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New Alert: Tell Newsom to override Cal/OSHA on masks

Friday, June 4, 2021, 8:53 am | Randy Thomasson


We lost a battle, but we might win this war!

In their 8-hour “virtual meeting,” after hearing from nearly 100 opponents, the Cal/OSHA board on Thursday initially voted 4-3 to reject their staff’s tyrannical scheme to pressure virtually all indoor employers to coerce their workers to uselessly and harmfully “mask up,” “social distance,” get tested and get injected with a dangerous experimental biological agent.

But then, with some deceitful massaging by the chairman, the Cal/OSHA board unanimously approved the plan on a “temporary” basis. So it passed and is scheduled to go in effect in a couple weeks — unless Governor Newsom overrides it.

Cal/OSHA’s act is unconstitutional, unscientific, thieving, and socialist. The tyrannical arrogance of some of these Democrat board members shows they don’t mind trampling your property rights, mandating or coercing dangerous, completely unnecessary injections.

See this Big-Government gobbledygook from leftist board member Barbara Burgel, who said:

….she strongly believes “that employers who have the legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace” and need “to continue to protect their workers in this COVID pandemic, which is not totally controlled.”

In other words, the government is in charge of and can take over your business operations, what they don’t mandate they’ll coerce with fear, and they actually believes the lie that no societal normalcy is “permitted” until the virus is totally extinguished. The devil would be proud! Because the virus has already burned itself out and property rights and human rights are not the Left’s toys to play with and squash if they so desire.

Thank you to our SaveCalifornia.com friends who called Newsom and Cal/OSHA. The business owners and business leaders who spoke against Cal/OSHA’s plan to continue oppressive Covid restrictions beyond June 15 expressed great concern over the government’s continued abuse of, and promoting strife within, real-world working environments:

Others, though, said they were concerned that drawing a distinction between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated could essentially create two classes of workers and an environment where some employees were subject to harassment. They worried that requirements could be discriminatory or attention would be drawn to private medical decisions. “One of our members is considering placing stickers on ID badges to determine who is vaccinated and who is not. Many are considering creating separate floors,” said Helen Cleary, director of the Phylmar Regulatory Roundtable, a business coalition. “The unintended consequences of these provisions are serious and they cannot be understated. They have the potential to negatively impact thousands of workers in the state.”


Pro-lockdown Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, besieged by a looming recall election and science regularly proving him wrong, has said he would end “most” of his Covid “restrictions” on June 15. This puts him at odds with Cal/OSHA. But Newsom can “override” Cal/OSHA with yet another of his “emergency power” orders. He knows it and the media is reporting this option. So the pressure is mounting and need to multiply!

1. Please use Newsom’s web form (choose “Comment” and “Covid-19”) to tell him: “Issue an executive order overriding Cal/OSHA. You need to reopen all of California on June 15.”
2. Also call Newsom’s constituent services number at 916-445-2841 Friday, June 4 from 9am to 5pm. Choose the option to leave a message. He needs a flood of phone calls!

For more on this issue, see my May 31 blog

Wrong for Sean Hannity to promote Bruce Jenner

Friday, May 7, 2021, 5:21 pm | Randy Thomasson
1976 and 2015 photos of Bruce Jenner, with his unchangeable XY chromosomes

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

I was sad to see talk host Sean Hannity bow down to the unnatural transsexual agenda by interviewing a delusional man who thinks he’s a woman. This “exclusive interview” from California was a half hour long!

The last few years, you and I have seen otherwise-conservative talk hosts interview homosexual Tammy Bruce (who invariably announces she’s “a lesbian” in her interviews) and Ric Grenell, who’s “married” to another man. It’s the mainstreaming of perversity, where sin isn’t sin anymore and reality is up for grabs.

Hannity’s May 5 sit-down with Bruce Jenner, an XY man who fantasizes he’s an XX woman, demonstrates how some “conservatives” aren’t only afraid of being called “homophobic,” but are afraid of being called “transphobic.” Yet real concern is merited. In the Hannity interview, Jenner said, “As a transwoman, I think role models are very important for children … I want to be a role model.” Betraying his claim of being a “conservative,” Jenner said, “but socially, I’ve been more progressive all my life.”

In 1976, Jenner became a national hero by winning the Olympic decathlon. Today, with his male sex chromosomes and his original male voice, Jenner insists you call him “her” and “Caitlyn.” This embracing as “normal” what used to be called a mental illness is destroying God’s design of human beings. What’s next, you’re “polyphobic” for opposing 3 or 4 people all being “married” to each other? Or you’re “pedophobic” for opposing “sex” with children? Or you’re “bestiphobic” for opposing “sex” with animals?

