforced at government buildings, DON’T EXPECT POLICE TO ENFORCE THIS. There are no fines or penalties.

Importantly, Newsom is exempting “Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering.” ACTION: If you don’t want to wear a mask, print lots of copies of SaveCalifornia.com’s new mask exemption form and use it EVERYWHERE: https://tinyurl.com/ya2vkl39 (also, for evidence, print and circle the exemption portion of Newsom’s order: https://tinyurl.com/y7l7u6m3).

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Have your local, state, and national “public health officials” protected you or failed you? Given the broad majority of these epidemiologists’ opinions, they’ve been wrong. Hospitals have not been overloaded. COVID-19 death rates are similar to the seasonal flu. And there’s no evidence that societal lockdowns or masks are effective to stop the spread of this coronavirus.

Yet because of the unmerited respect we give these “public health officials,” average Americans have been harmed, even devastated, by the “expert’s” unnecessary, unproven, destructive lockdown.

More people, including you, need to speak out against this. Yes, some honest doctors, conservative talk hosts, a few California county governments and county sheriffs, and even SaveCalifornia.com are publicly telling the truth. Yet the political establishment has shackled the majority of people with fear and ignorance. Because the authorities we trusted didn’t tell us the truth, instead scaring us half to death in order to “justify” their novel idea of a “lockdown.”

However, someone bold enough, by virtue of their experience in taking on the excesses of Big Pharma, is Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense organization. On June 4, 2020, they released their piece, “Lockdown Lunacy: The Thinking Person’s Guide.” It’s so well-written, so documented, so logical, and so convincing, it should be your “Bible” on COVID-19 and the destructive lockdown.

Here are the main points and 15 facts that are worth remembering and sharing with as many people as you can. But first, the preface and conclusion of “Lockdown Lunacy”:

Knowing what we know today about COVID-19’s Infection Fatality Rate, asymmetric impact by age and medical condition, non-transmissibility by asymptomatic people and in outdoor settings, near-zero fatality rate for children, and the basic understanding of viruses through Farr’s law, locking down society was a bone-headed policy decision so devastating to society that historians may judge it as the all-time worst decision ever made. Worse, as these clear facts have become available, many policy-makers haven’t shifted their positions, despite the fact that every hour under any stage of lockdown has a domino-effect of devastation to society. Meanwhile, the media—with a few notable exceptions—is oddly silent on all the good news. Luckily, an unexpected group of heroes across the political landscape—many of them doctors and scientists—have emerged to tell the truth, despite facing extreme criticism and censorship from an angry mob desperate to continue fighting an imaginary war.

Fact #1: The Infection Fatality Rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.07-0.20%, in line with seasonal flu.

Fact #2: The risk of dying from COVID-19 is much higher than the average IFR for older people and those with co-morbidities, and much lower than the average IFR for younger healthy people, and nearing zero for children.

Fact #3: People infected with COVID-19 who are asymptomatic (which is most people) do NOT spread COVID-19.

Fact #4: Emerging science shows no spread of COVID-19 in the community (shopping, restaurants, barbers, etc.).

Fact #5: Published science shows COVID-19 is NOT spread outdoors.

Fact #6: Science shows masks are ineffective to halt the spread of COVID-19, and The WHO recommends they should only be worn by healthy people if treating or living with someone with a COVID-19 infection.

Fact #7: There’s no science to support the magic of a six-foot barrier.

Fact #8: The idea of locking down an entire society had never been done and has no supportable science, only theoretical modeling.

Fact #9: The epidemic models of COVID-19 have been disastrously wrong, and both the people and the practice of modeling has a terrible history.

Fact #10: The data shows that lockdowns have NOT had an impact on the course of the disease.

Fact #11: Florida locked down late, opened early, and is doing fine, despite predictions of doom.

Fact #12: New York’s above average death rate appears to be driven by a fatal policy error combined with aggressive intubations.

Fact #13: Public health officials and disease epidemiologists do NOT consider the other negative societal consequences of lockdowns.

