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Momentum builds for California families’ water needs

Thursday, March 20, 2014, 7:00 am | Randy Thomasson

twocongressmen for new  water storageRepublican Congressman Doug LaMalfa and Congressman Democrat John Garamendi
calling for new water storage in Northern California

I’ve talked to a lot of people about water lately. Advocates for dams and advocates for personal water stewardship. Both sides have valid interests and were stimulated by my Feb. 4 alert urging more water storage. All agree that people’s water needs are more important than California’s bad policy of sending more water into the ocean than to thirsty families and farms that grow our food.

And now, even liberal Democrats who consistently vote against the natural family but who were either raised on a working ranch (Congressman John Garamendi) or who are old enough to remember when dams were being built (U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein) are calling for new water storage to be constructed in California. Reality is beginning to prevail against the Democrat/liberal environmentalist stronghold in Sacramento:

Garamendi: “There’s a world of hurt in the fields and orchards around us because we failed in the past to prepare for the inevitable drought.”

Feinstein: “The lesson is clear: we must build more storage to prepare for the next drought which is sure to come.”

Please join this winnable war on a crossover issue for what is essential for families: an adequate, stable supply of life-sustaining, food-growing water.

ACTION: Find your state assemblymember and state senator and leave a firm message that you want them to “build more water storage to supply the water needs of families and farms.” Enter your zip code to find the phone numbers of your state assemblymember and state senator.

O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.
Psalm 61:3 NKJV

The fantasyland of teen transsexuality

Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 2:37 pm | Randy Thomasson


What are little boys made of? Forget the rhyme because every boy has inherited a Y chromosome from his father. What are little girls made of? Their father didn’t give them a Y but an X  chromosome.

Fast forward from Creation to today. In Azusa, California a boy, who dresses like a girl, has forced his way (with the help of his immoral attorneys) onto the Azusa High School girls‘ softball team. Look at the picture. This boy is obviously male, because our chromosomes absolutely determine whether one is male or female. Thus, transsexuality is a fantasy, not reality, because no one can change their gender. Listen why

To be sure, this is neither a matter of equality nor a correction of unfair discrimination, nor a constitutional right. Males and females are naturally different — physically, sexually, and emotionally. God-given, morally-correct distinctions are good, but this…well, it’s tyrannical, immoral, unnatural, unhealthy, anti-child, anti-parent, anti-education, anti-physical modesty, and the list goes on.

See how I spoke out publicly on this and see how to protetect your children and grandchildren

Walt Heyer says that no one can really change their gender. He should know, too, because he’s tried. When he was only about five years old, Heyer’s grandmother began to dress him as if he were a girl and even made a dress just for him. The result was a very confused little boy. “I look at it today as being pretty abusive. While it seemed very benign at the time, and maybe even playful, I can see today…that it was really abusive to my psyche.”
Transsexual Returns to Original Gender, Christian Post, Jan. 11, 2012

The Democrats’ drought deception

Saturday, February 15, 2014, 5:15 pm | Randy Thomasson


You’re seeing Democrat politicians telling a big lie about California’s extraordinary drought.

On Friday, Barack Obama was in California’s Central Valley, which produces most of California’s fruits and vegetables and dairy products. The Central Valley is being hurt — and the rest of California by extension — because there has been little rain in December and January (thus the snowpack is low) and no large California dams have been constructed since the 1970s (despite a doubling of the state population).

But did Obama, and Jerry Brown and Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, who were all with him, even mention the only real solutions, which are: 1)  praying to God for rain, and 2) demanding new construction of water storage so that the wet months’ rain can be saved for people’s needs in the dry months? Not a chance.

Instead, Obama, Brown, Feinstein, and Boxer called for bigger government programs, water rationing, and – can you believe it – blamed their false villain of “man-made global warming” instead of blaming themselves and their radical environmental group allies for refusing to build large, new dams to serve the public. Of course, the liberal media is fawning all over them, and is helping to deceive the public that these politicians really care enough to bring new water to people.

But if these Democrat leaders truly cared about ushering in more water, they would at least agree with the Republican House of Representatives’ sound plan to stop California’s drinking water from being sent into the ocean, and instead divert that good water back to farmers and families. To get there, the Democrat politicians would have to reject their environmental wacko groups and accept the fact that Californian farmers and families need more water, right now.

This commonsense plan to prioritize water for people will only happen if voters who know the truth will rise up and demand more water supply and more water storage from the Democrat lawmakers in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. In an election year, if people’s voices are heard, we might just see some unprecedented action to quench a thirsty land.

Please barrage Sacramento with phone calls to “Build more water storage!” And spread the word to others!

“We went into 2013 with reservoirs 80% full and ended the year at 20% full, and now we have 0%,” said Valadao, citing the failure to build adequate storage for water. “We had lots of opportunities to prepare,” he noted, but Democrats “blew it.”
Republican U.S. Congressman David Valadao of Hanford, quoted in Investors’ Business Daily