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State judge ‘spanks’ Newsom

Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 10:50 am | Randy Thomasson
“Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman smiles during an investiture ceremony Monday, December 31, 2012 at the Sutter County Courthouse in Yuba City. At left is her husband Greg Heckman.” (Yuba-Sutter Appeal-Democrat newspaper)

It’s unusually good that a state judge in Sutter County (north of Sacramento) has called Gavin Newsom unconstitutional.

On November 2, Sutter County Judge Sarah Heckman issued a 9-page ruling that a) found Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom violated the California State Constitution when he signed his June 3 “executive order” trying to decrease in-person voting, and b) “prohibited” him from doing anything that “amends, alters, or changes existing statutory law or makes new statutory law or legislative policy.”

This helpful ruling provides a witness that Newsom has been operating as a law unto himself. In her opinion, Judge Heckman noticed the outrageous, unconstitutional deeds and predilections of Newsom:

The Governor takes the position the CESA’s grant of authority to exercise “all police power vested in the state,” allowing him to “promulgate, issue, and enforce such orders and regulations as he deems necessary” authorizes him to legislate by unilaterally amending existing statutory law. Not only is this an active and ongoing controversy between the parties, but it is a critically important one for the Judicial Branch to resolve. The State of Emergency brought about by the COVID-l9 pandemic which was proclaimed by the Governor on March 4, 2020 continues in effect, indefinitely, and the Govemor continues to have authority to act under the CESA. The Governor has issued three executive orders during the current state of emergency specifically regarding the November 3,2020 general election (Def. Exs. 4 and 5; Pl. Ex. D) and has issued more than 50 different executive orders changing numerous California statutes since the state of emergency was declared. (Pl. Ex. F)

The Governor continues to issue executive orders which create legislative policy (Pl. Ex. G.) The evidence persuades the Court it is reasonably probable the Governor will continue issuing executive orders which amend statutory law and create legislative policy under the purported authority of the CESA, violating the California Constitution and the rights of plaintiffs thereunder and giving rise to a multiplicity of judicial proceedings, unless restrained by a permanent injunction.

What’s the practical effect of this good ruling? Unknown at this point.
On the one hand, it might not mean much. First, because the June 3 election-related order no longer has any practical purpose; second, because Newsom since late June has been having his Department of Public Health issue most of the Covid-related “orders.” Newsom has been literally hiding behind the state public health officer, who purportedly has unlimited order-making abilities (this is clearly unconstitutional and begs for a lawsuit).

On the other hand, this ruling has the potential to add to the foundations of other lawsuits. Whether currently filed or yet to be filed, liberty-based lawsuits can become “weightier” by quoting the Sutter County ruling. As Republican Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (who, along with Republican Assemblyman James Gallagher, sued Newsom) said, a permanent injunction (which the judge indeed ordered) means “a number of his previous orders would immediately be exposed as unlawful, while others may become newly vulnerable.” 

Ultimately, despite Newsom, despite his Department of Public Health, and despite local “public health officers,” elected county supervisors can and should quickly end this destructive, unscientific, anti-people lockdown by terminating their county’s “emergency order” and prohibiting any county monies to enforce any state “epidemic” order (i.e. limits on businesses, face masks, and the like).

It’s all up to county supervisors, as Placer County’s successful reopening has demonstrated. Bottom line, it’s time for county residents get tough. To hold pro-lockdown “Republican” county supervisors to account, pro-liberty county residents must threaten them with defeat at the polls next year unless they fully reopen without any restrictions this month.

Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
Have fellowship with You?
They gather together against the life of the righteous,
And condemn innocent blood.
But the Lord has been my defense,
And my God the rock of my refuge.
Psalm 94:20

The latest evidence on face coverings

Sunday, November 1, 2020, 12:25 pm | Randy Thomasson

The big world powers are telling you to wear a face covering. Are they wrong? Let’s follow the evidence where it leads. Here’s what Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Media, and Big Tech aren’t telling you:

12 graphs show mask mandates don’t stop COVID
‘Powerful institutions have too much political capital invested in the mask narrative’
A dozen graphs charting the number of COVID-19 cases in countries and U.S. states confirm the conclusions of recent studies that mask mandates have no effect on the spread of the disease.WND.com, October 29, 2020 wnd.com/2020/10/4865713

