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Why 3 bad California propositions passed (but 4 others didn’t)

Saturday, November 12, 2022, 3:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

Thank you for voting right in God’s sight — and helping others vote — in the November 2022 election with the help of SaveCalifornia.com.

Your good values were and are sorely needed, since so many Californians vote foolishly.

Still, more Latinos voted Republican this election. And more Californians might have voted Republican than the previous election, which will be confirmed if California Republicans pick up seats in the U.S. Congress and in the California Legislature (see the close races).

I’m relieved the two gambling-addictions-promoting propositions, 26 and 27, were rejected. I’m also happy that Prop. 29 functionally decreasing the availability of kidney dialysis clinics was stopped (for the third election in a row). And I’m glad Prop. 30 raising taxes and the cost of living “bit the dust.”

Yet it’s sad that 3 bad propositions passed (see their status):

1. Woefully-ignorant Californians don’t understand a “fetus” is a unique human being with God-given rights. So they voted to approve the baby-killing and sexual-anarchy monstrosity of Prop. 1, 65.8% to 34.2%.

2. Neither do most voters realize government schools will use any excuse to take more tax dollars to dumb down and sexually indoctrinate children. So California voters approved Prop. 28’s “art and music” perpetual “annual funding” deception, 62.5% to 37.5%.

3. Nor do Californians grasp how their Democrat state legislators don’t love children, demonstrated by their pushing a host of dangerous “recreational” drugs on California. And they hypocritically singled out “candy-flavored tobacco” businesses for extinction (which can only sell to adults 21 and older) because of the Democrat legislators’ disdain for tobacco farmers, who tend to donate to Republican candidates. So voters approved Prop. 31, which sets a precedent for Democrat politicians to destroy any small business they consider a threat to their power, 62.8% to 37.2%.

Obviously, voter approval of Prop. 1 is just awful. But the seven statewide propositions were a mixed bag, since online gambling in every home (Prop. 27) and the functional elimination of many kidney dialysis clinics (Prop. 29) would have been awful too. And both Prop. 27 and 29 were defeated, which are true moral victories.

In the big picture, true Christians must remember that success is doing what’s right in God’s sight, no matter the opposition or outcome. So if you voted biblically, you were an individual success!

Advice for the 2024 election: Concerned citizens must prioritize trying to win back the offices of county registrars of voters. Election fraud by the Democrat tyrants’ minions must end!

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
Attributed to Scottish lawyer/writer/professor/historian Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813)

TOP ALERT: 2 anti-parent bills to kill on the Assembly floor

Thursday, August 25, 2022, 8:45 pm | Randy Thomasson

AUGUST 25 UPDATE: AB 1940, SB 1184, and SB 1479 have passed the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature. This leaves only 2 Democrat-authored bills shoving aside parents and eliminating parental rights on the floor of the California State Assembly. But with enough opposition calls (including demanding Republican assemblymembers stand and speak), these awful bills can be defeated!

There’s practical hope, since, due to strong public outcry, SB 866 has been stalled on the Assembly floor since June 6.

Please act NOW. Your bold, loving action today can determine the outcome of these blatantly anti-family bills, which can come up for votes in daily Assembly floor sessions between August 15 and 31.

Oppose these 2 anti-parent bills on or coming to the Assembly floor:

SB 866 threatens teenagers with coerced vaccines behind parents’ backs

SB 1419 eliminates parental rights to see all of their children’s medical records

Note: See our new alert on SB 1479, which passed the California State Assembly on August 18. This bad bill would mandate all K-12 government schools develop a “Covid testing plan,” targeting every boy and girl for invasive testing, tracking, and quarantining, shoving aside parental rights and wishes.

See details about these bills at the SaveCalifornia.com Legislation Center.


STEP 1. Leave voicemails for the deciding-vote Democrats and 1 independent* 7pm to 8am and weekends, without identifying yourself, since most legislative offices “trash” messages from outside their districts: Tell them, “Don’t you dare eliminate parental rights! Oppose anti-parent bills SB 866 and SB 1419.”

* When clicking below to see a new seat for which a current assemblymember is running, scroll down to the lower right for the map of the new district “after 2020 redistricting cycle”

Tina McKinnor (running for the new AD61) 916-319-2062 and 310-412-6400: A new assemblymember (sworn in June 20), McKinnor is untested and needs your calls.

Lisa Calderon (running for the new AD56) 916-319-2057 and 562-692-5858. She is running for a new district covering South El Monte, Pico Rivera, Rose Hills, Whittier, La Puente, Walnut, and Diamond Bar. Some local activists are targeting her, and with enough calls, might be moved to abstain.