Fact #14: There is a predictive model for the viral arc of COVID-19, it’s called Farr’s Law, and it was discovered over 100 years ago.

Fact #15: The lockdowns will cause more death and destruction than COVID-19 ever did.

See the details and documentation in “Lockdown Lunacy: The Thinking Person’s Guide.”

Regarding mask mandates, SaveCalifornia.com has the following advice:

In light of the WHO’s emerging diseases unit head admitting “it’s very rare” for an asymptomatic (no noticeable symptoms) infected person to pass COVID-19 to someone else, the justification for a lockdown, masks, and social distancing has been “obliterated.”

Don’t want to wear a face mask outside your house or in stores that mandate it for customers? Because wearing one can compromise your health. Friends of SaveCalifornia.com have avoided wearing masks and have successfully entered such stores by showing their mask exemption form to a manager. Tell them you can’t wear a mask, show them your exemption form, and ask them to accommodate you.

Successfully doing this is Chuck, who told us, “I received resistance from an Office Depot store employee, but I told him to let me talk to his manager. Once I chatted with him, he said go ahead, and I entered and shopped. I found it to be easier to immediately ask to speak to the manager before I start walking around the store. Got resistance from the sheeple who have been successfully dumbed down, and become prisoners of their own minds.”

If you simply “have to” wear a mask, why not send a message like this? Get boned up on facts about COVID-19 and the lockdown at SaveCalifornia.com. Again, the detailed and documented primer, “Lockdown Lunacy,” is eye-opening. Please send it to your elected representatives.  

Tucker Carlson, June 10, 2020: Our leaders used a health emergency to subvert democracy
“Rioting is not a health risk. As long as it helps the Democratic Party’s prospects in the November election, rioting will not spread the coronavirus. Sounds implausible but we can be certain of that. Because last week hundreds of self-described public health officials signed a letter saying so. They announced that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ riots are a vital contribution to public health — in effect, they’re an essential medical procedure. But that doesn’t mean you get to go outside — you don’t. Thanks to coronavirus, you do not have the right to resume your life. And if you complain about that, it’s ‘white nationalism.’ That was their professional conclusion.” (see the letter) … You were played. We were all played. Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over the most basic questions in our own lives. At the same time, they gave more power to their obedient followers, like Antifa, while keeping the rest of us trapped at home and censored online. In other words, they used a public health emergency to subvert democracy and install themselves as monarchs. How were they able to do this? The sad truth is they did it because we let them do it. We believed them, therefore we obeyed them. If there’s anything good to come out of this disaster, it’s that none of us will ever make that mistake again.”

Support innocent human life, not ‘Black Lives Matter’

Monday, June 8, 2020, 11:46 am | Randy Thomasson
Watch this June 5, 2020 interview: “It’s a dangerous experiment involving a litmus test on public safety,” said criminal justice expert Dr. Darrin Porcher. Retired NYPD Lieutenant Joe Cardinale added, “It’s going to be like something out a Batman movie. You’re going to see chaotic scenes in the street. And I hate to paint a that picture, but that’s exactly what they’re heading for.”

Have you noticed how Democrat politicians and some large corporations, church pastors, celebrities, and people on social media are supporting “Black Lives Matter”?

But do they know that “Defund the Police” is the #1 published and shouted demand of “Black Lives Matter”? So if you support them, you are supporting having zero police anywhere, which is the most dangerous, pro-murderer idea you’ve probably ever heard.

What’s more, as an organization, Black Lives Matter is demanding BILLIONS of dollars from Americans who’ve never owned slaves, in the form of “reparations” to black Americans who’ve never been slaves. Black Lives Matter also supports permitting illegal aliens to vote.

Are these your values? If not, don’t support Black Lives Matter. Because, in contrast to this racist, violence-prone movement, the God of the Bible says all human beings matter, everyone has intrinsic worth, and harming innocent people or people’s property is a sin.

