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ALERT: Don’t let them dehumanize you

Monday, April 19, 2021, 9:15 am | Randy Thomasson

The “lockdown” idea is new — and unproven, until now. As you know, “lockdowns” violate your God-given liberties and trample your hard-won, hard-defended U.S. constitutional rights. And they didn’t stop Covid transmission. Yet these inhuman, unconstitutional, unnecessary lockdowns have been very successful in dehumanizing people, depressing children, ripping away American birthrights, stealing livelihoods, and destroying and redefining life as we know it.

Then came the forced masking of people — another unproven “order.” For the average mask doesn’t protect against Covid or the flu or anything else, since very small particles pierce mask pores. In fact, the only masks that do work (the majority of the time) are surgical N95 masks — but only if they are carefully fitted to each user’s face and replaced daily, along with personal training for each user.

As destructive as lockdowns are, mask mandates are even more devilish — preventing you from buying or selling without one. The Anti-Christ would be proud. Even otherwise reasonable people imposed masks on themselves and upon others. This was the cult-like result of depending on unscientific, politically-correct authorities. Sadly, most people haven’t heard the real virus science proving tyrannical orders to “lockdown,” “mask up,” “social distance,” and “disinfect surfaces” don’t work — and aren’t permitted under the U.S. Constitution.

And now, the ultimate goal of the New Communists: a worldwide “health” database enabling them to keep track of you, permit you, limit you, and give you permanent status as a “number.”

None of this is needed and only fools want it. So be wise and courageous! Resist these “new normals,” which dehumanize you and your family, and trample your God-given liberties and constitutional rights.

See the bulk of studies showing general-usage masks don’t block Covid
See the debunking of CDC’s shabby claims
See the latest on Covid and masks

Orange County is the epicenter of the threat of “vaccine tracking” in California. What’s happening is this establishment-run county wants to develop tracking software, so tyrannical companies will use it to ban principled people who don’t take the vaccine due to health concerns from traveling on a plane, train, or bus, or from entering sporting events or other entertainment venues, and even from shopping (if big store chains adopt this unnecessary and unscientific ban).

Because Orange County’s public health officer, Dr. Clayton Chau, is trying to make his county’s “vaccine database” the model for California and beyond, it’s very important for you to add your voice against it.

SaveCalifornia.com received this latest alert from Orange County activists, which we’re providing to you. Please take action, no matter where you live.

However, if you live outside of Orange County, please leave your voicemails during non-business hours, do not leave your address or contact information, and do not reply to anything you receive from supervisors’ offices. This suggested letter can also provide talking points for you to write elsewhere (especially on Orange County media outlets).


Orange County is “piloting” a vaccine passport program via the Othena App.
The OC Board of Supervisors met on April 13, and approved $3.8 million in taxpayer money to fund “vaccine verification” development for the app despite hundreds of residents demanding not to.


Andrew Do 714-834-3110 Andrew.Do@ocgov.com
Doug Chaffee 714-834-3440 Fourth.District@ocgov.com
Katrina Foley 714-834-3220 Second.District@ocgov.com
Donald Wagner 714-834-3330 Donald.Wagner@ocgov.com
Lisa Bartlett 714-834-3550 Lisa.Bartlett@ocgov.com

I am calling/writing to add my voice to the many Orange County residents who have already opposed your approval of expanding the Othena App to include infrastructure for “vaccine verification.” Aside from the blatant violation of HIPAA, by using taxpayer dollars to fund this tech infrastructure development, you are by, by default, allowing businesses to use this “Composite passport” technology to medically discriminate against the very people who are paying for it. On Tuesday, April 13, many residents demanded you put a stop to this development and you proceeded against the will of the people.

We the People request the following action with regards to the app development:

Effective immediately, cancel the contract between the OC Health Care Agency and Composite Apps, Inc.

Effective immediately, suspend the emergency order for the county. Under this order, you have signed over your elected power to one person, Health Director Chau. He has mismanaged and abused the authority granted to him long enough.

Effective immediately, I request the resignation or termination of Health Director Chau for implementing this contractual agreement to weaponize the Composite App technology against the very people paying for it. It was done in secret, it is medically discriminatory, and is a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars.

* * *

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“…fight the urge that’s sweeping the globe to mandate people taking an experimental biological agent. This is a big fight we have on our hands. It’s not really the government first that we’re concerned about. We’re very concerned about private businesses mandating this — employers, schools, and travel, airlines in particular. You can imagine if all the airlines got together — the CEOS — and said, “you know what, we’re just going to mandate this” — the six biggest ones got together and said that. It’s just like the masks, right? You can’t avoid their mandates. This is a very big problem.”
Dr. Simone Gold, founder, America’s Frontline Doctors, in January 2021

2.1 million signatures filed

Saturday, March 20, 2021, 9:28 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

When the final signatures for the recall of Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom were turned in with California county registrars of voters on March 17, the Recall Gavin Newsom campaign reported 2,117,730 total signatures were filed. What a historic civic achievement.

Hypothetically, if there’s a 75% validity rate, this means 1,588,297 valid signatures, which would be 92,588 valid signatures above the minimum number needed, which is 1,495,709 valid signatures. So I’ll bet money this will be on the ballot this fall.

I want to remind you how important it is to vote your values. Remember the 2003 California recall election when many conservatives chose social-liberal Arnold Schwarzenegger over rock-solid conservative Tom McClintock? Don’t vote for personality or non-policy issues, but vote for someone who’ll consistently veto every bad bill (most all of them) passed by the Democrat-controlled State Legislature.

At this time, your main “Republican” choices are (there are other minor candidates), according to the public-policy records of “On the Issues” are: Ric Grenell, a homosexual “married to a man” (no legislative record); two half-conservatives: “Moderate” Kevin Faulconer, and Doug Ose, a “Moderate” who leans conservative; and “Hard-Core Conservative” John Cox. Will moral conservatives rally around one candidate to replace Newsom to represents their values? If so, the math says that candidate can win the necessary plurality on the second question on the recall ballot, even with 30-35% support.

“‘Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them heads over you.’ … Then I commanded your judges at that time, saying, ‘Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him. You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid in any man’s presence, for the judgment is God’s.”
Deuteronomy 1:13,16-17

March 17 recall petition deadline

Monday, March 8, 2021, 8:49 pm | Randy Thomasson

Great news — the Recall Gavin Newsom campaign believes it has enough raw signatures to produce the required 1,495,709 valid signatures. I believe it too.

But to be extra safe in this cheating and stealing era of loose vote-by-mail ballots, why not keep getting new signatures until the March 17 deadline?

Thank you for how you’ve signed and circulated petitions! There’s a recall leader in every county in California. Please ask your county coordinator what is the final day you can hand in signatures. Because wouldn’t 2.1 or 2.2 million total signatures be good “insurance”?