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ALERT: Tell these 22 county governments to fully open now

Friday, May 22, 2020, 12:10 pm | Randy Thomasson
California has 58 counties. In 2018, John Cox, the Republican candidate for governor, won 28 counties; of those, 6 have rebelled against Democrat Gavin Newsom’s destructive lockdown.

MAY 28, 2020 UPDATE: Colusa Colusa has rejected enforcement of Newsom’s lockdown order, proclaiming liberty for “all citizens, businesses, schools, churches, and organizations in exercising their constitutional rights.”

Do you believe the “cure” of the lockdown is worse than COVID-19 itself? Then you’re invited to join SaveCalifornia.com’s campaign to fully reopen California. The strongest and fastest way to take back territory is by lobbying boards of county supervisors.

Already, six conservative counties have rebelled against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s destructive lockdown, and are permitting most, if not all, businesses to reopen. There are 22 remaining counties that voted Republican. Which ones can you help to declare liberty?


Copy and paste SaveCalifornia.com’s message into your own email and send to the county supervisors in 22 conservative counties won by Republican John Cox in the 2018 governor’s race. We’ve found their email addresses to make this easy. Unless you’re emailing your own county supervisors, you should not reveal your name, address, or any other identifying information, if possible. Type a relevant subject line, such as “Fully open _____ County now.” It is OK to email all five supervisors of a particular county at the same time.

COPY OR EDIT OUR SUGGESTED MESSAGE (this is somewhat “hard,” since these boards are insensitive and irresponsible to how they’re hurting real people):

I strongly urge you to immediately and fully end this harmful, unnecessary lockdown, as Modoc, Sutter, Yuba, Stanislaus, Kings, Tulare, and Colusa counties have done. A continued lockdown makes no sense when COVID-19’s death rate is 3X lower than the seasonal flu, when the COVID-19 recovery rate is above 97%, and when COVID-19 death counts are being fraudulently padded. People are being financially destroyed. Attempted suicide, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and child abuse are all going up. Please put a stop to this and don’t hide behind your appointed health officer. You represent us and need to protect our livelihoods. Fully lift the lockdown now, so everyone can get back to work right away.

28 of 58 California counties won by Republican John Cox for Governor in November 2018, ranked by percentage of vote source

77.3% Lassen County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

76.2% Modoc County: LIBERATED (revolted April 28)
California county defies Gavin Newsom, reopens

72.5% Tehama County
Send one email message to this address and all five supervisors get a copy:

70.9% Glenn County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

71.1% Shasta County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

65.3% Colusa County: LIBERATED (revolted May 27)
“Colusa County Board of Supervisors Votes to Protect Civil Rights”

64.5% Amador County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

64.1% Calaveras County
go to https://calaverasgov.us/Feedback/Board-of-Supervisors, then select the “All Supervisors” option

64.1% Sierra County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

64.0% Yuba County: LIBERATED (largely revolted May 1)
Yuba, Sutter counties to reopen businesses Monday

63.0% Sutter County: LIBERATED (largely revolted May 1)
2 more California counties set to defy Newsom lockdown as pressure builds

62.8% Plumas County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

61.3% Mariposa County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

61.1% Tuolumne County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

61.0% Madera County
Send one email message to this address and all five supervisors will receive a copy: supervisors@maderacounty.com

60.3% Siskiyou County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

59.4% El Dorado County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

59.4% Kings County: LIBERATED (revolted May 15)
Board votes to reopen the county

58.9% Kern County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

58.8% Placer County
Five supervisors’ email addresses (or their aides; 6 email addresses total):

58.7% Del Norte
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

57.7% Trinity County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

57.2% Tulare County: LIBERATED (revolted May 19)
Tulare Co. shuns Newsom, votes to reopen businesses

55.3% Inyo County
Five separate web forms for five supervisors: 

53.2% Butte County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

50.9% Fresno County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

50.8% Stanislaus County: LIBERATED (largely revolted May 12)
Stanislaus County will look the other way if businesses defy Newsom’s stay-home order

50.2% Riverside County
Five supervisors’ email addresses:

For even when we were with you, we commanded you this:
If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:10

Are small business owners committing financial suicide?

Monday, March 30, 2020, 5:32 pm | Randy Thomasson

If the always-paid government bureaucracy wanted to kill off capitalism, they’re not wasting this opportunity. For every day, small businesses fail because they “aren’t open.”