1. Black Lives Matter official platform: “Defund the police”
2. More demands of Black Lives Matter: slave reparations, unlimited abortions, and “sexual self-determination” (see fourth to last paragraph)
3. Black Lives Matter Leader: ‘Defund Police’
4. Celebrities push to ‘defund police’
5. FBI in 2017: “‘Black identity extremists’ [Black Lives Matter] very likely … will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement”
6. David Harris, Jr. exposes the dangerous agenda of “Black Lives Matter”
7. Tucker Carlson: Who were the 10 “unarmed African Americans” that cops killed in 2019?

Is there an “epidemic” of police killing unarmed blacks? Are innocent blacks being “hunted” by cops?

That’s the claim of “Black Lives Matter.” But what are the facts?

On June 3, Fox News host Tucker Carlson powerfully laid out the indisputable data showing that, in 2019 in the United States, police killed 10 unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites.

Let’s do the math. There were 1,004 people killed by police in the U.S. in 2019. Of these, 802 killings by police noted the race of the police officer and of the person shot dead. Of these 802 killings of suspects, 371 were white and 236 were black, and the vast majority of those shot dead were armed themselves. Black suspects were more likely to have deadly weapon than white suspects, yet more white suspects were killed.

Here’s detail of the 10 total cases in 2019 where unarmed blacks were shot and killed by police:

  1. attacked, choked, and used a taser gun on a cop
  2. physically fought with trooper in woods
  3. physically attacked female police officer
  4. backed car into officer, catching him in door
  5. drove car high-speed at officer
  6. physically attacked police officer
  7. a black woman at home was holding a gun. The officer who shot her has been charged with murder
  8. physically fighting with black cop
  9. claimed to have gun and threatened to kill cops
  10. after killing a suspect, a gun was found in the dead man’s vehicle. The officer has been charged with aggravated manslaughter

This means, of the 10 unarmed black Americans killed by police in 2019, half of their deaths were provoked by the suspect physically attacking the officer just before the shooting occurred. One shooting was allegedly an accident. In the remaining four cases, in two of them the officer was criminally charged.

This is an extremely small number in a nation of 325 million. This is not genocide or anything close to it. The number of police killings of unarmed suspects is actually dropping. In 2015, unarmed suspects killed by police in the U.S. was 38 blacks and 32 whites. Overall totals have since dropped, and have fallen most dramatically for black men.

2019 was the safest year for all unarmed suspects. However, there were 48 cops murdered in 2019 according to FBI data, which is more than any unarmed suspects of all races that were killed by police. In 2018, there were 7,407 blacks murdered nationwide. For every unarmed black person shot in the U.S. by police, more than 700 blacks were shot to death by someone else, usually by someone they knew. No, blacks are not being “hunted down” and killed by racist police.

To put things in perspective, FBI statistics revealed, “In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer. Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population.”

Also noting the drop in police shootings of unarmed suspects was the Washington Post, which, on May 7, 2018, reported, “The number of deadly police shootings of unarmed people has generally declined since 2015…”

Stop and think about it. When someone pulls a gun or a knife on a cop or physically attacks, the police officer has the right of self-defense. What do you say about a cop being 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black being killed by a cop? Perhaps it’s time for police to march and protest that “Blue Lives Matter.”

Worst of all, the “Black Lives Matter” protests and riots in late May and early June have resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen people, and the serious injuries of many others, including cops and small business owners. Why would any reasonable person support a group that causes innocent people to perish?

“What’s gone wrong with black America? Why are they so dependent on white America, on the government, that all they can think of themselves as victims? Which then, of course, deflates them as human beings, undermines
their best energies, their best intentions. So after 50-60 years now past the Civil Rights bill, we’re worse off in many socio-economic categories than we were 60 years ago … Our families have fallen to pieces. Seventy-five percent of all black children are born out of wedlock, without a father. I don’t care how many social programs you have. You’re not going to overcome that … we as black Americans have to begin to take our fate back into our own hands, and stop crying racism.”