Eloise Reyes (running for the new AD50) 916-319-2047 and 909-381-3238: Claims to be in favor of parental rights, but robotically voted for SB 866 in committee; tight with Democrat bosses, she needs your calls

Mike Fong (running for the new AD49) 916-319-2049 and 323-264-4949: Needs to remember Asian family values and needs your calls

Blanca Rubio (running for the new AD48) 916-319-2048 and 626-960-4457: She voted yes on the SB 866 amendments; her sister, Susan Rubio, abstained on SB 866 on the Senate floor

Luz Rivas (running for the new AD43) 916-319-2039 and 818-504-3911: She voted yes to amend SB 866; however, she “publicly confirmed no or abstain” on the original SB 866

Mike Gipson (running for the new AD65) 916-319-2064 and 310-324-6408: Voted yes to amend SB 866, but thinks he’s a Christian and might support clear-cut parental rights

Jose Medina 916-319-2061 and 951-369-6644: Representing northeast Riverside County, Medina will reportedly abstain on SB 866 — make sure

Miguel Santiago (running for the new AD54) 916-319-2053 and 213-620-4646: Vote yes on the SB 866 amendments, but used to abstain more, and represents mostly pro-parental-rights Hispanic families

Isaac Bryan (running for the new AD55) 916-319-2054 and 310-641-5410: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments

Lori Wilson (running for the new AD11) 916-319-2011 and 707-399-3011: A new assemblymember (sworn in April 6), Wilson reportedly won’t support SB 866 — it’s a start

Wendy Carrillo (running for the new AD52) 916-319-2051 and 213-483-5151: She abstained on the SB 866 amendments

Robert Rivas (running for the new AD29) 916-319-2030 and 831-759-8676: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments. His district overlaps that of Democrat State Senator Anna Caballero, who abstained on SB 866.

Joaquin Arambula (running for the new AD31) 916-319-2031 and 559-445-5532: Abstained on the SB 866 amendments, personally believes in traditional parental rights, and represents mostly Hispanics

Kevin McCarty (running for the new AD6) 916-319-2007 and 916-324-4676: Abstained on the SB 866 amendments, and also abstained on AB 2223 permitting infanticide

Freddie Rodriguez (running for the new AD53) 916-319-2052 and 909-902-9606: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments. Used to abstain on controversial bills.

Eduardo Garcia (running for the new AD36) 916-319-2056 and 760-347-2360: From the sprawling Imperial Valley region with many Hispanic families

Jacqui Irwin (running for the new AD42) 916-319-2044 and 805-482-1904: Abstained on the SB 866 amendments. Represents part of state senator Henry Stern’s district, who twice abstained on the Senate side

Tasha Boerner Horvath (running for the new AD77) 916-319-2076 and 760-434-7605: Abstained on the SB 866 amendments, and represents a formerly Republican district with pro-family constituents

Cottie Petrie-Norris (running for new AD73) 916-319-2074 and 949-251-0074: Abstained on the SB 866 amendments and “publicly confirmed no or abstain” on the original SB 866

Jim Cooper (just won election to be Sacramento County sheriff) 916-319-2009 and 916-670-7888: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments; he also abstained on AB 1797 creating a state “Covid vaccine” database

Sabrina Cervantes (running for the new AD58) 916-319-2060 and 951-371-6860: Abstained on the SB 866 amendments. Also initially abstained on AB 2098 punishing good doctors and AB 2223 permitting infanticide, but then later changed her votes to yes after both bills passed

Tom Daly 916-319-2069 and 714-939-8469: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments. He also abstained on AB 2223 permitting infanticide, and initially abstained on AB 2098 before later changing his vote to yes. Has abstained on other bills over the years

Al Muratsuchi (running for the new AD66) 916-319-2066 and 310-375-0691: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments, and also initially abstained on AB 2098 before later changing his vote to yes

Adrin Nazarian 916-319-2046 and 818-376-4246: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments; he also abstained on medical tyranny bills AB 1797 and AB 2098

Brian Maienschein (running for the new AD76) 916-319-2077 and 858-675-0077: Abstained on the SB 866 amendments and voted no on the original SB 866 in committee

Chad Mayes (former Republican, now “independent”) 916-319-2042 and 760-346-6342: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments; in May, he also voted no on AB 2223 and abstained on AB 2098

Chris Holden (running for the new AD41) 916-319-2041 and 626-351-1917 and 909-624-7876: Earlier he “publicly confirmed no or abstain” on the original SB 866; however, he voted yes on the SB 866 amendments

Adam Gray (running for the new CD13) 916-319-2021 and 209-726-5465 and 209-521-2111: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments and earlier “publicly confirmed no or abstain” on the original SB 866

Timothy Grayson (running for the new AD15) 916-319-2014 and 925-521-1511: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments; he also abstained on AB 2098, punishing good doctors against the “Covid vaccines”

Ken Cooley (running for the new AD7) 916-319-2008 and 916-464-1910: He abstained on the SB 866 amendments; he also voted no on medical tyranny bills AB 1797 and AB 2098

Rudy Salas (running for the new CD22) 916-319-2032 and 661-335-0302 and 559-585-7170: Abstained on SB 866 amendments, but earlier he “confirmed no on SB 866”

Patrick O’Donnell 916-319-2070 and 562-429-0470 and 310-548-6420: Abstained on SB 866 amendments, and previous issued public statement promising to vote no on the original SB 866

Sharon Quirk-Silva (running for the new AD67) 916-319-2065 and 714-525-6515: Voted no on amending SB 866 and has “publicly confirmed no or abstain” on the original SB 866

James Ramos (running for the new AD45) 916-319-2040 and 909-476-5023: Voted no on amending SB 866 and has “publicly confirmed no or abstain” on the original SB 866

Carlos Villapudua (running in the new AD13) 916-319-2013 and 209-948-7479. Voted no amending SB 866 and earlier “confirmed he will be voting no” on the original SB 866; he also issued a public statement promising to vote no on the original SB 866

STEP 2. Leave voicemails for the 19 Republican assemblymembers 7pm to 8am and weekends, without identifying yourself: Tell them, “I expect you to stand and speak on the floor against anti-parent bills. Raise your microphone to expose SB 866 and SB 1419.”