Yet if you stay closed like the government wants, you might be committing financial suicide. Ask yourself — how long can you go without income?

Small business owners shouldn’t be overly-afraid of the government. Have you heard of a single business owner being fined for staying fully open during the virus scare? I haven’t. And so what if you’re fined? Wouldn’t a couple hundred dollars be a small price to pay compared to all the value you’ll receive by staying open?

And consider the various “bugs” that can be on every public door handle — whether it’s coronavirus, the flu, stomach flu, strep throat, pink eye, or the common cold. Which is why small business owners who are “open for business” should exercise (and require from their customers) an improved level of good hygiene.

What’s more, the “cure” for COVID-19 might already be here. On Sunday, the FDA approved the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine sulfate. Millions of doses are being donated to the nation’s hospitals right now. 

Is the COVID-19 lockdown overkill? One decade ago, America had another epidemic. But the 2009-2010 swine flu occurred when there was a Democrat in the White House, who the Big Media protected, and the opposition party Republicans did not politicize the virus. 

The swine flu’s death toll was higher than (or some might argue, similar to) COVID-19. “According to the CDC from April 2009 to April 2010 there were about 60.8 million cases of the swine flu with 12,469 deaths in the United States. Unlike COVID-19, swine flu targeted the younger population, who health officials said had little to no existing immunity.” Source

Yet now we have a Republican president, who the Big Media hates, and who the opposition party Democrats seem to blame for everything. They unsuccessfully tried to oust him twice. Is it the Big Media’s turn to defeat Trump by eliminating his booming economy?

We are now at a point where the cure is worse than the disease. As R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. wrote a week ago: “… we need not destroy our economy over this pandemic …The state we had arrived at by last weekend was explained cogently by Bob Luddy, the CEO and founder of CaptiveAire, in The American Spectator on Monday. He wrote: “Our leaders are creating an economic crisis and a major national security risk with limited data. The cure is far worse than any perceived impact by COVID-19.”

For small business owners, and workers who’ve been laid off without pay, the big question is how much more financial bleeding can you stand? Big stores like Wal-Mart and Target haven’t closed. So why must you?

For the sake of your constitutional rights, your God-given ownership rights, your family, and your in-born need to succeed, I encourage you to be “open for business,” along with taking wise steps of good hygiene. Don’t let the establishment destroy your livelihood!

“You shall not steal … You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
Creator God’s 8th and 10th commandments in Exodus 20

California election-year opportunities, Part 1

Thursday, March 5, 2020, 2:53 pm | Randy Thomasson
SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

See my March 9, 2020 report on how pro-family conservatives can hold or gain seats in the California State Legislature this election year

First off, I want to thank you for voting, and for anything you did to help other people vote for what’s right in God’s sight.

There were several victories in California’s just-concluded primary election, and real opportunities for California’s general election. In light of this, I want to encourage you to get personally involved in support for a candidate with rock-solid values who can win in November. And I call on every biblical pastor to lead his flock to vote as an exercise of loving King Jesus, loving their neighbors, hating evil, and clinging to what’s good.

Because freedom is not free, and all who claim a relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ must actively promote good in our culture and government. Because love is active, it must enter the public arena. “Abandonment theology” is unbiblical and unChristian!

While the remaining votes are still being counted, here are California election results you should be excited about…

1. California voters rejected $27 BILLION in wasteful new debt that had the faces of the educrats and Governor Gavin Newsom all over it:

The rejection of the government-school establishment’s Proposition 13 on the March 3, 2020 ballot means more Californians “get it” that they can’t trust the same people who have dumbed down our children. It also showed how some liberals and conservatives were confused over the new “Prop. 13,” thinking it had something to do with 1978’s original Proposition 13 property tax protection, so some opposed it for that reason. But we’ll take the win either way, won’t we?

Yet do you realize this was the first defeat of a California statewide “school construction and repair” bond in 18 years? Four times since 2002, California voters have approved what they thought was “free money” to “repair schools,” but which actually locked California families into financial bondage, worse government, and worse schools.

So the voters saying no to this expensive and wasteful bond is historic. It’s also why the Liberal Left (i.e., Democrat politicians, Democrat bureaucrats, Democrat union bosses, Democrat activists, and Democrat donors), which wants you to vote this November to dramatically increase property taxes on commercial property to “increase funding for public schools,” is worried.