E-MASK-ulation: How we have been lied to so dramatically about masks
What did the scientific literature say before the issue became political?
A dozen graphs charting the number of COVID-19 cases in countries and U.S. states confirm the conclusions of recent studies that mask mandates have no effect on the spread of the disease.
TheBlaze.com, October 10, 2020: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-lied-to-dramatically-about-masks

Danish newspaper reveals largest study on masks has been rejected by 3 medical journals
Why not just conduct a randomized controlled trial to test whether masks work against COVID-19? Why assume such a draconian and dehumanizing mandate works as if it’s an article of faith and create such division when we can discover which side is correct? That’s what a group of Danish researchers felt, which is why, over the spring, they conducted such a study. So why have the results not been published, three months later? According to one Danish newspaper, the study has been rejected by three medical journals because the results are too controversial.
TheBlaze.com, October 22, 2020

Science says face masks don’t protect you from Covid
Ask yourself — are the authorities following the science on face masks?In February and March, the WHO, the CDC, and the U.S. Surgeon General all said face masks won’t protect you from catching Covid – or the flu. And in May, a study of studies on the CDC website found (quote) “improper use [of masks] might increase the risk for transmission” of Covid. It’s logical, right? If you use the same face mask every day, breathing into it, touching it with your hands, then touching doorknobs and other things – you’re spreading your “ick” to others. Think about how people infected with Covid are using masks to spread their “ick.” And this “improper” behavior is happening all over America.Now, more people are learning about a new study, posted on the CDC website, found that 84 percent of people wearing masks all or most of the time still became infected with Covid.
SaveCalifornia.com blog, October 14, 2020

On a personal note, I just reclaimed more of my God-given liberty, improved my character, and got new shoes at the same time. You see, I’m very frugal. But I really needed new shoes, since the disappearing cushioning of my old shoes was beginning to hurt my heels (about every five years, I try to buy a new pair of these New Balance training shoes).

But I didn’t realize Big 5 Sporting Goods was unscientifically and tyrannically requiring masks without exception, I walked in their store without my CDPH list of exemptions (which includes when a mask obstructed breathing, which I claim and everybody else can clam too). Walking past the cashier, I announced “I have an exemption,” and proceeded directly to the shoes in the back.

Soon, a tall, heavy-set manager appeared and said I couldn’t shop without a face covering. Using his first name (I look at name tags), I said the state recognizes my exemption, so will Big 5 also recognize my exemption? He said no. I then I asked whether this was a county, state, or store policy. He said he didn’t know. I held out my old shoes to him (I had taken them off), and said I was just there to buy these shoes again and did they have my size. Relenting, he looked at the label on my old shoes, walked over to a shoe cabinet about 15 feet away, and quickly found the right shoes in my size.

He then tried to get me out of the store by suggesting I could buy the shoes, and if they didn’t fit, I could bring them back. I countered by saying I needed to try them at the front door. So I followed him up front and donned the new shoes and walked in them back and forth, inside the store between the casher’s area and the front door. When I had finished my walking and testing, I said I’ll buy them, but the manager was nowhere to be seen (I’m guessing he didn’t like my firm but friendly leadership). So I bought them from the cashier and walked out with my new shoes on.

Five years of heavy use (and rarely unlacing before inserting my feet) makes for some beat-up shoes. I’m glad Big 5 still wanted my money for new shoes!

I believe this worked because I a) claimed my exemption, b) refused to take no for an answer, c) asked the store employee to find me just one item, and d) demanded an optional way to inspect the item. And I kept something in mind – that these stores’ #1 goal is to make money, and that they wanted mine. So if you use these tactics, and be firm, friendly, creative, and stubborn, perhaps you can win too. See my general mask strategies here.

The first one to plead his cause seems right,
Until his neighbor comes and examines him.

Proverbs 18:17

You’ve got to see the Biden-Harris-Sanders agenda

Wednesday, September 2, 2020, 11:18 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

You’re familiar with President Donald Trump’s public policies, but what would the Democrats give you — or do to you — if they seize the White House this election?

