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Defy Newsom’s unscientific statewide mask ‘order’

Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 9:21 am | Randy Thomasson
Scroll down for action steps

You have permission to be righteously angry over the new mask “order” of Newsom & Co.

Set to “go into effect” December 15, Newsom’s statewide “order” is another example that none of this is scientific. Because the Omicron variant is much weaker than the seasonal flu, which kills healthy children and young adults (remember years ago when the media used to talk about the seasonal flu, without lockdowns, masks, tests, and mandatory jabs?).

And no one in the world has died from the Omicron variant, despite you hearing that one person (probably someone with comorbidities) has died “with” Omicron in England.

And the death rate, correctly or falsely attributed to the Delta variant, even by the State’s own metrics, is extremely low. December 12’s 7-day average death rate of 0.02 deaths per 100,000 infections means if infected, you have a 1 in 5 million chance of dying from it.

These great odds mean you have nothing to be afraid of, and there’s certainly no justification for continuing to trample people’s God-given liberties. Consider that according to the insurance actuaries, you’re much more likely to die from eating, walking, driving, being hit by lightning, and having a refrigerator fall on you. But have you heard medical tyrants talk lately about restricting eating, walking, and driving? No, because their “orders” aren’t about science, health, or love.

What’s more, masks have large holes compared to the small sizes of Covid and influenza viruses, which pass right through. Several studies debunk mask efficacy, with even more evidence and logic on my blog proving masks just won’t protect you.

Fortunately, this Democrat-driven statewide “mask” order is largely unenforceable. Police won’t likely enforce it, and local government’s employees are spread thin, especially in December and also because some have been fired for refusing to be injected with a substance that doesn’t protect them, but puts at risk their health and lives.

So, please, business owners and shoppers, do not comply with this renewal of dehumanizing mask tyranny. Don’t buy the lie or participate in it. Remember your humanity and the value of a human smile. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!

On Wednesday, we should know which popular stores — especially grocery stores — will either not require masks or will honor state-recognized exemptions declared at the door. Please call SaveCalifornia.com at 916-265-5650 if you know of stores that still permit smiles.


1. Download the State of California’s updated list of exemptions to carry with you. When you walk into Walmart or Target, for example (because they’ve honored “health exemptions” in the past), if a door monitor asks you about a mask, say “I’m exempt” or “I have a health exemption” while you walk straight forward without stopping.

2. Stay in the know with SaveCalifornia.com’s Insider News emails. Sign up for free with no obligation.

3. Give $20 to help SaveCalifornia.com fight for you in 2022. You can donate securely here.

These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Why the big, bad ‘vaccine passport’ bill was dropped

Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 3:22 pm | Randy Thomasson
Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom with Democrat Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks of Oakland (California’s murder capital), a close ally of Newsom and the main author of the proposed “vaccine mandates” and “vaccine passports” amendments for AB 455.
Late Monday, when Democrat-controlled newspapers reported what Buffy Wicks, a Gavin-Newsom-loving Democrat state Assemblywoman told them, I rejoiced that the proposed statewide “vaccine passport” of AB 455 is “dead for the year.” Look at these headlines:

— “Democratic lawmakers drop their idea of a California statewide vaccine mandate”
— “California Democrats drop plan to require COVID vaccines to work, go to most public places”
— “Proposed California vaccine verification bill on ice”
— “Vaccine requirement for California workers shelved for the year”

The demise of this unscientific proposal, to deny health-conscious people basic necessities and jobs unless they get a risky injection in their arms, is a result of thousands of righteously angry Californians calling and emailing.

Because a “vaccine passport” is controversial, and since the “lobby” in favor of it is new and not overwhelming, this was a definite opportunity to win. And so quick action by liberty-loving citizens paid off, flooding Sacramento with thousands of calls and emails for several days, and stopping this monstrous bill before it was formally introduced. The ruling Democrats wanted to avoid loss and protect Gavin Newsom from upset voters!