2. Pro-family Californians can help take back Congress in 2020:

Since 2018 was the Liberal Left’s high point, when they took control of the U.S. House of Representatives and solidified their super-super-majority in the California Legislature, 2020 can more easily be a rebound for moral, social, and fiscal conservative values, if pro-family conservatives (including biblical pastors) will simply rise up and be counted.

California could help reform the House of Representatives in November. Because there are several California congressional seats that could flip from Democrat to Republican:

CD 7 in south Sacramento County: Could conservative fighter Buzz Patterson oust liberal Democrat Ami Bera? He might come close. In the primary election vote count, Patterson got only 7,000 votes less than Bera. This seat was held by Republican Dan Lungren until the 2012 election.

CD 10 in Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties: Strong conservative Ted Howze has won the chance to try to take out Democrat incumbent Josh Harder in this strategic seat that was held by Republican Jeff Denham until the 2018 election.

CD 16 in Fresno, Madera, and Merced counties: In the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, can conservative Republican Kevin Cookingham oust Democrat incumbent Jim Costa? If this is a popularity contest, the Republican just received more votes than the Democrat.

CD 21 in Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Kern counties: This Central Valley area that grows much of California’s fruits and vegetables could flip back to Republican David Valadao, who received 7,000 votes more than his Democrat opponent, the current congressman, T.J. Cox. (Valadao held this seat until the 2018 election.)

CD 24 in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties: Pro-family talk-show host and activist Andy Caldwell is one to watch. While 12,000 votes behind the Democrat incumbent, Salud Carbajal, Andy’s quite the fighter and could narrow that gap.

CD 25 in Simi Valley in Ventura County and the Los Angeles County communities of Santa Clarita, Valencia, Newhall, Palmdale, and Lancaster: For pro-family conservative Mike Garcia to trump former congressman, pro-transsexuality Republican Steve Knight, by more than 4,000 votes means November will be a clear choice between Garcia and his Democrat opponent, Christy Smith, who votes like the district’s former Democrat congresswoman, Katie Hill, a bisexuality activist.

CD 39 in Fullerton, La Habra, La Habra Heights, Brea, Buena Park, Anaheim Hills, Placentia, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Chino Hills, Hacienda Heights and Rowland Heights: In this conservative district straddling the border of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties, Republican Young Kim received nearly 7,000 more votes than the incumbent, Democrat Gil Cisneros. If Kim would promise to stop voting part pro-family, part pro-“LGBTQIA+” like she did during her time in the California State Assembly, she could become a pro-family hero who restores this district, which was a Republican mainstay under former Congressman Ed Royce, who did not run in 2018.

CD 41 in the western Riverside County communities of Eastvale, Jurupa Valley, Riverside, Moreno Valley and Perris: Republican Aja Smith is back, and this time her vote totals are a lot closer to that of incumbent Democrat Mark Takano. Until 2012, this seat was held by Republican Jerry Lewis, who retired the same time the district was redrawn.

CD 45 in the Orange County communities of Irvine, Tustin, North Tustin, Villa Park, Orange, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, and Rancho Santa Margarita: This seatcould flip back Republican, since in this primary election, all the Republican challengers combined received more votes than the very liberal Democrat incumbent, Katie Porter. In the November runoff will be Porter and law-and-order Republican Greg Raths. Until beaten in the 2018 election, this seat was held by Republican Mimi Walters.

CD 48 on the coast of Orange County: This former Republican district now has Democrat Harley Rouda, who, in this primary election, received fewer votes than all his Republican challengers put together. Facing off with Rouda in the general election is Michelle Steel, a stalwart conservative. This congressional seat was held by Republican Dana Rohrabacher until the 2018 election.

CD 49 on the north coast of San Diego County and the southernmost part of Orange County: This is another former Republican district that could swing back Republican, since, in the primary election, Republican Brian Maryott is only 7,000 votes lower than incumbent Democrat Mike Levin. Until the 2018 election, this seat was held by Republican Darrell Issa, who declined to run that year.

There’s more election news and SaveCalifornia.com is still tabulating results. But for now, will you commit to shine your light in this year’s election? Together, let’s pursue victory!

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Psalm 94:16