Well, Joe Biden and his friends have put it in writing. In May, Biden and socialist independent Bernie Sanders assembled teams of liberals to hammer out what a Biden Administration would believe and stand for. It was an aggressive “progressive wish list,” with Sanders’ people leading the way.

Then, in early July, a 110-page “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations” was posted on the Biden for President website.

Joe Biden said he liked it. Yet Bernie Sanders had to like it even more, because it demonstrated he had made Biden into the most leftist Democrat nominee for U.S. president ever.

Said Biden in a July 8, 2020 statement, “I commend the Task Forces for their service and helping build a bold, transformative platform for our party and for our country. And I am deeply grateful to Senator Sanders for working together to unite our party, and deliver real, lasting change for generations to come.”

Get it? Biden and Sanders (and Kamala Harris) want to “build a bold, transformative plaform,” meaning radical and revolutionary. New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, in her piece, “Beware the Biden-Sanders radical lefty manifesto,” opined:

Joe Biden signed the death warrant for his campaign last week, even if he doesn’t know it. The joint manifesto he released with Bernie Sanders is 110 pages of radical far-left policies — from a job-killing $2 trillion climate agenda to eliminating cash bail and dismantling border protection.

It betrays the working-class voters Biden claims to represent and destroys any pretense that he is a “moderate.” As Sanders has boasted, Biden would be “the most progressive president since FDR.”

Well-meaning people might stick their fingers in their ears and vote for Biden out of nostalgia for a Democratic Party that no longer exists or out of exhaustion at the relentless anti-Trump barrage.

But with his “Unity Task Forces” document, Biden has proven only that he is an empty husk. Old Joe, who was for police and working people and law and order, is long gone. His body is there but, like his party, it has been invaded by the socialist left.

True-blue constitutional scholar/author/radio host Mark Levin explained the specifics of the Biden-Sanders ‘manifesto’ August 20 with Sean Hannity on FNC). It’s worth watching.

Here’s a transcript of the best parts of the interview:

LEVIN: All right. Let me — let me — let me — let me jump in here. You see this, Sean, you know what this is, it’s the akin to the communist manifesto. This is the Bernie Sanders-Biden manifest. They put this out.

Nobody’s discussing it. No newsroom has actually read it. It’s not discussed at the Democratic Convention. And by the way, liberty is not discussed, electricians aren’t discussed, plumbers aren’t — it’s just a big hate-fest.

But I want to go through this very briefly, because that’s all the time I have anyway. I want people to know what’s in these documents, 110 pages long, how they’re going to destroy your country.

They want to retrofit millions of American homes and buildings to prevent carbon dioxide emissions in use. What’s carbon dioxide? Well, if you’re in third grade and taking a science class, it’s what you exhale and then plants use it to create oxygen. That’s third grade stuff.

Encourage more publicly owned municipal broadband networks, expand public and private care-giving jobs in health care, child care, elder care, and they want them unionized and they want them to have benefits and imposed by the federal government.

Create a postal banking system to expand banking access for low-income families funded by us, forge a new social and economic contract — whatever the hell that is. Bail out states and cities, $15 nationwide minimum wage, massive expansion of public sector unions, elimination of right-to-work laws in states.

This is their proposal. Domestic workers Bill of Rights and the Power Act, further federal guarantees to public sector unions, guaranteed pay sick leave, guaranteed family leave, massive redistribution of wealth through taxation, federal government will provide affordable housing, federal homeowners and renters bill of rights, federal involvement and local zoning decisions and neighborhood economic and racial diversity aimed at the suburbs, retool assembly lines for zero emissions vehicles.

Bye, Detroit.

All 500,000 school buses in America transition to zero emission vehicles within years, massive expansion of public transportation, massive regulation of fossil fuels leading to brownouts and blackouts. You can see in California right now. In other words, they want to end natural gas coal and oil.

Health care, a public options plan administered by Medicare. They’re going to destroy Medicare. The age rule of Medicare will be lowered from 65 to 60, it can’t handle it.

Price controls, taxpayer funding of all abortions, gun control and confiscation treated as a public health issue by the CDC. They call health care equity, whatever that means.