Here are the facts about transsexuality (the delusion that you aren’t your natural sex):

  1. No one can change his or her sex chromosomes: “The present data do not support the notion that brains of MtF-TR are feminized.” Source
  2. Transgenderism is not biologically-based: Irrefutable science establishes if you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your father, you’re male; if not, you’re female. “The sperm decides the genetic sex. The presence of the Y chromosome is the determinant of maleness.” Source “Y chromosome differs from other human chromosomes. It is found in cells of the male persons only.” Source
  3. Surgery not a “solution”: Transsexuals are 20 times more likely to commit suicide, even in “affirming” communities. Among people who have had “sex change” surgeries or hormone injections, 20% say they regret it. Among all “transgenders,” 41% are suicidal and 61-90% have recognized mental illnesses.
  4. A mental disorder: Cutting off healthy body parts indicates a mental disorder: “Desire for amputation of a healthy limb has usually been regarded as a paraphilia (apotemnophilia), but some researchers propose that it may be a disorder of identity, similar to Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or transsexualism. Similarities between the desire for limb amputation and nonhomosexual male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism include profound dissatisfaction with embodiment, related paraphilias from which the conditions plausibly derive (apotemnophilia and autogynephilia), sexual arousal from simulation of the sought-after status (pretending to be an amputee and transvestism), attraction to persons with the same body type one wants to acquire, and an elevated prevalence of other paraphilic interests.” Anne A. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D
  5. HIV super-spreaders: Transsexuals have the highest HIV/AIDS transmission rate (42%)
  6. Not born this way: “Studies are showing that kids are not born with this disorder. A 2019 Harvard-MIT study of half a million homosexual men found no biological basis, no “gay gene.” A 2014 study shows no specific chromosome aberration associated with MtF (male to female) transsexualism. A 2013 study looking for molecular mutations in the genes involved in sexual differentiation found none. Your child was not born in the wrong body.” Source
  7. Deep hurt deserves deep counseling: Transsexuality is a false identity and a serious disorder that deserves deep counseling to discover and heal the source of the sexual confusion, which is often rape or molestation of a child by a perpetrator. This is a real problem, given the conservative estimate that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys are victims of child sexual abuse. And so many stories of transsexuals include child sexual abuse.

And despite transsexuality being unnatural and unhealthy, the liberal establishment loves imposing “gender identity” laws equating transsexuality with race and ethnicity and punishing you if you disagree. Embracing this tyrannical agenda is no laughing matter. This was Hannity’s biggest on-air blunder yet.

In 1991 after eight years of living as a woman Heyer de-transitioned and became a man once more – one permanently altered both by surgery and regret. And according to Heyer he is not alone. Now in an explosive interview with DailyMail.com, Heyer, 79, has told how he turned from a man convinced that transitioning was the answer; to one evangelical in his view that the notion of Gender Dysphoria as illness and gender re-assignment surgery as cure is, ‘one of the most widely perpetrated and most dangerous lies’ of our time. …”But right now I’m speaking for people who don’t have a voice and think they don’t’ have support. Suicide rates in post-operative transgender community are 19 per cent. If we can save one person just by applying good, effective presurgical psychotherapy then it’s worth it.”
Walt Heyer, a former transsexual who now ministers to struggling “transgenders” at SexChangeRegret.com

Recall math: How to get a good governor

Saturday, May 1, 2021, 11:38 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office

Do you want a good governor again?

Given the qualification of Gavin Newsom Recall petition signatures, the evidence of tremendous harm done by this governor to California families, and the fact that Newsom is a true Democrat reflecting the unconstitutional insanity of his party, a constitutional, good governor will be the opposite of Newsom.

In the expected Fall 2021 recall election, Ballot 1 will be yes or no on firing Newsom, and Ballot 2 will be all the candidates who want to replace him as governor. And on the second ballot, the candidate receiving the most votes (a plurality) will win.

Which presents a challenge for California conservatives, since there is a leading liberal “Republican,” who’s a former big-city mayor, on Ballot 2. This “socially liberal” man, who’s marched in “LGBTQIA+” parades and supported awarding U.S. citizenship to illegal aliens, has already received the most endorsements of Republican state legislators. Did they know what they were endorsing?

Therefore, the only way to elect a true conservative is for California conservatives to rally behind the strongest conservative. Remember, a constitutional, good governor is someone you can trust to veto ALL the bad bills the Democrat-controlled State Legislature puts on his desk.

The problem is real, because with multiple “conservatives” running, they’re apt to split the conservative vote, which would propel the liberal “Republican” to victory. Consider the 2003 recall election, when liberal “Republican” Arnold Schwarzenegger deceived many conservatives (he signed bills imposing school sexual indoctrination and gave Californians a big tax hike and the elimination of party primaries).

Let’s do the math. Consider a scenario where two conservative candidates receive 30% and 25%. But the split conservative vote (totaling 55%) hands the victory to the liberal “Republican,” who wins with 35%. So, if you don’t want kick yourself later, calculate correctly now. If you want a constitutional, good governor, you can’t split conservative voters, and you must only support the leading conservative candidate (so he can be the top vote-getter). Because the hard math tells us minor conservative candidates will only help the liberal “Republican” win, by draining votes from the leading conservative.

Some of you want to know how I’ll vote. Well, I can tell you my standards for voting on the second ballot, which will contain many candidates who want to replace Newsom. I will vote for a candidate who:

  1. Has reliable moral, social, fiscal, conservative, constitutional values
  2. Is not a homosexual or transsexual (which is antithetical to the above values)
  3. Can win (acknowledged this September to be one of the three leading candidates)

To help you start your own research, here’s information on the top three declared candidates, in alphabetical order:

Ontheissues.org database reports John Cox is a “Libertarian-Leaning Conservative”
Unreliable Wikipedia describes Kevin Faulconer’s liberal social issues
Ontheissues.org database reports Doug Ose is a “Moderate Libertarian Conservative” 

Quite practically, a constitutional, good governor is somebody you trust to veto ALL the bad bills that the Democrat-controlled Legislature sends to his desk.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan…
The king establishes the land by justice,
But he who receives bribes overthrows it.
Proverbs 29: 2 and 4