Shelby Steele, senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Fox News interview, June 5, 2020

Meet the violent Antifa anarchists

Monday, June 1, 2020, 8:37 pm | Randy Thomasson
An antifa militant runs past a burning police car in Los Angeles, May 30, 2020

If you’re concerned about the looting, burning, and alarming mayhem in the United States of America, you need to learn about Antifa.

America’s new domestic terrorists
“Antifa” is short for anti-fascist — fascism being one-man rule, such as by World War 2 era dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Since the USA does not have a fascist form of government, antifa adherents have blurred vision from the start. Yet because they’re Marxist revolutionaries — against constitutional authority, against property-rights capitalism, and justify violence as a means to an end — it’s the antifa “troops” who are breaking windows, hurling incendiary devices, throwing rocks, and doing great harm.

President Donald Trump is correct that antifa are terrorists. Dressed in black and predominately Caucasian, antifa have “cells” all over the U.S. Taking advantage of the videoed police abuse of George Floyd in Minneapolis, antifa sprang into action on the heels of their Black Lives Matter counterparts. The violence that’s erupted is being led and primarily caused by antifa. What you are seeing is antifa’s militant Marxist platform, using brute force to attempt to simultaneously destroy government and businesses.

The sudden violence, which has included the complete destruction of a police station, and widespread looting, burning, and mayhem, has even caught liberal Democrats by surprise. As left-wing Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti exclaimed, “This is no longer a protest. This is destruction.” Because although today’s Democrat politicians and antifa share similar beliefs (they’re both godless, socialist, irresponsible, thieves, reverse racists, and historical revisionists redefining justice), Democrat politicians try to protect their government positions, which they adore, while anarchistic antifa attack all government, period.

Exacerbated by bad government and cheap-grace churches
As FNC’s Tucker Carlson pointed out, we elect representatives to protect us from harm, and elected officials that fail to quickly quell violent riots have failed us. This is why politically-incorrect foreign governments are laughing at us right now. Because the first three days of violence last week went unabated as liberal leaders coddled antifa and their Black Lives Matter cohorts, apparently regarding tear gas, rubber bullets, police batons, and deploying the national guard as too much. Yes, now arrests are happening, but will everyone whose property was destroyed be reimbursed by their negligent, mostly Democrat-run cities?

And not only did bad government contribute to the destruction you’re seeing, bad government influenced and invited antifa in the first place. Consider this: Why is antifa largely atheistic? Thirteen years of “God is dead” evolution indoctrination in the government-controlled schools. Why is antifa blaming outwardly instead of being humbly introspective? Bad government’s decades of rewarding irresponsibility, and not supporting Christian values, or life-long marriage, or even appropriate discipline of children. Why is antifa violent? Because gratuitous violence is celebrating in the media (liberal government no longer effectively prohibits “harmful matter”), and so many criminals are not being prosecuted, punished, or even serving out their full sentences.

Ultimately, the Church shares responsibility for the rise of antifa. For if righteous voting were a priority, we would have good, not bad, government. If religious liberty were valued, congregants would be taught the Christian precepts of our U.S. founding fathers. If the fear of God, specific sins, and hell were revealed like the Bible teaches, people would think twice before committing obvious sins. If Biblical justice for individuals based on personal merit were taught, a true view of evidence, fairness, and individual responsibility would thrive.

What’s more, if the Church taught holy discipleship, selfishness would be replaced by love for neighbor. If identity in Christ were taught, there would fewer racists and even fewer who falsely accuse others of racism. If family values were emphasized with accountability, personal responsibility and love for others would become a habit. And if sacrificial love and shepherding of children were taught like the Bible teaches, there would be a lot less youngsters in the atheism-teaching, irresponsibility-promoting, immorality-producing government schools.

Where did antifa comes from? They were bred close to home. The sooner we come to grips with this, the sooner we’ll embrace the Truth that can set us free.

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…
2 Timothy 3:1-4