Megan Dahle (running for the new AD1) 916-319-2001 and 530-223-6300
James Gallagher (running for the new AD3) 916-319-2003 and 530-895-4217
Frank Bigelow 916-319-2005 and 209-267-0500 and 559-673-0501
Kevin Kiley (running for the new CD3) 916-319-2006 and 916-774-4430
Heath Flora (running for the new AD9) 916-319-2012 and 209-599-2112
Jim Patterson (running for the new AD8) 916-319-2023 and 559-446-2029
Devon Mathis (running for the new AD33) 916-319-2026 and 559-636-3440
Thurston Smith (running for the new AD34) 916-319-2033 and 760-244-5277
Vince Fong (running for the new AD32) 916-319-2034 and 661-395-2995
Jordan Cunningham 916-319-2035 and 805-549-3381
Tom Lackey (running for the new AD34) 916-319-2036 and 661-267-7636
Suzette Valladares (running for the new AD40) 916-319-2038 and 661-286-1565
Phillip Chen (running for the new AD59) 916-319-2055 and 714-529-5502
Kelly Seyarto (running for the new SD32) 916-319-2067 and 951-894-1232
Steven Choi (running for the new AD73) 916-319-2068 and 714-665-6868
Randy Voepel (running for the new AD75) 916-319-2071 and 619-258-7737
Janet Nguyen (running for the new SD36) 916-319-2072 and 714-843-4966
Laurie Davies (running for the new AD74) 916-319-2073 and 949-240-7300
Marie Waldron (running for the new AD75) 916-319-2075 and 760-480-7570

STEP 3. Call your own assemblymember’s office (and especially who might become your new assemblymember, state senator, sheriff, or congressmember) during business hours or after-hours, and identify yourself and where you live. Tell him or her, “Don’t you dare eliminate parental rights! Oppose anti-parent bills SB 866 and SB 1419.”

See who wants to represent you by clicking the new district maps above. To find your own, current state assemblymember, click here and enter your information.

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

The Bible, Psalm 94:16

Yes, Democrat politicians harm people

Sunday, October 10, 2021, 10:28 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you know why Nevada and Arizona have gone, or are going, Democrat? Because many California Democrats, concerned about sky-high housing costs, scary crime, and bad “public schools,” have left here for there, without considering the cause of the effect.

Yet the cause of their problems was and is the Democrat “rulers” of California. And while former Californians who are still Democrats didn’t stop to think that deeply, you can help concerned Democrats and independents in California to wake up and connect the dots.

What is causing the unprecedented “mandates” and “division” and “shortages” you’re seeing — including high gas prices, “coin shortages,” and hospital nurses being fired?

Because these societal ills didn’t “just happen.” No, each has been caused by political entities, i.e. “the government.” But just who is “the government”?

Ask yourself — where are you seeing the anti-people policies of firing folks who don’t get the so-called “Covid vaccine, punishing health-conscious people for opposing masks and jabs, and paying people not to work? Nearly everywhere Democrat politicians are in control — in California, in other Democrat-run states, in Democrat-controlled companies and colleges, and in policies emanating from Democrat-controlled Washington, D.C.

And if there are any Republicans participating in this institutional evil, they have become “prostitutes” of their Democrat “pimps,” being richly rewarded for their slavish loyalty.

Now think of all of California’s chronic problems: bad public schools, rising crime, destructive wildfires, water mismanagement, unaffordable housing, the homelessness epidemic, high taxes and fees, higher prices on most everything, record-high STDs, providing every magnet for illegal immigrants, sexual anarchy, the legalizing “recreational” drugs, attacking free speech and religious freedom, decreeing hyper-controlling “mandates,” and unscientifically masking children.

Who can you “thank” or blame for all these problems? The Democrat politicians. Remember, Democrats control the California State Legislature — since 1957 in the State Senate and 1959 in the State Assembly.* Everything’s been on their watch for decades.

This is why every “monster fire” on state lands is a Democrat fire, why violent crime is Democrat crime, why too-high housing prices are Democrat prices, and why people losing their jobs and their small businesses last year and this year are the Democrats’ doings.

TAKE ACTION: Share this information with everyone you can. Show them what they get with the Democrat politicians are anti-people policies resulting in widespread misery.

*The exceptions to Democrat control of the California Legislature since the late 1950s was in 1969 to 1970 when Republicans controlled both houses for over a year, and in 1996 when Republicans controlled the Assembly for just one year (in 1995, two “Republicans” became speaker after agreeing to give Democrats control of all the committees).

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2