If you participated with SaveCalifornia.com in helping to expose and oppose AB 455’s proposed “vaccine passport,” you are part of this victory — thank you big-time!

However, with Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical “vaccine mandates” upon state workers, health care workers, and schoolteachers, and with too many big businesses becoming Newsom’s human-crime accomplices, health-conscious Californians need help overcoming the decidedly un-American threat of “the jab or your job.” Here’s my advice:

Get your religious exemption, which is your right under the U.S. Civil Rights Act

— Don’t quit your job over the “jab,” but resist and let them reassign you, or even fire you (this way, you’ll qualify for unemployment payments)

— Get educated and stimulated by watching the August 31 San Diego BOS meeting (PM part)

— Urge your own state legislators to oppose AB 1102 and HR 71 which try to force risky “jabs”

— Grasp the fact that Covid-related deaths in California is currently 0.01 or 0.02 “deaths per 100K.” This means if you’re infected with any form of Covid, your chance of dying from it is either 1 in 5 million or 1 in 10 million — much lower than your chance of dying from walking, driving, eating, or being hit by a bolt of lightning

— Remind yourself and others of the official government statistics showing tens of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries from the dangerous “Covid vaccines”

— Exercise your constitutional character at a medical freedom protest near you

“I think this whole pandemic from the beginning was about the vaccine. So I think all roads lead to the vaccine and what it means. There are already places in southeast Asia and Europe — they’re laying the groundwork for compulsory vaccination — I mean, compulsory — that means somebody pins you down to the ground and puts a needle in you. That’s how bad stakeholders want vaccination … This ‘needle in every arm’ is a very important moniker. Why? The tension that Americans are feeling right now, as they’re trying to keep their jobs and go to work, is they know they could die of the vaccine — that’s the problem!”
Renowned American physician and Covid expert Dr. Peter McCullough, May 2021

You call the shots, not them

Monday, August 9, 2021, 10:51 am | Randy Thomasson

Democrat politicians are the New Communists, who believe you’re not in charge of your own health — they are; and your body doesn’t belong to you — but to them.

Add to this Democrat politicians’ insatiable desire for power at all costs, so they sell themselves to the highest bidder — especially to Big Pharma, which demands everyone get the so-called “Covid vaccine,” so they can make BILLIONS more every year (and, in return, contribute multi-millions to Democrat politicians).

But at what human cost?

According to the CDC, the “Covid vaccines” have already killed 11,940 Americans plus 1,175 pre-born babies, and have injured 618,648 Americans.

What’s more, a whistleblower says this is the tip of the iceberg, with the actual casualties being five times higher.

And in Europe, it’s even worse, with 20,595 dead and 1.9 million injured from these “vaccines.”

Don’t believe the “Covid vaccine” is hurting real people? Watch this newsreel of deaths and injuries.

In light of the significant risks to life and body from the unsafe “Covid vaccines,” I encourage you to NOT comply with any attempt to force you to be injected with these experimental biological agents. Federal law prohibits this, but Biden & Co. is hiding your rights from you!

The federal Emergency Use Authorization law and the FDA, including the FDA Fact Sheets, state unequivocally that each person has the “option to accept or refuse” the shots. These shots are experimental and investigational and have not been licensed by the FDA. The Nuremberg Code also states that voluntary consent “is absolutely essential.”

If your boss is thinking of imposing “Covid vaccines,” tell him or her you do NOT agree to be vaccinated, and show him the law, along with your letter requesting a religious exemption.

If you’re a small business owner who respects people’s God-given rights, or the federal law, or the science showing these so-called “vaccines” are unnecessary, ineffective, and dangerous, please encourage other small business owners to NOT coerce anybody to be injected against their free will.

Remember, if they can force you to be injected, they can do anything they want to you. So fight for your rights now! Please stand with others to loudly and publicly oppose mandatory shots this Wednesday noon: