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Overcoming political depression

Thursday, January 21, 2021, 11:59 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

If you’re a conservative or a Christian, you’re probably politically depressed right now. I’ve suffered from bouts of depression both this week and last, not because I put my trust in man, but because our constitutional republic is falling apart.

Yet, as a wanna-be-disciple of Jesus Christ, I don’t want my depression to last long. No, I want to overcome depression by a) realizing I choose my attitude, b) changing my expectations, and c) reclaiming a Biblical worldview.

My attitude is my choice

I must ask myself, “Am I unhappy because of my circumstances?” And “Am I unhappy because of other people?” If yes to either, I know I’m a victim of my own wrong thinking. Since even prideful people can train themselves to not depend on losses or other people’s opinions, then I can too. But I want to do better, by agreeing with Jesus Christ that my identity is in Him, and recommitting that I’m willing to suffer and die for Him. And then my cares tend to fade.

Applying this to the new White House occupant, I’m going to test myself whether I spend more time praising Jesus or worrying about Biden & Company. But avoiding worry doesn’t mean I avoid love or work. No, resisting fretting gives me more room in my mind and heart to love Jesus and love people. Saying no to worry actually helps me focus and energizes me to work with more urgency, insight, and creativity to defeat the New Communism that’s invaded the USA.

Changing my expectations

It’s a fact that we get the government we deserve. Because We the People ARE the government, and we elect “representatives” to work for us. And Americans have elected some secretaries of states and some county registrars of voters who engage in the unconstitutional, unfair, traitorous practice of election fraud.

We get the government we deserve because people who know what’s good, true, and right aren’t the authorities and gatekeepers that love their fellow man. Remember the biblical truism “You reap what you sow”? Most of America is sowing evil (putting their kids in government schools, seeking comfort at all costs, not loving one’s fellow man, worshiping feelings, and pursuing significance apart from God’s approval).

It’s also a spiritual reality that God is not blessing or protecting America, since His blessing is conditional. Creator God will not bless disobedience. And Americans are sinning against God big-time!

Another truth I must acknowledge is that Democrat politicians are professional liars. Therefore, we must not believe what they say, but watch what they do. I’m glad conservatives are transferring to alternative social media so they can expose these charlatans without having their accounts canceled.

Unfortunately, this unconstitutional “cancel culture” of the Democrats has been a long time coming. It’s a mark of Communism — which is merely totalitarianism disguised as populism — to prohibit dissent. That’s what Big Media does with their one-sided stories, what Big Tech and its Leftist allies are doing to “cancel” conservative voices, and what Biden & Company want to do by criminalizing free speech that they deem “political extremism,” “white supremacy,” and “domestic terrorism.” Their subjective definitions of these words and making themselves to be “the law” are a clear and present danger to half of all Americans.

Reclaiming a Biblical worldview

How can I be both positive and realistic? By reading God’s Word and believing it and living it. Here are five biblical truths to which I’m holding tight:

1. “Repent“: From Genesis to Revelation, Creator God wants each one of us to consider where we sin and turn from our wicked ways. In Revelation, Jesus Christ repeatedly calls on people created in His image to repent of their sins: “The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

This means our work of informing people what’s right and what’s wrong will continue to the end. God’s love compels us to continue telling the truth, so that some people, some families, and some societies can change their minds. And Jesus really wants His Church to repent (Revelation 2 and 3). Real repentance would mean many things, including the Church becoming the most powerful force for good government.

2. “Light repels darkness”: The reason for election fraud is true Christians have not been shining their lights to become county registrars of voters and secretaries of states. As a result, people with darkened minds and hardened hearts attain power and become political prostitutes, selling out to the highest bidder. And yes, there are prostitutes in both political parties, as seen by “Republican” pro-lockdown county supervisors and “Republican” pro-impeachment-of-President-Trump members of Congress

The observed fact that light repels darkness means darkness will not depart voluntarily, but must be forcibly overcome. So, this year, biblical pastors and people with strong moral standards must rise up to fight evil with a concerted effort. And in states with Republican-controlled legislatures, ensuring election integrity must be Job #1. This means passing laws requiring strict photo ID and in-person voting and no more machines.

3. “Big lies eventually break down”: Sometimes it takes decades and generations, but lies eventually are rejected because they “just don’t work” for most people. Because a lie cannot survive a trial when the evidence of reality is thrown against it. Remember how Communism broke down in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. On our own soil, for the sake of religious liberty, the Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620. Then, in 1776, our Christian-based American Revolution rejected British tyranny and birthed our nation. So when thoughts and words — not actions — are punished, when property rights and religious freedom are oppressed, and when unnatural “sex” is forced in government schools nationally, reasonable people are going to rise up and reject the lies of the ruling Democrats. Because they want what works. So it’s up to you and me and others like us to constantly show the benefits of doing things God’s way, which is always good, right, and true.

4. “The future of the wicked shall be cut off”: Based on the principle found in Proverbs 37, I predict the ruling Democrats in Washington, D.C. will overdo it, offending most Americans. Control of both Congress and the White House is too tempting for the Radical Left. When they start imposing their lie-based agenda, making average Americans poorer and with fewer constitutional rights, it’s going to rub average persons the wrong way. This year and the 2022 election year, we need to expose the evil excesses of the ruling Democrats. Because the pain of the Democrat regime will be a historic chance for more people to become more conservative and vote better.

5. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”: Based on this dependable, biblical truth. I want to sincerely submit to Jesus as my King to obey, whether a Democrat or Republican is in the White House. When loyal to King Jesus, the Savior of the world, I can be a faithful soldier who shines my light boldly, without fear of suffering or death. And I eagerly want to take more territory for Jesus Christ’s kingdom values!

My friend, I hope this has helped you think, have greater perspective and peace, and regain hope that you can make a positive impact — perhaps even more than ever — here in 2021.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.”

“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” by Christian hymnwriter Helen Lemmel

Who just stole your republic?

Friday, January 8, 2021, 8:44 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

If you’re reeling from the unconstitutional carnage you’ve witnessed this week, realize Creator God said it would be like this. Yes, putting the blame solely on sinners, the New Testament informs us:

…in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

Have more Americans become “lovers of themselves” instead of loving their neighbors as themselves? Yep.

Does America have more “lovers of money” than lovers of Jesus Christ? Yes, we’re guilty. And, in politics, there are definitely many “prostitutes” that sell out to avoid pain or to gain pleasure.

Have facts, evidence, logic, as well as the Natural Family and Christian holidays, been ridiculed and rejected by those who are puffed-up-with-pride “boasters” and “blasphemers”? You got it — and that pretty much describes your Radical Democrat rulers.

If you continue through the list, you’ll quickly realize America is checking all the boxes of self-willed sins. So, it’s spiritually accurate when Christian leader Franklin Graham says, “the sins of our nation are great and they are a stench in the nostrils of our Creator.”

Therefore, it’s not surprising the big sins of theft and false witness were committed by Democrat operatives in the presidential election. For to manipulate ballots and votes is stealing indeed, and proclaiming the candidate who legitimately lost to be the winner is being a false witness to the world.

Consider the oath of office for every local, state, and federal elected representative:

“I, __, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

For when the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, reads, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,” and when U.S. Founding Father and 4th U.S. President James Madison said this means states must obey their “written constitution and its existing laws,” every member of Congress must reject ballots (and electoral votes) that violated the written state laws. For, to accept fraudulent electoral votes is to violate the Constitution they publicly swore to defend.

Especially when Article II, Section 1 says the Legislature of each State — meaning the statutes passed by each state’s legislature — determines the manner of voting (NOT Governors, Secretaries of States, or county registrars of voters who violate state election laws because they lied during their oath of office).