Climate, national goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for all new buildings by 2030. By the way, you know what greenhouse gas emissions are? You ever drive by the road and you see a greenhouse in the winter and flowers are growing and tomatoes are growing? It’s called the atmosphere.

In an attempt to create a 100 percent clean building sector, you can see how they’re going to demolish our economy, destroy our smokestack industries, commit to eliminating carbon pollution.

Carbon dioxide is not pollution. We don’t get oxygen but for giving carbon dioxide to plants, from power plants by 2035 through new technology and neutral standards for clean energy and energy efficiency.

They want to install 500 million solar panels, 60,000 made in America wind turbines, you’ll never get any sleep. Commit that all jobs in clean energy economy will be unionized, pursue environmental and climate justice, I have no idea what that means. I’m not done.

Create a federal civilian corps of unarmed, first responders, social workers, EMTs to go to non-violent emergencies, how do you know emergencies nonviolent until you get there? Reduce the militarization of police — yeah, we have all these tanks that the police forces are using.

And the use of private prisons and detention centers, including for immigrant related offenses. Prevent desperate disciplinary treatment of children of color in school and educational settings, federal standards for training and use of force for local law enforcement, lower the standard for prosecuting law enforcement officials and expand prosecutions of law enforcement officials.

This is in the Biden Sanders manifesto: eliminate imprisonment for failing to pay fines and fees, appoint leftists to the federal courts , appoint leftists to prosecutorial positions. Man, I better not be running out of time.

Reduce pre-trial detention, abolish the federal death penalty retroactive reduced sentence — retroactive reduced sentences. All — all but in solitary confinement, abolish prison labor, ensure housing for formerly incarcerated individuals.

What else? Let me just hit immigration quickly. Extend Affordable Care Act benefits, in other words government-paid health care to Dreamers, immigrants with temporary legal status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In other words, government paid for by you health care for illegal aliens. Gee, that won’t cause a rush on the border.

Support legislation to treat the spouses and children of green cardholders as immediate relatives. So massively expand chain migration. Boy, they must be looking out for union workers and blue-collar workers in the battlefields — battleground states.

Waivers to the permanent bars that keep families separated support — all right, enough.

Here’s the bottom line: any one of these proposals by this crazy left-wing party — that’s what it is now, it’s been taken over by the hardcore Marxist left — any one of these proposals will adversely harm the workers in this country, the families in this country and the communities in this country.

It’s 110 pages long. For all of the talk they do covering the Democrat convention, for all the yammering about who gave a good speech, or that was really great, notice how our newsrooms don’t discuss the substance of what the Democratic Party is running on.

If they win in November 3rd, everything about your country is going to change for the worse. America will not look like America again. We tried these failed experiments throughout Europe. We’ve tried them throughout the third world. You get poverty, you get dislocation, you get massive inequality, you get a police state. That’s what they stand for. That’s it.

HANNITY: I have another minute for you. I was totally — you know, I gave you extra time.

LEVIN: Well, then let me take it up. I got another minute.

HANNITY: Of course you do.

LEVIN: First of all, hold on now, there’s 320 million Americans, about 18 million Americans are watching this. So, the vast majority are — honestly, Sean, I’m watching clips. Who the hell can sit there after dinner and watch this and keep the food in their stomach? Perfectly honest.

And look at the analysis. Oh, Obama, that (ph) speech. Oh, Michelle Obama’s speech was great! This is the nature of the media today, lacks substance.

This 110-page document has been sitting out there. We got superficial reviews of it. People need to understand. They are going to destroy blue collar jobs. They are going to destroy the assembly lines in this country.

And I’ll add this. The Biden-Harris-Sanders manifesto is messing with Creator God’s design of humans, sex, and family. On page 83, the Biden-Harris-Sanders manifesto perverts private schools and ban parental choice in education (no tax credits, no vouchers):

“Prohibit the disbursement of federal funds to organizations or providers that discriminate based on race, sex, religion, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status.”

“Oppose any and all voucher and neo-voucher programs such as Education based on race, sex, religion, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status.”

And made-up “genders,” mentioned as “LGBTQ+,” are throughout the document.

So there you have it — some of the best voter information you can get on what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stand for. Because no one should vote in the dark.

“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin.
And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
Ronald Reagan, 40th U.S. president (1981-1989)