Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 3:22 pm | Randy Thomasson
Late Monday, when Democrat-controlled newspapers reported what Buffy Wicks, a Gavin-Newsom-loving Democrat state Assemblywoman told them, I rejoiced that the proposed statewide “vaccine passport” of AB 455 is “dead for the year.” Look at these headlines:
— “Democratic lawmakers drop their idea of a California statewide vaccine mandate” — “California Democrats drop plan to require COVID vaccines to work, go to most public places” — “Proposed California vaccine verification bill on ice” — “Vaccine requirement for California workers shelved for the year”
The demise of this unscientific proposal, to deny health-conscious people basic necessities and jobs unless they get a risky injection in their arms, is a result of thousands of righteously angry Californians calling and emailing.
Because a “vaccine passport” is controversial, and since the “lobby” in favor of it is new and not overwhelming, this was a definite opportunity to win. And so quick action by liberty-loving citizens paid off, flooding Sacramento with thousands of calls and emails for several days, and stopping this monstrous bill before it was formally introduced. The ruling Democrats wanted to avoid loss and protect Gavin Newsom from upset voters!
If you participated with SaveCalifornia.com in helping to expose and oppose AB 455’s proposed “vaccine passport,” you are part of this victory — thank you big-time!
However, with Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical “vaccine mandates” upon state workers, health care workers, and schoolteachers, and with too many big businesses becoming Newsom’s human-crime accomplices, health-conscious Californians need help overcoming the decidedly un-American threat of “the jab or your job.” Here’s my advice:
— Grasp the fact that Covid-related deaths in California is currently 0.01 or 0.02 “deaths per 100K.” This means if you’re infected with any form of Covid, your chance of dying from it is either 1 in 5 million or 1 in 10 million — much lower than your chance of dying from walking, driving, eating, or being hit by a bolt of lightning
“I think this whole pandemic from the beginning was about the vaccine. So I think all roads lead to the vaccine and what it means. There are already places in southeast Asia and Europe — they’re laying the groundwork for compulsory vaccination — I mean, compulsory — that means somebody pins you down to the ground and puts a needle in you. That’s how bad stakeholders want vaccination … This ‘needle in every arm’ is a very important moniker. Why? The tension that Americans are feeling right now, as they’re trying to keep their jobs and go to work, is they know they could die of the vaccine — that’s the problem!” Renowned American physician and Covid expert Dr. Peter McCullough, May 2021
Monday, August 9, 2021, 10:51 am | Randy Thomasson
Democrat politicians are the New Communists, who believe you’re not in charge of your own health — they are; and your body doesn’t belong to you — but to them.
Add to this Democrat politicians’ insatiable desire for power at all costs, so they sell themselves to the highest bidder — especially to Big Pharma, which demands everyone get the so-called “Covid vaccine,” so they can make BILLIONS more every year (and, in return, contribute multi-millions to Democrat politicians).
Don’t believe the “Covid vaccine” is hurting real people? Watch this newsreel of deaths and injuries.
In light of the significant risks to life and body from the unsafe “Covid vaccines,” I encourage you to NOT comply with any attempt to force you to be injected with these experimental biological agents. Federal law prohibits this, but Biden & Co. is hiding your rights from you!
The federal Emergency Use Authorization law and the FDA, including the FDA Fact Sheets, state unequivocally that each person has the “option to accept or refuse” the shots. These shots are experimental and investigational and have not been licensed by the FDA. The Nuremberg Code also states that voluntary consent “is absolutely essential.”
If you’re a small business owner who respects people’s God-given rights, or the federal law, or the science showing these so-called “vaccines” are unnecessary, ineffective, and dangerous, please encourage other small business owners to NOT coerce anybody to be injected against their free will.
Remember, if they can force you to be injected, they can do anything they want to you. So fight for your rights now! Please stand with others to loudly and publicly oppose mandatory shots this Wednesday noon:
Thursday, August 5, 2021, 4:15 pm | Randy Thomasson
Dr. Marty Makary, a Johns Hopkins Hospital surgeon, says unscientific variant hysteria is being “used to manipulate people to get vaccinated” for a mild virus variant that has “a case fatality rate similar to seasonal flu.”
And although the corrupt CDC and Democrat politicians don’t care about truth, and therefore ignore these facts, I care, you care, and other concerned people care.
Which is why, just about every day, I’m checking the State of California’s Covid database for what really matters with viruses, which is the death rate. And what I’m seeing proves there’s no justification for dehumanizing masks, invasive tests, and non-vaccine “Covid vaccines” that are killing tens of thousands and injuring millions.
The above chart spanning March 2020 to the present week from the State of California’s Covid-19 dashboard currently reports a “7-day average death rate” of 0.02 per 100K, which means if you catch any form of Covid in California (this chart includes “variants”), you have a 1 in 5 million chance of dying from it (0.02 x 50 = 1; 100,000 x 50 = 5,000,000).
This is an extremely low death rate — much lower than your chance of dying from eating, walking, driving, or being struck by lightning. Which means it’s not an epidemic defined by a high death rate and overflowing hospitals. And California is experiencing neither.
Please show this to others. Because if reasonable people grasped this reality, their unhealthy fear and compliance with unscientific tyrants would cease.