Thank you for following SaveCalifornia.com’s lead to lobby 11 California Republican Members of Congress to reject fraudulent electoral votes. Because of your phone calls and emails, you helped 7 of the 11 to oppose election fraud. Yet, because Republican principles were eroded this week, only two of the battleground states’ election fraud had sponsors for floor votes.

How did California’s Republican congressional delegation vote on election fraud?

121 YES votes (objecting to Arizona’s fraudulent electoral votes for Biden)
YES Doug LaMalfa
NO Tom McClintock
YES Jay Obernolte
ABSENT David Valadao (but said he would have accepted all Biden electors)
YES Devin Nunes
YES Kevin McCarthy
YES Mike Garcia
YES Ken Calvert
ABSENT Michelle Steel (self-quarantining with Covid)
YES Darrell Issa

138 YES votes (objecting to Pennsylvania’s fraudulent electoral votes for Biden)
YES Doug LaMalfa
NO Tom McClintock
YES Jay Obernolte
ABSENT David Valadao (but would have voted NO)
YES Devin Nunes
YES Kevin McCarthy
YES Mike Garcia
NO Young Kim
YES Ken Calvert
ABSENT Michelle Steel
YES Darrell Issa

Please remember this — and resolve to fight for honest elections. With the presidential election stolen from Donald Trump, I hope he starts a nationwide election integrity organization that aggressively convinces more states to implement strict photo ID laws, permit only in-person voting, and ban voting machines.

Because our legislative and judicial branches have failed us, the executive branch has been captured by thieving traitors, and only an increasingly moral People can turn this around. And for the People to have power, election integrity is a must. But Donald Trump surely has motivation to clean up America’s election fraud, don’t you think?

Watch this satirical video “The Capitol was stormed!” by comedian commentator JP Sears, who spots liberal lies and knows how to jest to avoid being censored by Big Tech, yet still make insightful points.

Do lockdowns and masks work?

Friday, November 20, 2020, 11:06 am | Randy Thomasson

This is a very important, eye-opening blog. After reading it below, see my other Covid-related blogs:

(11/01/20) The latest evidence on face coverings
(10/17/20) Chipping away at the lockdown wall
(10/14/20) Science says face masks don’t protect you from Covid
(09/24/20) Let’s stop this lockdown madness together
(08/10/20) I admire these loving California pastors who’ve reopened
(08/07/20) Try to open your church school now — the State says you can
(07/22/20) How I’m still not wearing a mask
(06/20/20) Why I won’t wear a mask
(06/13/20) 15 facts why the lockdown and mask mandates are wrong
(05/30/20) The facts are coming out about COVID-19 and the destructive lockdown
(04/13/20) Look what’s curing COVID-19

Do lockdowns and mask mandates prevent transmission of Covid?

In July, the Lancet medical journal, after examining Covid data from fifty countries, concluded, “lockdowns…were not associated with a statistically significant reduction in … overall mortality.” Get it? The novel idea of a “lockdown” doesn’t save lives, despite doing a superb job of destroying people’s livelihoods.

And earlier this month, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found lockdowns and masks do not prevent Covid transmission. Military recruits locking down, wearing masks, and social distancing experienced a 1.9% infection rate, while military recruits not doing any of this had a 1.7% infection rate. Therefore, not locking down, not masking up, and not social distancing is as “safe” (and even safer) than performing these establishment-ordered acts.

And a large study of more than 6,000 adults in the small nation of Denmark found there was no statistically significant infection difference between people who wear masks and those who don’t. After one month, 1.8% of the people wearing masks had been infected and 2.1% in the unmasked group had also tested positive. This hardly-any-difference result explodes the myth of masks protecting you.

Remember, back in February and March, the medical establishment agreed that masks for the general public were ineffective in stopping the flu or Covid. But now, the opinion of these “authorities” has flipped, not based on science, but based on political correctness.

Let these facts stir you to rebel against the destructive, dehumanizing tyranny of lockdowns and mask mandates!

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God”
U.S. founding father Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson