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Chipping away at the lockdown wall

Saturday, October 17, 2020, 11:35 am | Randy Thomasson
Portion of the Berlin Wall being torn down by West Germans in 1989, while East German soldiers watch from the other side

California’s Democrat tyrants and establishment “Republicans” have redefined “reopen” as 10% or 25% capacity. But already-hurt small businesses can’t survive on that. Sadly, most California pastors are afraid to fully reopen for ministry. Meanwhile, the non-academic, sexual-indoctrinating government “teacher union” bosses have made it clear they want President Donald Trump defeated more than reopening for in-person classroom instruction.

But the good news is the lockdown lies are breaking down, showing “the emperor has no clothes.” See how the WHO, certain California school boards, and even Democrat mayors are helping!

1. Government-imposed lockdowns are unnecessary and harmful

WHO warns against COVID-19 lockdowns due to economic damage and Health official calls for halting lockdowns (10/8/20)

Dr. David Nabarro, the World Health Organization’s special covid-19 envoy: “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus …  The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer … Just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry in the Caribbean, for example, or in the Pacific because people aren’t taking their holidays … Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”

See how Democrat Governor Gavin Newom is killing a small city’s economy

2. California’s school lockdown wall has been breached

Remember 1989 when the Berlin Wall was slowly, then quickly, chipped away and eventually knocked down? That needs to happen — and is starting to happen — with California’s unscientific, unproven, tyrannical lockdown. This week, the lockdown “wall” of two of California’s largest government-school districts was breached when both school boards permitted special-needs children to enjoy in-person classes with a teacher and other children. This reopening for some wins the argument for reopening for all. Because if it’s “safe” for deaf and other disabled children to have in-person public-school classes again, it can’t be “unsafe” for other children to also go “back to school.” Of course, the unscientific, anti-family teacher unions hate any breach of their artificial wall of schools that get paid for not working.

Two big school districts, San Diego and Sacramento, move to permit special-needs students back for in-person classes: San DiegoSacramento

While SaveCalifornia.com and I want children out of the government schools and into home schools or Bible-based church schools, if parents won’t rescue their children, then children returning to government schools will hasten the end of the lockdown (which is what the anti-family teacher unions oppose). When schools reopen, parents will go back to work, and the lockdown will quickly lose its hold. This reality will overcome even Gavin Newsom!

3. California’s big city mayors urge the quick reopening of in-person schools: More cracks in the lockdown wall. This week, while San Diego and Sacramento counties’ school boards voted to permit “special needs” children to receive in-person, group-oriented, classroom instruction, mayors of 13 big cities in California (including the Democrat mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and Sacramento), are urging Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom to reopen schools.

This is significant. The mayors’ October 14 letter urges Newsom to order the reopening of in-person classrooms for “1) students with special needs, 2) Title 1 students in areas of highest poverty concentrations, 3) children of essential workers; and, 4) students who have experienced homeless and/or youth in the foster/kin care system, and 5) early learners (K-2nd grade).”

Notably, the mayors’ letter implied they’re concerned about parents leaving the government-run schools for private and home schools, stating, “we are seeing private and parochial schools open much more quickly potentially increasing the disparities between well-resourced and under-resourced schools.”

My takeaways

First, most of these mayors are Democrats and their public voice for reopening government-run schools is certain to be considered by Newsom.

Second, if some children are allowed to go “back to schools,” there are very strong legal arguments for all children to return (unless their parents rescue them from the government system).

Third, once government schools reopen, many parents working from home will go back to work, and this will all hasten the end of the lockdown. 

ACTION: Keep resisting this unscientific, unmerited, tyrannical lockdown

As for effectiveness of attending anti-lockdown, pro-liberty rallies and protests, it’s two-fold:

1. Every time you individually study or collectively get educated about why your God-given and constitutional liberties matter, your character, knowledge, and resolve improve. You also become stimulated to invite your friends to stand for liberty, at future events.

2. Every public protest is an opportunity to lobby for an end to the lockdown. Your audiences are county supervisors and the general public. Without earned media, you can have modest influence upon county supervisors who might see your protest outside their windows or otherwise hear about it. Without earned media, you can also video your own event and show that to others via email, blog, social media, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Yet the most effective way to rally is to “earn media” and therefore reach the public and turn more people against the tyrannical, non-scientific establishment that is hurting real people. Aim for this by inviting TV, radio, and newspapers to cover your event, and working for this “earned media” as much as, or more than, you invite your friends and acquaintances.

So, participating in an anti-lockdown, pro-liberty event actually has four benefits: improve your character, improve your friends’ characters, change minds through your own media, and change minds through “earned media.” Let’s keep persevering and outrun the tyrants!

Lastly, I want to reiterate my strong desire for loving parents to protect their children from 11 statewide school sexual indoctrination laws, terrible peer pressure, and dumbed-down “teaching” by permanently removing their precious boys and girls from the non-academic, dysfunctional, godless government schools. However, if these awful facts plus months of lockdown misery haven’t yet motivated parents to home school or church school their children, let the reopening of government schools serve to help end the lockdown as a whole.

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free,
and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5:1

Let’s stop this lockdown madness together

Thursday, September 24, 2020, 6:14 pm | Randy Thomasson
A California girl holding a great sign at a 2020 rally

I invite you to fight.

No, I’m not talking about a physical fight, but a fight for your existence as an American, as a person of faith, and as an informed citizen who wants our constitutional republic back.

You and most Californians are still suffering from the unnecessary, inhuman, destructive lockdown. Which is exactly why you and I must ramp up the fight for our God-given liberties — right away. 

You’ve watched how SaveCalifornia.com has united patriots statewide on the web and social media by promoting peaceful rallies to “Oppose Tyranny,” “Reopen California,” “Restore Livelihoods,” “End the Lockdown,” “Back the Blue,” and “Recall Newsom.” 

And you’ve seen how we’ve encouraged citizens and small business owners to take back their lives. On your behalf, SaveCalifornia.com has been a faithful leader for truth, love, and families through our many alerts, social media, and now live videos too.

In this historic fight between good and evil, SaveCalifornia.com is the go-to place for concerned Californians who need hope and direction. Because in our intense war for freedom, knowing you’re not alone is both comforting and empowering.

The good news is our Fall Fundraising Campaign to equip you to resist tyranny and reclaim your liberties.

Will you help me resist Gavin Newsom’s tyranny and fully take back your constitutional liberties in California? Please donate now. Your gift of any size will empower SaveCalifornia.com to fight harder and better for your God-given rights.

As you know, liberty-loving people must persevere more than the tyrants. It’s imperative – because every God-given and constitutional liberty that you and I have seems to be under attack. Surrender is not an option — we must stand for Truth without wavering!

Will you stand up for Truth with me and SaveCalifornia.com? You can donate using our secure url, which is https://securedonors.com/savecalifornia+freedom.

You can feel confident donating to SaveCalifornia.com, because our online donation page is hosted by a reliable company that processes gifts for many Bible-based organizations. Still, if you wish, you can mail your Single Gift or Monthly Warrior Pledge to:

P.O. Box 511
Sacramento, CA 95812

Thank you for considering how you can make a difference with me today. Our campaign’s deadline to receive helpful donations is October 3.

Boldly in Christ’s grace and truth,

Randy Thomasson
Founder and President

P.S. Please know your gift of any size will help. Because, together, we need to EXPOSE the tyranny of Gavin Newsom and other pro-lockdown politicians, EMPOWER you to reclaim your precious God-given liberties, and CHAMPION your rock-solid values this all-important election season in California. 

Thank you for taking action for what’s right in God’s sight on behalf of liberty and against tyranny. I thank you in advance! Please click here to donate now.

“Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.”
U.S. General George S. Patton (1885-1945)

Who or what killed George Floyd?

Saturday, August 8, 2020, 11:02 am | Randy Thomasson

Why did you see only one video of the Minneapolis police officers’ encounter with George Floyd on May 25, and not the police bodycam video until August 3? We all had to wait more than two whole months for it, because the Democrat Attorney General of Minnesota hid it from the public.

So the false narrative that police in the United States are hunting down and killing unarmed black men ran unabated in the media. Meanwhile, anarchist activists within Antifa and Black Lives Matter took full advantage of the lie, destroying property and killing innocent people all across America.

The police video shows George Floyd resisting patient officers for eight straight minutes. And the toxicology report confirms Floyd was high on drugs, which constricted his breathing and contributed to his demise.

Those are the facts and you can come to your own conclusion. But it’s clear from the video that Floyd was resisting big-time, repeatedly claiming he couldn’t breathe as police patiently tried to get him to sit in the police car, and that cops were concerned enough to call for an ambulance.

The toxicology report found a massive overdose of the opioid fentanyl, along with methamphetamine, in Floyd’s body. These harmful drugs – which can cause “severe respiratory depression, circulatory collapse, coma, and death” — explain Floyd’s paranoia, aggression, and the breathing problems he had while standing and sitting.

As expert prosecutor George Parry details: “In short, Floyd’s foaming at the mouth, incoherence, physical incapacity, non-compliant behavior, breathing difficulty, and rapid downward spiral into unconsciousness and death are fully explained by the toxicological evidence that he had ingested a massively lethal overdose of fentanyl mixed with a smaller dose of similarly dangerous and debilitating methamphetamine. In other words, by the time he first encountered the police, Floyd had already rendered himself a dead man walking and was only minutes away from expiring.

All lives matter, but you only saw one video. Now see the police bodycam video here.

Then read these expert reports on the video and the toxicology report:

Who Killed George Floyd?
By former federal and state prosecutor George Parry in the American Spectator

Why George Floyd Died
By Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative

“Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing?”
Nicodemus, advocating for fairness for Jesus Christ, before the Sanhedrin

prejudice: The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions.
An adverse judgment or opinion formed unfairly or without knowledge of the facts.