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You can still resist a Suicide State

Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 5:56 pm | Randy Thomasson

The godless media that doesn’t investigate corrupt government or bad bills is fawning over Jerry Brown for signing the suicide promotion bill.

They think ABX2-15 gives them the choice when to die. But the fact is, this terrible bill allows pro-suicide forces in the government, insurance companies, and hospitals to steer sick, elderly, uninformed, and confused people to “agree” to suicide because the powers that be see them as cheaper dead. The bill does not prevent this money-motivated pressure.

Since Pandora’s Box has been opened, expect this to happen in many families, including church families. Elder abuse is already a huge problem in America. Under the California bill, a legal heir is permitted to be part of the request for the suicide pill, there’s no witness at death, no requirement to self-administer the lethal drug (someone else could do it to you), forgery is functionally permitted of a final attestation form, a false cause of death must go on the death certificate, and there’s no prosecution because nothing can be called “homicide” or “elder abuse” even if the evidence says otherwise. See how this “assisted suicide” bill sets up weak and vulnerable Californians to be killed off for money?

Consider the current law’s strong deterrent against pressuring or “assisting” someone to commit suicide. One of the big reasons for this law is to prevent deceitful murders that perpetrators call mere suicides!

California Penal Code Section 401: Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony.

How will this play out? Stop and think about how the pronouncement “it’s terminal” depresses a patient. And consider that 12 million Americans are misdiagnosed ever year in our country.

And the terrible thing, under ABX2-15, a doctor can say you’re “terminal” without factoring in medical-establishment treatments to extend your life and certainly without talking about natural-medicine cures that can heal you. If you think you’re a “burden” on family, friends, and caretakers, all the better for the suicide agenda. In Oregon, 40% of those committing “assisted suicide” reported one of their top “end-of-life concerns” was that they were a “burden on family, friends/caregivers.”

And realize that this “assisted suicide” law isn’t just for people who are “dying,” but for people who are “eligible.” This includes an 18-year-old with Type 1 diabetes who is insulin dependent. Because in Oregon, a “terminal” label doesn’t take into account any treatment. How’s that for informed consent? Because of the broad eligibility under ABX2-15, “assisted suicide” can cut short the lives of people who would otherwise have years, even decades, to live.

As I’ve said, I’ll say again — concerned families should make plans now to never allow sick family members to be alone in the hospital, and to rethink whether convalescent homes and hospices are safer elsewhere, in states that don’t promote suicide, such as Nevada and Arizona.

However, what’s immediately needed is a lawsuit to strike down ABX2-15 for violating the California Constitution’s requirement that extraordinary legislative session bills stick to the subject and don’t deviate from the governor’s proclamation, which in this case, was Medi-Cal funding, and not suicide in any way, shape, or form.

For more talking points to educate people in your family, in your church, and in your local media, see SaveCalifornia.com’s Oct. 5 news release.

However, none of these men committed suicide. Solomon learned to “fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Elijah was comforted by an angel, allowed to rest, and given a new commission. Jonah received admonition and rebuke from God. Paul learned that, although the pressure he faced was beyond his ability to endure, the Lord can bear all things: “This happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9).
What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide?

The moral people of California will decide

Friday, September 4, 2015, 8:38 pm | Randy Thomasson


After working the halls of California’s State Capitol today, it’s clear to me that California will become a Suicide State unless people who oppose “assisted suicide” will exercise sacrificial love and enter the fight.

The forces pushing for “assisted suicide” have money and a small army of dedicated, death-wish activists. In contrast, the natural army of pro-life citizens against “assisted suicide” is distracted, absent, or compromised.

I call upon every pro-life person and every pastor to rise up and fight now to prevent California from becoming the Suicide State, where suicide would be increasingly “the norm,” and people who otherwise would have lived years or decades will have their lives cut short.

After passing its final Assembly committee on September 4 (today), AB 15, the new number of the Democrats’ “assisted suicide” bill, is going to the floor of the California State Assembly for a very close vote.

This weekend, please urge everybody you know to make calls opposing AB 15 before it can be heard early afternoon on Tuesday, September 8. There are a handful of deciding votes.

ACT BOLDLY: Especially if you’re in their districts, please lead others to call the deciding votes

LEARN: See how AB 15 does not guarantee choice or prevent pressure to die prematurely

See how AB 15 threatens families

Read how an advocate for the disabled strongly opposes AB 15

GIVE: With your donation, help SaveCalifornia.com persevere to prevent a Suicide State

Suicide promotion bill stalled — act now to defeat it

Thursday, June 25, 2015, 1:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


I knew this could happen. Because suicide legalization has never passed a house of the California Legislature or passed on the California ballot, and only passed the state Senate this year, I knew that SB 128, the suicide promotion bill allowing doctors to prescribe a lethal drug to a so-called “terminal” patient, was a seriously uncomfortable notion that could be stalled in the Assembly. And that’s exactly what has happened, due to a preponderance of Latino Democrats who have a Catholic background with strong values against suicide.

Will this keep California from becoming the Suicide State that teaches young people that suicide is an answer? Yes, if Californians who care make phone calls to “hold” the reluctant Democrats on the committee and make them immovable (see phone numbers below).

When the Democrat author of SB 128 pulled the bill from the hearing roster on June 22, it was because the suicide bill didn’t have 10 votes to pass in the 19-member committee. You saw how SB 128 was in trouble due to a) concerns and proposed amendments from several of the committee’s Democrats, and b) public opposition — phone calls + expert lobbying at the Capitol + more people speaking out publicly. This is why SaveCalifornia.com has been working hard, both behind in the scenes and in public, as we’ve called on Californians to oppose this suicide promotion bill.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported: “Sources said six Democrats on the committee expressed reservations, five of whom are members of the Latino caucus. Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, confirmed she is among those who oppose the bill, citing personal reasons.”

So this is a temporary victory and is definitely good news! The 5 Democrat Latinos on the Assembly Health Committee who wouldn’t vote for suicide are: Roger Hernández of West Covina, Miguel Santiago of downtown Los Angeles, Freddie Rodriguez of Pomona, Susan Bonilla of Concord, and Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego. The other reluctant Democrat on the committee, who is not Latino, is likely either Adrin Nazarian of Van Nuys or Tony Thurmond of Oakland.

TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION: Please continue spreading the word to others and calling the swing votes on the Assembly Health Committee, which could still vote on SB 128 by between now and July 14. Tell them “The proposed amendments still allow coercion when the lethal drug is swallowed, contains a mis-definition of the word ‘terminal,” and deceptively permits a falsified death certificate. Please vote no on SB 128.”

“Sensitive, thinking Democrats”:
1. Adrin Nazarian (916) 319-2046
2. Tony Thurmond (916) 319-2015
3. Autumn Burke (916) 319-2062

Latino Democrats:
1. Roger Hernández (916) 319-2048
2. Miguel Santiago (916) 319-2053
3. Jimmy Gomez (916) 319-2051
4. Freddie Rodriguez (916) 319-2052
5. Susan Bonilla (916) 319-2014
6. Lorena Gonzalez (916) 319-2080

Committee Republicans:
1. Brian Maienschein (916) 319-2077
2. Rocky Chávez (916) 319-2076
3. Tom Lackey (916) 319-2036
4. Marc Steinorth (916) 319-2040
5. Marie Waldron (916) 319-2075
6. Jim Patterson (916) 319-2023

“We cannot allow California to become a place where we respond to human suffering by simply making it easier for people to kill themselves. Helping someone die — even if that person is desperate and asks for the help — is still killing.”
Catholic Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, in his letter to Assembly Health Committee members